Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter fifty-two

“Okay I’ve finished drawing the design… why don’t you come over to look at it?” Kat suggested walking out of her office and to the reception. Hannah pulled herself to her feet and walked a fast pace to see the design. Kat slid it across to her and Hannah gasped.

Kat Von D does certainly live up to her name… because the tattoo was exactly how she pictured it with added bonuses. Like she asked she had drawn an exact replica of Syn’s Schecter Synyster Custom guitar, outlined around it was the number one like his but in a little more detail and shading with red roses around that.

“Oh my god Kat I love it!”

Kat beamed a smile and told her to lift up her shirt so she could stencil it on her hip. Once that was done Kat guided her to mirror… then one of the chairs. “Okay now just lay on your side and we’ll get start… hey where’s Syn?”

“He just went outside to take a phone call” Corey answered. Kat nodded then turned back to her client.

“Do you want to wait for him?” She asked.

“Yes please…” Hannah replied nodding “I need a strong hand to hold on!”

Kat giggled slightly “Oh I know what you mean! I’m terrible when it comes to getting tattoos”.

Hannah looked at her as if she had three heads ‘She’s can’t be!?!’


Once again Kat laughed “I know its seriously fucked up!!” As soon as she said that Syn entered putting his phone in his pocket.

“Sorry about that…” he breathed as he walked over to where Hannah was sitting. “That was Larry telling us that they’d pick us up as soon as you’re done”.

“Fair enough... now get over here!” Hannah ordered at him. Syn couldn’t help but chuckle as he sat down next to her and grasped his hand... all he could think was ‘this is going to be entertaining’.

“Dude seriously she has you whipped!” Corey joked from his booth.

Hannah grinned from ear to ear... but that soon changed as soon as she heard the irritating buzzing sound from the needle.

“Ready?” Kat asked with a smile.

Hannah was silent... she was seriously reconsidering her decision but then she turned her head slightly to see Syn smiling down at her, reassuring her that he was here by stroking his thumb across her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Yes...” she answered not taking her eyes off him... until she felt a sharp prickling pain on her hip. She then scrunched her face up and clenched her teeth, also during this her grip on Syn’s hand tightened.

“How you doing?” she heard Kat ask.

“I hate you Brian!”

Both Kat and Syn laughed “No you don’t Petal... you love me! Besides you wanted it done”.

“I know I love you... but at this moment I hate you!” she snapped back.

“Don’t try and argue back...” Kat reasoned “So when is the wedding gonna happen?”

Hannah thought for a second ‘Hang on how did she know-Brian’ she suddenly thought. He obviously told her all the details. But back to the question at hand... when were they getting married? She and Syn haven't’t really talked about it since they announced that they would be getting married the same day as Val and Matt.

“Hannah?” she heard Syn call. “I don’t mind when we get hitched I’ll be happy with whatever you choose”.

Hannah rolled her eyes ‘Hitched?! Is that the best way he can think of describing it?’ she thought. “I don’t really know...” she replied truthfully; she never dreamed that she’d get married at all let along get married to Syn.

“What?!” Kat exclaimed “Dude you’ve never thought about your dream wedding?!”

Hannah blushed slightly “Erm... no. Actually I never thought I’d get married”. As she said this she turned to Syn slightly too see and sad smile on his face. “But that all changed when Brian came back into my life...”

Kat grinned “So... how did you guys meet? If I may ask?”

Hannah swallowed a breath... this had always been a sensitive subject, especially for Syn since (even though she had forgiven him) he still beat himself up over it. Just as Hannah was about to explain why she shouldn’t talk about it... Syn already started talking.

“We met back in High school” he answered leaving Hannah completely stunned. “It took me a long time to realize it... but it really was love a first sight and... well lets just say I wasn’t nicest person on the planet”.

Kat listened intently to Syn telling her the whole falling out incident (leaving out the self harming) as she tattooed. “So... when did you realize your feelings?”

“The day she told me to stay out of her life...”

Hannah’s heart dropped slightly... she didn’t recall telling him that.

“So there you go Syn! You don’t have to acknowledge me, talk about me hell even think about me. Because I am staying out of your fucking life!!!”

Syn felt Hannah tighten her grip on his hand, but he knew it wasn’t because of the physical pain.

“Fuck that’s deep guys...” Kat commented bringing them both out of their thoughts. “Then what happened?”

Hannah hesitated slightly “I left... at the time it was for a job in New York but now that I think about it. I left because I couldn’t deal with the fact of Brian hating me... well that’s what I thought.”

In the corner of her eye she could see Syn massage his temple... as if he was trying to block out the memory. “I never forgave myself for not telling her the truth... but at the same time I thought she would never return them after everything I did. I guess you could say that was the beginning of my downward spiral.”

‘Brian was right’ she thought ‘getting a tattoo does bring out your emotions’.

“But obviously something good happened...” Kat piped in “because You’re both here now!”

Finally Syn laughed “Yeah... my depression got worse so the guys decided to get me therapy; which I’ll admit I refused at first because I didn’t want to get better. Then I walk in the room and there was a beautiful young woman standing there.” He told whilst grinning down at Hannah.

Hannah had never heard this part of the story... she like Kat she was curious to find out exactly what he was feeling at that point.

“So... what did you do?” she heard Kat ask.

“Er... well I kinda choked” he mumbled scratching the back of his head looking completely embarrassed. “I mean; I had a girlfriend at the time and she was standing right next to me so I couldn’t really confess myself right on the spot. I couldn’t hurt Michelle like that.”

“Is that the girl that came with you?” Corey asked coming out of no where.

Syn nodded “Yeah... we’re cool now. But back to the story so I started seeing Hannah about twice a week? And we became friends... well kinda....”.

Hannah couldn’t help but laugh at this, she remembered how eager he’d be when she saw him waiting outside her office... at that time she never understood why. “He was so cute!” Hannah gushed... “Then one thing led to another and we ended admitting our feelings”.

“That’s so.... cute!!!” Kat squealed “Who admitted first?”

Hannah thought for a moment “I guess it was me but... I sorta blurted it out and the look on Brian’s face didn’t help things either”.

“Oh give me a break!” Syn snapped whilst laughing nervously “I was a tad shocked to say the least... in fact it almost made me fall off the sofa!”

“Wha... I don’t remember that” Hannah stated with a puzzled expression.

Syn smiled “You wouldn’t... you had your back turn to me remember? Cursing at yourself”

Hannah went slightly pink in the cheeks; she remembered cursing in her head... but never realized she said it out loud. “Shit... did I really? Man I really did make an ass of myself that day”.

Once again Syn laughed and kissed her forehead “No... I found it cute honestly”.

“You two...” Kat dragged out “are possibility the greatest couple in the world! I hope me and Nikki get like that one day.”

Hannah smiled “Well Kat… is you love him as much as I love Brian. Maybe you will”.

“Okay Hannah I think your done…so check out!”

Hannah slowly got out of the chair and made her way to the mirror only to have her breath hitch in her throat. It was beautiful… no words could describe how she felt when she knew that she marked on herself the most important person to her for life on her skin.

“Kat… I love it” she barely breathed. Suddenly she felt a pair of strong arms around her… in that moment she decided that she couldn’t wait any longer, she needed to belong to Syn for the rest of her life.


“Yes Petal?”

“I want to get married this month!”
♠ ♠ ♠
one or two chapters left guys... and they'll be no squeal.... but I'll be honest. This story needs to come to a close because I am starting a very important chapter in my life, I will try and update as much as I can but my education comes before everything.

I've had a rough weekend though... because to put it simply... I've lost my best friend. She's hurt me more than I can describe and I don't think I will ever trust her again.

now if you want a happy video kid.. please lots of comments!!
