Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter six

The drive to school was pretty silent, all that could be heard was the rumbling of the engine and both Hannah and Zacky soft breathing.

“So what exactly happened last night?” she asked finally trying to make conversation. Zacky sifted uncomfortably in his seat…

“To be honest I don’t really know… he just exploded at me and told me to not get close to you and that your not one of us… a load of bullshit really”. Zacky glanced to the side to see Hannah’s reaction which was… surprisingly calm.

“Oh I see…” she mumbled softly, “but what did he mean by you fighting my battle?” Zacky shrugged.

“you know just as much as I do… he’s probably just PMSing” Zacky replied earning a laugh from Hannah.

Finally Zacky reached the school and they both walked out to meet the gang. “So what are you gonna do about Syn?” Zacky asked as they both started walking.

Hannah shrugged “I guess I’ll have to avoid him, I don’t want another argument over me…”

“HANNAH! ZACKY! OVER HERE!” Val shouted from across the yard. Both Zacky and Hannah walked over to the tree that Val and Matt were standing by. Val gave them both a quick hug “Hannah what are you doing tonight? Since its Friday”.

“Er… homework?” she asked more then replied. Val laughed at her reply “you’re so cute! But no you’re you gonna come sleep at mine. We’ll have a girly night in!” Val gushed fiddling with Hannah’s long hair.

Hannah felt her stomach muscles stiffen… as ridiculous as it sounded Hannah had never stayed at a friend’s house before… due to the fact she didn’t have any in Jersey. “Sure… but on one condition. My hair is not to be touch!”

Val mocked a shocked face “Now Hannie I would never do that…” she mused but then smiled devilishly. ‘Great another nickname’ Hannah grumbled in her head.

“Never do what?” Jimmy asked from behind. Hannah turned around to see Jimmy standing with Syn close behind him. Immediately Syn started to glare daggers at her.

“Hannah won’t let me play with her hair when she stays over” Val whined like a child. Hannah rolled her eyes and look over at Zacky for help; but he just smiled… making her blush.

“She’s staying at your house?” Syn asked almost disgusted; but Val chose to ignore him.

“Come on guys don’t you think with a bit of my magic her hair will be so much more sexy!” Val cooed and started playing with her hair again.

“But I like her hair like that” Zacky moaned then looked down embarrassed. Syn faked gagged, mumbled something about going to class when stormed off. Jimmy closely followed as he yelled goodbye back to the rest of the gang.

*** ***

“Okay dude what’s up now?” Jimmy asked his heated friend. Syn shrugged as he lit a cigarette.

“Nothing man just leave it” Syn breathed as he blew out some smoke. Jimmy sighed loudly.

“Dude I’ve known since like what? Grade school? So don’t tell me its nothing, is it the new chick?” he asked leaning against the wall where Syn was leaning.

“FOR FUCK SAKE! WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE ASKING ME ABOUT THE NEW CHICK?!?!” Syn bellowed pulling a face. Jimmy laughed at his friend’s reaction; now knowing it was about Hannah.

“I don’t get it dude… I would have thought with her being hot and everything you’d be right in there” He questioned which earned himself a stern glare. But suddenly there was a soft cough from the left side. Both boys turn to see Val and Hannah standing there.

“Sorry to interrupted but Jimbo you promised Hannah you’d show her her first class, since you’re in it…” Val carefully explained.

“Oh yeah shit sorry Hannah” Jimmy quickly spluttered. But Hannah just smiled and told him not to worry about it. Jimmy walked over to the girls and then turned back to Syn.

“You coming Syn?” he asked. Syn quickly glanced at Hannah who was staring directly at him and then back to Jimmy.

“No thanks, I’d rather not be seen with losers” was all he replied and walked off. Both Val and Jimmy gave Hannah an apologetic look.

‘Out of all the nicknames… that one stings the most’ Hannah thought as her eyes began to water slightly.

*** ***

“You know you still haven’t answered my question” Val stated randomly as she and Hannah set up the duvets and pillows in her room.

“What question?” Hannah questioned as she lifted her head; making her long brown hair fall to the side.

“About you and Zachary” she teased with a grin. Hannah looked down at her pillow.

“I donno! I guess I’m just close to him that’s all” Hannah snapped out of embarrassment. But out of no where Val jumped on her resulting them falling on the bed laughing.

“Oh come on Hannie its so obvious he likes you!!” she gushed. “And by your reaction I think you like him to”. Val’s word ran through Hannah’s head. Zacky was being so kind to her; as was everyone… well except Syn.

“Val why does Syn hate me?” she suddenly asked; if anyone knew she thought. It would be Val.

Val became dead serious and laid next to her, “Syn sometimes… has trouble warming up to people. But I personally think he’s embarrassed."

Hannah pulled a puzzled face. “What? Why?”

Val chuckled lightly “because you completely outsmarted him at lunch, he just has this thing when someone is smart comes along he’s intimidated by them.
“But honestly honey Syn is a great guy, he just has his moments.”

“Oh I know that and it’s okay, I don’t hate him” Hannah quickly replied looking up and closing her eyes.

Val immediately shot her head to look at Hannah “really? After everything he’s said?”

Hannah shrugged “I always try to find the goodness in people. No matter how horrible they are to me”.

Val nodded “Hannah you are without a doubt, the most interesting person I have ever met”. Hannah giggled and replied thank you.
♠ ♠ ♠
a bit short but hey I ran out of ideas

