Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter seven

Hannah was lying down on a red and black checker picnic blanket, watching the white clouds float above her. The sound of the waves crashing against the sea bed and seagulls squawking rang in her ears. But soon enough she heard the sound of a pair of feet making contact with the sand beneath her.

“Hello Hannah… fancy seeing you here” spoke a soft velvety voice. Hannah looked up to stare in a pair of soft brown eyes with a warm, friendly smile.

Hannah returned the smile “Hi Syn…”

*** ***

Hannah shot up in the put-you-up with beads of sweat on her forehead. Frantically she looked around the find she was still in Val’s bedroom, with Val sleeping quietly in her bed. Hannah tucked her legs to her chest and started inhaling deeply. ‘What was that all about?’ she asked herself thinking about the dream. A part of her wished she could go back into the dream because it showed the impossible… Syn actually being nice to her.

‘Maybe it’s a sign? Nah don’t be stupid Hannah he doesn’t care. And he never will!' feeling that same sadness that she felt after Zacky and Syn’s fight she had no choice but to grab her makeup bag and lock herself in Val’s bathroom. Tears flowed down her cheek freely as she scratched her arm with the sharp needle; a trickle of blood went down her arm so she grabbed some toilet paper to make it stop. Once she cleaned up she sneaked back to her put-you-up and fell into a dreamless sleep.

*** ***

Hannah took off her blue jacket from the heat of that very summer’s day (wearing a lot of bracelets and arm bands) as she walked at a steady pace back to her house from Val’s. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail that sat on her left shoulder, her Nikes crunched against the ground as she walked a steady pace and her black vest top that said ‘come to the dark side we have cookies’ hugged her figure tightly with her light Denim cut offs. The dream began to replay in her mind, the beautiful beach, Syn’s soft smile. However because she was in her own little world she accidentally walked straight into someone and fell flat on her ass.

“Oh shit you Okay?” the soft male voice asked in a concerned tone. Hannah could hear him bend down to her level.

“Yeah I’m fine sorry I wasn’t looking were I was going” Hannah mumbled as the stranger helped her up. Looking up she met a pair of brown eyes. He was a mirror image of Syn… only he looked a lot younger (maybe in he was about fifteen) and his face was slightly chubbier. Like the ‘dream Syn’ he had a very warm smile.

“Hey your Lily’s granddaughter aren’t you?” he asked. Hannah nodded unsure of his reply. But the young man just smiled wider “I’m one of your neighbors, names Brent” he mused shaking her hand.

Hannah immediately lightened up and smiled. “I haven’t seen you at school…” Hannah stated earning a chuckle from Brent. “Nah I’m still at middle school”.

Hannah threw him a puzzled look “then how do you know about me then?”. Once again Brent chuckled.

“Because my brother Brian hasn’t shut up about you…”.

Hannah froze for a second but then brought herself back to earth “a-as in B-Brian Haner?” she asked with a stutter.

“Yeah! That’s him, I thought he was on drugs or something at first but no he talks about you all the time. It’s kinda annoying actually but I can see why now.” Brent blushed slightly after he said it.

Hannah felt dizzy ‘maybe Syn is on drugs’ she thought sarcastically. “Brent is he saying good or bad things about me?” she asked him forcefully. ‘Most likely bad’.

“Er… I’ll be honest with you I don’t know. One minute he mood swings like a girl complaining about you but…” Brent looked around before stepping closer to whisper. “He mumbles your name in his sleep... and when he thinks no one is around and he’s looking at his timetable he’s like ‘I wonder if Hannah is gonna be at school today’” he explained mocking Brian’s deeper voice at the last bit.

Hannah giggled at his impression. “BRENT GET IN THE HOUSE NOW!!!” bellowed an oh so familiar voice. Both Hannah and Brent’s head turn the left to see a very pussy Syn.

“Why?! I’m talking here!” the younger Haner snapped only earning him a death glare from his brother. Brent left in a sulk mumbled bye to Hannah. Syn watched Brent walk into the house before turning back to her.

“What the hell are you doing here!?” he snapped. If looks could kill Hannah would be all mangled up on the floor.

“I was just on my way home from Val’s then I accidentally bumped into Brent who I might add is lovely” Hannah replied with realizing she was smiling softly.

“Walker, do I look like I give a shit about your opinions? Now you can continue your walk and don’t come round here again!” he barked pointing to the direct Hannah would be walking.

Hannah simply nodded and mumbled “see you at school then” before walking off. As she was walking she was not sure if her mind was playing tricks on her but she swore she heard Syn say ‘I can’t keep doing this’. But Hannah’s mind has been so boggled lately nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

*** ***

“Hannah is that you?” Lily called through the hallway since she heard the front door open and close.

“Yeah Gran sorry I took so long I met one of neighbors… er… Brent Haner?” Hannah replied as she walked through the hall into the living room.

Lily was sat on her big arm chair with a paper in her hands. “Oh yes I know who you mean, his brother Brian is in your year isn’t he” she stated softly.

“Unfortunately…” Hannah mumbled as she slumped onto the sofa thinking her grandma didn’t hear her… how wrong she was.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” she spoke sternly looking at Hannah. Hannah had forgotten how good her hearing was.

“Well… me and Brian aren’t exactly… friendly” Hannah explained slowly, unsure about Lily’s unreadable face. As Zacky mentioned earlier Lily can be incredibly strict, especially when it came to her granddaughter’s well being. Could you blame her? Hannah did live with an alcoholic father nearly all her life.

“Explain…” was all she said as she put the paper down on the side table.

Although Hannah loved her Gran very much, she wished sometimes she would just butt out. She worries about her enough as it is. “He hates me Gran”.

“Hannah hate is a very powerful word”

Hannah looked at her guardian in disbelief “and what makes you say that?” Hannah snapped without intention to.

Lily chuckled “I can’t remember if I told you or not but he has a younger sister named McKenna who I babysit sometimes”.

“Erm… no you didn’t and what’s this got to do with Brian hating me?”

Lily shot her a stern look “because Brian is often the one who drops her off, at the moment every time he comes round he’s always asking how you are…”.

Hannah’s face went completely blank… ‘urgh this is so confusing!!’ she screeched in her head; one minute he says he doesn’t care about her opinion and then the next he’s asking about her to Lily. “He’s probably just being polite” Hannah quickly snapped trying to make the subject unbelievable.

“I highly doubt that honey, I think he has a crush on you” she replied so casually it made Hannah choke on her own breath.

“Gran the day that Brian Haner jr has a crush on me will be the day that Elvis comes back from the dead” Hannah replied and stomped upstairs.
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please please please people comment.... I need opinions
