Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter eight

It’s been Three months of living in California, it was a lot better than Hannah predicted. She was now considered part of the hard-core kids in school; not that she minded because they were without a doubt the most special people in her life.

Val of course became her best friend. They either spend most of their weekends shopping or round each other’s house. Hannah always went to her for advice and most of the time, the advice helped.

Hannah defiantly judged Matt before getting to know him, because behind all that bulkiness and height was a huge teddy bear. Hannah also felt safe around him because if anyone approached her in a threaten manner (cough-Syn-cough) all he’d have to do is step in front of her and tower down at the person... and immediately they’d back off.

The one thing that Hannah discovered about Jimmy over time was… he was completely insane; but that made Hannah love him even more because no matter how much Hannah was depressed at times he would always cheer her up by doing a crazy thing like jumping in front of people and terrorizing them to death.

Later on Hannah met one kid who constantly came and bugged the guys… his name was Johnny Seward. He was in his last year of middle school and was very short. He had a skin-head shave head and often dressed in band shirts and baggy trousers. Hannah never really saw his eyes because he always had shades on and he was always smoking. But from talking to him he was always nice to her and they both shared a love for Metallica; they even went to one of their shows together. The guys always gave him hell but there was one thing they couldn’t deny… he was a kick ass bass player.

Zacky was like the brother Hannah never had, he knew nearly everything about her (minus the cutting) and Hannah could trust him with her life. Zacky would often sneak into her room at night and they’d often chat or watch a movie together.

Syn however, never talked to her unless he was calling her a loser or telling her to ‘fuck off’. Whenever the chance he got he would glare at her for no reason. But she often saw and talked to Brent, however she believe he developed a little crush on her because once he saw her, he wouldn’t leave her alone for a least an hour. Hannah also saw McKenna a lot when Lily babysat her and she was a little gem, and was completely in love with her big brother (Brian). Although after all the teasing and hurtful comments form Syn, she could never bring herself to hate him. But that was mainly because she still had the weird dreams with her and Syn on the beach; every time they’d have a casual conversation and Syn would be kind to her.

“HANNAH BANANA!!” Jimmy exclaimed skipping towards her and Val. In the process earning weird looks from other students.

“sup Jimbo! I see you’re as energetic as per usual” Hannah joked with a giggle.

“Hannah you need to check out our band, we’ve got some great songs!” Jimmy mused sitting on the floor, crossed legged like a child in front of the two girls.

“Oh yeah I forgot about that!” Val suddenly piped in making Hannah laugh. “But Jim is right you should come… I’ll be there”.

“But Syn is gonna be there…” Hannah mumbled hoping they didn’t hear, but as you may have guessed she wasn’t very good at being discreet.

“Oh fuck him! Hannah your our friend… you’re my best friend! If Syn has a problem with that then he’s gonna get his ass kicked” Val hissed.

Hannah just nodded, she knew not to cross Val’s wraith; especially when she is about to have her friend.

“So it’s settled” Jimmy perked “Zack will pick you up at five then take you to Matt’s”.

*** ***

“Urgh your band better be fucking good Zack!”

Zacky chuckled at Hannah’s pissy mood “we are doll… just wait and see”.

“Yeah alright” Hannah snapped since she wasn’t in the mood for his big-headedness “but if Syn starts anything…”

“You’ll kick his ass” Zacky piped up cutting her off.

“No I’ll leave…”

“It would be a lot more entertaining if you kicked his ass though”

“Shut up and drive Baker” Hannah ordered playfully, she could help but smile when with Zacky. Zacky just shook his head with a smile and did what he was told. Finally… they reach and middle-sized house. Exiting the car Hannah followed Zack into the house. She guessed that Zacky and the guys were here so often that Matt’s dad just let them invite themselves in.

“Evening Zacky! And whose this a new girlfriend?” a man in his late forties chimed in the hallway. He to was big like Matt and since they both share the sparkling hazel eyes and dimpled cheeks, Hannah assumed he was Matt’s father.

“ha-ha no…” Zacky replied awkwardly “this is my neighbor and best friend Hannah”.

“Oh yes so I see! Nice to meet you Hannah” he said with a friendly smile. Hannah liked him already; so she smiled back.

“Hannah! Zacky!” came Matt’s voice from behind us, “I see you’ve met my old man”.

Matt’s father threw him a stern look and told them to clear off and have fun. Listening to his dad Matt guided Zacky and Hannah to his garage. In the garage were a bunch of guitars and full drum set. The walls were plastered with different band posters, banners and flags. There was also a huge pencil sketch of a skull with bat wings huge up above the drum kit.

“What is that?” Hannah asked without realizing she said it out loud.

Matt turned to look at her then at the drawing “oh that’s our band’s logo… we call it the deathbat” he simply replied.

Hannah mumbled cool and then got greeted by Val, Jimmy and Johnny. “Oh for fuck sake” she heard Syn mumble. She had only just realized he was in the room.

“shut it Gates!” Val snapped using his stage name, Hannah sat on the old couch next to her whilst the guys set up.

Hannah watched each member; they never actually told her who plays what apart from Johnny because he told her. Now she knew that Jimmy played the drums, Zacky and Syn were the guitarist and Matt was the vocalist.

“So what shall we do first?” Zacky asked the boys.

“Er… how about The Art Of Subconscious Illusion…” Matt suggested.

Val immediately pulled a face “that’s means I have to sing!” she moaned.

“I didn’t know you sang” Hannah stated shocked.

“Well technically I don’t I scream”

“Oh shut up and get up here women” Matt ordered playfully. Val got up with a sulk and grabbed the spare Mic. Song started it a guitar riff and with Matt singing.

A living nightmare, asleep but still aware.
The endless torture.
The painless pleasure.

But suddenly a unnatural growl like scream interrupted from his throat make Hannah almost shit herself

I grasp myself.
Trying to regain control.
I experience and learn.
In another faction of my mind.
So confused.
But everything makes perfect sense.
Can't feel the pain.
Emotional pain's so much deadlier.
Lost, you've just been raped.
Pain. Your friends can't help you.
Why won't they help you? Another reality.

Hannah couldn’t move a muscle from the shock of the sudden loud this but then relaxed then she heard him talk.

This can't be happening.
Why is this happening?
Who the fuck are you?

But then it went back to screaming. But Hannah was expecting it this time

Who the fuck. Are you?

Trying hard to figure out what's done.
I scramble but now I run.
The images in my head.
All the problems that I've been fed.

Hannah bobbed her head to the beat till finally she saw Val come forward.

Val: Punching slowly my mind can't change the speed.
Matt: As my victims bleed.
Val: No matter what I do or how hard I try.
Matt: I can't use my abilities.
Use my abilities.
Use my abilities.

Art of Illusion.

Hannah was glued the sofa… completely gob-smacked at Val’s demon girly voice. Matt singing came after her every time… contrasting quite well.

My razor sharp knife's edge, pierces my victim's body.
But I cannot take their soul.
Punching through jello, stabbing not killing.
Disappointment. Discomfort.

My razor sharp knife's edge, pierces my victim's body.
But I can't take their soul.
Punching through jello, stabbing not killing.
Disappointment. Discomfort.

The guys and Val finished the song and turn to Hannah.

“So what you think Hannah?” Zacky asked, anxious for an answer.

Hannah look at each of them who carried the same anxious expression that Zacky had apart from Syn and Val. Syn wasn’t even looking at her and Val just looked as if what she just did was a piece of cake.

“What the fuck Val…” Hannah breathed making them all laugh… even Syn because he thought no one could see him.

“Yeah it’s not much… but what do you think of the guys?” Val asked changing the subject.

“Loud. Awesome! But loud”

The boys looked please with themselves as they started to set up for the next song. Val came and sat down.

“One day if they make it big you’re gonna help me sing that song” Val whispered with a smirk.

Hannah’s eyes widened and she shook her head furiously “no! no! no!! I get stage fright” Hannah blubbered.

Val laughed and then said fair enough. Hannah turn the boys and saw that Syn was looking at her… glaring as usual. Hannah quickly avoided his gaze and brought her knuckles to her mouth. “Er… Matt where’s your bathroom?”

After Matt explained where to go she got up quickly and rushed out the door. Once in the bathroom Hannah turned on the tap and splashed cold water on her face. The recurring glares were really starting to get to her, to a point where she just wanted to run out the room and ball her eyes out. Oh how she needed her needle right now. Hannah brushed threw her long hair and then walked out .

“Jesus loser you took your time!” snapped a voice. Hannah looked up and saw Syn standing there. Hannah could get lost in his eyes if they weren’t glaring daggers at her. Hannah took interest in her shoes as she went to walk down the hall back to the garage, but was suddenly stopped by a big, slightly tattooed arm. Hannah looked up; Syn was towering over her blocking her view with his eyebrow raised and… his face deadly close to hers.

“You suppose to ask me to move idiot” he whispered harshly.

“But you weren’t in the way…” Hannah mumbled as her inhaling becoming sharp and quick.

“Well I am now so ask” he ordered. But Hannah was frozen; whether it was because of fear or embarrassment either way… it was awkward.

“Ask me to move!” Syn ordered with more venom in his voice. Now his teeth were clenched together so hard Hannah could hear them grind on each other.

“Please stop it…”

“ASK! ME!! TO MOVE!!!” he bellowed, his yelling ran through the hallway. Thank god Jimmy came into the hallway, otherwise Hannah would have just slide down to the floor and brake down.

“The fuck is going on!?!?” Jimmy exclaimed. Hannah took this chance to push past Syn and head for the front door. There she slammed the door and sat on the front steps; hugging her knees to her chest and burying her head into them. It was just to much, it remained her of when her father came home drunk. He would yell at her for no reason and call her names… just like Syn does. In anger Hannah threw the closest thing to her (which was a can) across the yard, cutting her hand in the process.

“Hannah? Fuck what did you just do?” Jimmy asked rushing to her. She did even hear him come outside.

“Leave me alone Jimmy” she mumbled in a mono-tone. But Jimmy didn’t listen and called for Val. Immediately Val ran out with bandages in her hand.

“Hannah…” she breathed with a sad expression, Val got down to Hannah’s level and started to wrap up her hand.

Hannah wasn’t focusing on her friends… she just stayed in her lifeless state, she desperately wanted her needle now.

“Hannah I think we should get you home…” Val suggested.

“I don’t think so Val, she’s in no state to be on her own” Jimmy reasoned, helping Hannah.

‘If only they knew…’ Hannah thought.

“Then I’ll go with her, you guys continue practicing” Val told him “stay with her for a sec” and with that she disappeared into the garage.

“I’m sorry…” Hannah mumbled with barely any volume at all.

“For what?” Jimmy asked completely.

“For being a bother…”

“Hannah don’t be fuck-tard. Your one of my best friends and I’ll do anything for you.”

Hannah did’t reply but was thankful he said that.

“Okay I’vie got Zack’s key, your gonna have to drop him off at Hannah’s for him to collect. I’ll stay the night with her” Val told him. Val helped her up and they walked to Zacky’s car.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you for the comments... but would love some more :)

question: how do you get itlacs on this thing?
