Status: four shot, completed

If I Was Perfect, This Would Be Easy. But It's Not

I hid behind the tree as he grew closer, making my heart pick up speed. "Come out, come out where ever you are..." The man called sweetly. This man that had already caused me so much pain. I wouldn't let him find me. "Come now my sweet angel. You can answer me. I won't hurt you." Liar! My thoughts hissed. I took the risk of a step away from the tree. A twig snapped under my foot, and we both went stiff. I felt tears escaping my eyes as I realized this was the end.

"Hello my flower." His voice was right in my ear, leaving me no means of escape. Except one. I brought my foot up behind me, knocking him right between the legs. He gave a grunt of pain, falling to his knees, giving me the perfect opportunity. My legs pushed against the soft dirt, shooting me as far as I could go. I had no safe house, but I had to get away.

There was a loud whistling noise in the air. "Shit." I muttered, running faster. I suddenly ran into something hard, like a brick wall. "I was going to go easy on you Elle, but you've left me no choice." I was suddenly under his body on the forest floor. He tore at my clothes, taking away every last ounce of dignity I had left.

Then the sharpest pain I've ever felt shot through my body. He bit me. This monster bit me! Every drop of blood was drained from my body, yet I could still feel it. Still feel what was happening. I was no longer my self. No longer human. And then I opened my new eyes for the first time.

That was about one hundred years ago, yet I remembered every detail. The outfits we were wearing. The time of night. The date. January 25, 1908. Today was the anniversary of my turning. Of my creation. And every year, at the exact time, at the exact moment, I would relive my turning. It was my curse. Mine alone.