Remember the Maine

Decisions That Come Too Soon

“Set it up over there.” he said pointing me in the direction of the far shore. He gave me his drawstring bag and directed me away. Two girls over and got ready to pose in Alex’s clothes. His eyes glazed over in excitement.
When I was done I walked over and gave him his camera.
“Much to your liking?”
He pushed me into the sand and I looked up at him. He couldn’t help but hide a laugh.
“What?” I demanded.
“I don’t know... you just landed so nicely for being pushed.”
“C’mere.” he leaned down and put his hand out.
I pushed past him and didn’t spare my fist of sending him flying into the sand behind me.
“Okay you over there and you up there.” I pointed throughout the beach, the girls followed my command. I did the same thing until the sun was dimming, Alex behind me arms crossed, face in a slight frown.
“Okay!” he clapped his hands. “Let’s call it a day.”
I turned to him still slightly mad and pushed his camera into him and made my way to the far shore to pick up his bags. The girls climbed back into the car they were escorted here in.
“So what’s your problem?” he asked.
“Nothing my precious Alex.” I grimaced.
“Ouch. C’mon want to go to the Tea Place?”
“I’m tired.”
He put those puppy dog eyes on me and I couldn’t bear to say no. “Fine.”
He took my hand and nearly dragged me and the equipment to his car. Which he then drove to the tea place. The tea place was a little spot Charlotte and I discovered on our first day in Maine. They made the best tea and everyone I knew could vouch for it. Especially their Long Night Tea which they flavor with any flavor you want for free. It also comes in a large mug. That’s a plus too.
The shop was small and dim. And colorful with a little tea bar and a quaint little lounge area.
“Hello.” the airy voiced, red headed manager chimed.
“Hi, two long night teas. One with vanilla and cinnamon and one with ginger.”
I was the one with vanilla and cinnamon. My mom used to make it and when I got hooked she made it for me. I grew up on it for the most part. Josh always got an apple flavoring which I found as the most disgusting thing ever. Charlotte and Madison both got citrus which was good for waking up.
Alex pulled me closer to him in the lounge. I will admit, I am guilty for shivering in his presence but his blue eyes made anyone shake. When I was with him it was like no one was around us. Just us and our setting. I suppose the girl had called our number or something because suddenly he got up and went to get the mugs. He put one in my hands and the humbling smell met my nose full force.
“So how do you think the shoot went?” he asked quietly before taking a sip.
I looked up at him and he smiled his goofy smile his hair brushing his eyebrows. He needed a hair cut, I think. I don’t exactly know if he meant to, but his eyes did the meanest things to me! They made me freeze (which he took use of when I made him angry), they made me stutter (which amused him) and worst of all got me thinking to myself more than usual. He turned away with his thumb pressed to his forehead and laughing. I tilted my head and became confused.
“Did you hear me?”
“Oh my god. You’re great.”
Even though I think that was a compliment I was still horribly confused. He pulled my head close and kissed it. Why was he abruptly acting like he was in love??? I mean yeah I do like him (a lot) but he didn’t. He wasn’t allowed to. It was my turf. He was invading!
He burst into another fit of laughter.
“What!?!?” I whined.
He just shook his head and held me closer to him so I was lying on his chest.
He was perfect. Perfect hair. Perfect eyes. Perfect age (22 like myself and Charlotte and Josh and Mad). Perfect style. Perfect voice. Perfect laugh. Perfect E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. I loved him. He was comfortable too. It was like laying on my bed but my bed was perfectly adjusted so I was comfortable. Like a cradle. He managed to hold his tea, wrap his arm around me and pet my head.
“Hey, Juliette, I need to talk to you for a second.” he mumbled suddenly sad.
“Well you have me.”
“Well I got this great offer to merge with Urban Outfitters for a good couple years on contract and that would mean moving out to California. And that would mean no longer having employees.”
I pushed off his chest and looked up. “No you would never leave us!”
“I know, I know. But Juliette this is a great offer. I would get a ton of money and I would still run my business later!”
I felt my throat begin to sting with stress and no matter how hard I tried I could barely contain my tears. “I just... I just want you to make sure you’re just making the right choice.”
Everything almost made sense. Maybe that was why he had half of his office packed in boxes... maybe he already made the decision... I wouldn’t want to lose him or keep him with such a great offer at stake. I think that was what set off my silent tears. They just began pouring down. Like rain. Or a waterfall... not as fierce, though.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I just don’t want you to, like, go out to California and forget me or us.”
He ruffled my hair and kissed my head again.
Then he whispered something that I couldn’t make out. It was almost inaudible but to tell you the full and complete truth it sounded like “I love you.

(I hope I’m right...)
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Repost I know
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