Secretly In Love

Wrong From The Start (Chapter 1)

"Where do you think you're going?" My Mother's voice made me stop dead in my tracks. I turned around and squinted through the darkness. My eyes slowly adjusted and I could make out the silhouette of my mother, leaning against the doorframe of the den. "Emma Marie Scarlet, answer me.” Her voice raised, and I
rolled my eyes, despite the fact that my Mother couldn't see through the pitch black
darkness, due to the fact that it was 11 at night.

"I was just going for a walk." I spoke clearly and smoothly, not tripping on any word. The thing is, I am an amazing liar. Plus, the circumstances I'm in, causes me to lie a lot. By circumstances, I mean relationship.

"Bull shit Emma." My mother snapped, shifting her weight from left to right. I took a deep breath.

"I was, I can't sleep. This song is just stuck in my head." I said, making my voice sound agitated, as if I was annoyed I couldn't sleep.

"Emma, I wasn't born yesterday." She stated, No, you just look like it. I thought in my head, referring to my mothers small size. She was 5'2, I am 5'7, and still growing. I've never met my Father, and so to speak, I wasn't sure if my Mother even know exactly who my Father even was.

"Mom, I swear." I said, taking a few steps towards her. I felt my phone vibrate in my sweatshirt pocket. I ignored it, even though it was probably Kevin, checking in on if I got caught sneaking out. Paul Kevin Jonas, the reason why I lie compulsively. Kevin is my everything, my Mother just doesn't see what I see in him. My Mother despised of Kevin from day one, why? I haven't got a clue. The most I've ever gotten from her was, 'He's a distraction.' or even, 'He's not right for you.' sometimes, I might even wind up getting a ,' He's such a bad influence.' Yeah, what a horrible influence he had on me. Please, he's a straight A student, and ever since we started dating, my grades went from a C to a B in less than a month.

"You were going to see Kevin weren't you?" She asked, her voice clenching at the sound of his name. I shook my head, and realized that maybe my Mother couldn't see my reaction.

"What? No." I lied, watching as my Mother shook her head.

"That boy is no good Emma, why don't you just listen to me?" She asked, sounding desperate. I rolled my eyes and took two deep breaths, like I learned in my yoga classes, which I was forced to take. 'It will keep you busy.' Was my Mother's only reason. I knew that my Mother's plan was to keep me so busy all the time, that I wouldn't have time to see Kevin. Nothing in her power could keep me from seeing him, not even if my life depended on it. He is my life, and that's all that mattered to me.

"Mom, what do you have against him?" I shot back, stepping a step towards my Mother. I realized that my voice got angry, and a little to sharp when ever my Mom would criticize Kevin, and this time it got even louder.

"I told you, this topic is not up for discussion. You can't see him. That's out of the question." She said, widening her shoulders. Little did she know, I saw Kevin at least once a day. She had the slightest idea that Kevin and I were even dating. What she didn't know, wouldn't hurt her.

"You're so stubborn!” I shouted, my voice echoing through out the entire house. Which was empty, ever since Lauren went away to college. Lauren, my older sister. She was the one who helped me see Kevin in the beginning, the one who was there for me, when Mom first banned me from seeing him. It felt like she was the only one who believed in me, or still did at fact .

"I make the rules Emma, not you." She said, after I took another step forward. My phone vibrated again. It had to be Kevin, who else text's someone this late? Well text's me anyway. My Mother turned on her heels and stepped into the Den. I followed her, this little confrontation was not over in my book. "Emma, go back to bed." She ordered me, without even turning around.

"No. Not until you tell me why you hate him so much!" I shouted again, my loud scream echoing against each and every wall. I was the child that wasn't afraid of their parents. I'm the one who yells right back at you, knowing that you don't have the guts to hit me. I was the child, that every Mother dreaded of having.

"Emma. This conversation is over." She spoke strongly, trying to make it sound official. I stood still, waiting for her to turn around. I wanted to see her distracted and angered face.

"Whatever." I mumbled, walking out of den, after my Mother stood still long enough, and upstairs to my bedroom. I slammed the door and immediately reached into my pocket, fishing out my phone. I flipped it open, and opened up the first text from Kevin. The first and second one were both about me sneaking out, and I quickly replied a simple 'Mission failed.' I heard my Mother's bedroom door close, and I could just tell that she was probably exhausted from our little mishap. My phone immediately flipped back open as I sent Kevin another text.

'Forget the last text. Mission restarted. See you in a few.' I hit send, and noiselessly closed my bedroom door, and snuck outside to freedom.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter [: First story on here...actually.
Tell me what you think, this is testing the story out.
<3 Peace. Love. Jonas.