Secretly In Love

Home Sweet Home (Chapter 3)

I heard the doorbell ring from my room, I immediately ran down the stairs and made a Bee-line for the front door. I grabbed the knob and ripped the door open. "Lauren!" I screamed as I hugged her tightly, despite the bag between us.

"Em!" She screamed as we continued to hug. I pulled away and stared at the two huge suitcases she had sitting at her feet. I laughed and rolled my eyes, only my sister would bring that many clothing for a week.

"You are staying for a week right?" I asked her, as I struggled to lift one of her suitcases. She laughed as she wheeled the other one into the house.

"Yes, don't worry. I just have a dead body in there." She winked and I laughed again. My sister made everything into a joke, it was hard to keep a straight face when she was around.

"Lauren!" My Mother screamed from the top of the stairs, I didn't turn around when I heard my Mother's loud footsteps running down the stairs. I turned around when I heard my sister throw her self onto my Mother, causing her to stumble, and almost fall over onto of my Mom.

"I've missed you." Lauren said loudly, as my Mom broke the hug. She smiled wide, and helped Lauren bring the bags up to her old room. I proceeded to follow, the other suitcase in my hand. My Mother left us two alone, and went down stairs to prepare lunch. I watched as my sister flung herself onto her bed, and sigh contently.

"I missed you." I said, taking a seat on the edge of her bed, my weight shifting the mattress. "You left me alone with crazy lady." I said, and she laughed.

"It would happen sooner or later." Lauren said, a laugh still in her voice. She turned over on her side, and supported her head with her hand, propping her elbow up.
"So, anything new?" She asked me, scanning my face. I shrugged.

"Nothing really." I said, looking down at my hands, and examining my manicure. "How about you?" I asked, looking back into my sisters bright green eyes. My sister was always stunning, no matter what you put on her, she looked gorgeous. She fixed her light blond hair, and shrugged.

"Same 'old, Same 'old." She said, her sentence drifting off. "Classes, homework, sleep." She said, a smile reappearing on her face. I smiled and felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. I reached it, and opened the new text. It was Kevin, asking me what I was doing today. I simply said 'Sisters in town" with a huge smiley at the end.

"Who is it?" Lauren asked me, I looked up form my phone and snapped it shut.

"Kevin." I said, her smile sort of disappeared, but returned a second later.

"You're still with him? " She asked me, a little bit of worry in her voice. I nodded, and looked back down at my phone.

"Well, yeah." I said after she failed to reply to my nod.

"Mom still hates him?" She asked, her voice went form worry to more sympathy than anything else.

"Yeah." I said, shaking my head . I looked at Lauren for a brief second, and the look on her face was almost... like my Mothers, whenever I talked about Kevin. It was a look of anger, and disapproval. The expression was gone in a millisecond, but the worry was still in my mind.
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Chapter 3 [[:

I really don't know it anyone is seriously reading it.
Tell me if you like it [;
