Status: In deliberation.

Fat Dancer


This would be the only time that I'm glad that hotel walls are so thin. Other times it is an inconvenience to the honeymooners and other couples.

This time though I am more than glad I feel it is my obligation to kick Zacky's ass at some point or at least get Brian to which after me telling him of the conversation I heard would not be hard to do.

I heard tons of yelling coming from Zacky and moments where he would stop, clearly when she would answer in a small voice.

"Don't leave Mackenzie." I heard him plead. There was a pause to where I assumed she was answering all I heard of her answer was 'Brian'.

"Come on Kenzie baby, its not like I cheated on you more than this once." I gasped. Oh my god. That's going to kill her.

" cheated on me?" This time I could hear her voice.

"It's not like your fat ass would sleep with me!" He roared back. I heard the door slam. I ran into the hall way, Andy looked at me like I was crazy I just shook my head.

That stupid mother fucker. You do not say things like that.

I saw Mackenzie walking down the hall tears streaming down her face. She was coming my way so I just walked faster. I hugged her. It was then when I realized that I was crying too. Not as much but I was. I guided her to my room. Andy looked at me questioningly. I just mouthed 'Zacky'.

"Hey Kenzie it's okay Zacky is an idiot." I whispered in her ear. She just nodded. I tried just murmuring soothing words to her. It seemed to work, she fell asleep.

She had just fallen asleep when I heard a knock at the door.

Andy got the door.

"Hey did you guys want to come grab some pizza we ordered some, everybody is in Michelle and I's room." I heard Brian ask.

"I think you will have to ask Harlow..." He let him come in.

"Whats going on?" Brian asked nervously, he saw Kenzie's small frame in my arms.

"I think its best we tell everyone at once, as long as Zacky isn't there. Is he?" I said quietly. He shook his head. "Kenzie sweetie wake up we are going to get you some food." I said quietly.
She stirred and stretched as she opened her eyes. I put her on her feet I held her hand as we walked I know she needed me at the moment.

As we walked into the room everybody's faces held confusion.

"Everybody please sit down except you Val I'm sure Kenzie doesn't want you to hear the story so would you kindly exit for just a moment?" I said quietly, she was about to respond but Matt looked at her so she just nodded and left I said a quiet 'Thanks' and sat down with Mackenzie, she had her head on my shoulder.

Brian looked furious he knew who hurt her he just didn't know who.

"Mackenzie is it alright if I tell them or do you want to?" I asked her softly.

"Yeah I really don't want to." She smiled slightly.

"Well to start off, for the time being I think Kenzie and Zacky are over." You could see the shock on everyone's faces.

"Wha-why?" Michelle asked.

"I'll explain." I said, as she nodded her head.

"Zacky kind of cheated on her, yesterday." I said quietly. Brian's eyes went wide and he started cussing and everybody else was just in shock.

"I'm going to kill that bastard." Brian yelled. Standing up and shoving his chair away, it fell to the ground with a loud crash.

"Thats not all." I said kind of shying away, trying to avoid eye contact with Brian.

"What else?" Michelle asked still in shock.

"He, he called her fat, while blaming her for him cheating." I stuttered and winced as Brian began yelling slurs of profanity.

He left, well he stormed out.

Oh, shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Third update in well 3 days!!!
I'm excited!
Lots of drama huh?
More soon of course.Comments please.
<3Veraalyn Mackenzie