Something More then Just this Lonely City Corner

Deep Thinking

Some belive that everything has a reason. That souls of the past bleed through our own personalities, building bigger and better human existances in future generations. Not that I don't belive it's true, I just find it kinda hard to make it through teenage lifehood thinking that if you have an unattractive personality, it's out of your control. Some people call it Satanisim to live as your own god, and your own ruler. I don't consider Satanistic people all that bad. Some of my old friends were Satanists, they didn't run around killing babies and puppies or anything. They lived by their own rules, and their own mind. That can't seem all that bad.
When someone says that something happens for a reason, I guess I never understood what that ment to me. At the time I thought, 'Well, I guess one day I'll look back and thank whoever made this happen to me.'
As a grew older and more experienced in the ways of the world. I realized something with my own opinions; Humans are just people who won't blame theirselves for anything. A species that won't say when their wrong by natural instint, therefore we blame some random force and say it's their fault. Covering up problems with short time fixes.
I wondered this on my way home from school, The long walk, since my home was far away from the school, I never ride the bus, it doesn't appeal to me. Being surrounded by mindless teenagers who don't give a damn about anything at the time.
I like to think things over, and I guess that's what makes me so unliked by the student body. I got over that in seccond grade. It doesn't bother me in highschool.
I know that I'm probably being too deep for my own good. That I must think I'm on top of the world, and everyone is below me. That might be ture, I'm not really a hermit. I just like to observe and listen more then I like to go ahead and do things and learn that way. You might think it stunts my socail growth. It probably does.
I glanced down at the autum leaves that crackled under my feet.
I thought about the cells in the leaves, how they adapt to everything, die out, but still have a bond until something strong comes by and breaks even the toughest bonds.
I guess I notice things to much, my mind wanders from anything to everything. But in the end of the day, I'm not sorry for the things I do, and more importantly the things that I don't do. This is my life, and I'm going to live it the way I see nessasary for my personal happiness.
Friends not included.
Romance not included.
Me, myself and I.