The Adventure

Present Tense.

Today is one of those odd days that we have homeroom. Something about the Winter Dance. Psh, they always fail, so why even try? I still have to finish last night's Algebra 2 homework, so I head to Homeroom early. I walked down the band hallway from my band locker and down the stairs. My homeroom was right at the bottom of the stairs to the right. I turned in and head toward the middle of the room where I usually sit. I turned one of the upside down chairs on the table to the ground as un-clumsily as I could. As I went to sit down, I noticed a figure our of the corner of my eye in the back of the room. I was already halfway sure of who it would be.

I took my seat and opened my math book to chapter 5. Ugh, polynomials. Before I began writing, I glanced up to make sure I was right to whom might be there. I glanced up from my homework and sure enough, he was there. I knew it was going o be hard to concentrate with him in the room. Our homeroom teacher was in the back room, talking to another teacher from what it sounded like. Great... we were in the room alone. Like that was going to help my algebra grade.

At this point in time, I cannot factor polynomials to save my life. His presence is throwing off my concentration. He didn't seem to notice I was there, though I was sure that he knew I was. Not like it mattered to him anyway.

A few minutes pass and some kids start to come into homeroom. One of them is Cresslyn, who takes her seat next to mine. Cresslyn has been my friend since 6th grade and she is currently the assisstant drum major of our marching band. She's the kind of girl who is real easy to get along with. She doesn't start drama and she always seems to be in a good mood. She seemed content enough, so I guess she just payed a visit to the senior hallway to see her boyfriend for 8 months, Phil. They were what you would call, "The Perfect Couple." Quite adorable, actually.

She starts to turn the chair next mine from its upside down place on the table. "Hey, Biz." She smiles. "What's up?"

"Hey Cress. Just doin' homework that's due in 20 minutes..." Only me. I am the master of procrastinators. "So, what's this homeroom about again?" I had forgotten a few details of why were were really there. And I was trying to make conversation so I wouldn't have to deal with math.

"Voting for Spirit King and Queen." she replies, matter-of-factly. We roll our eyes together, knowing that it was just a rip-off from Homecoming and Prom.

After we get our voting sheets, the announcements have to be sure that we're not too retarded to forget how to circle a name on a piece of paper. Cresslyn, Kimmy (my neightbor of 8 years), and I decide together on who to vote for. We all agreed that Gina and Tom would be best. Gina was a cheerleader and played the suza in band and always dressed for occasion. Tom, well. Tom walked around a couple football games with his shirt off and his entire top half of his body painted in red and black. We decided that that was reason enough to vote for him.

After we casted our votes, we still had a few minutes left of homeroom. I tried my best to work on the rest of my homework while the numerous conversations went on throughout the room. I was facing Cresslyn while I worked out of habit. Somehow our side the room got into a conversation with the back of the room, where he and his friends sat. Something about Mole Day. Jeeze, that was like, over three months ago. Some number, mole. 10.something. I wasn't sure. It was a Chemistry thing. I decided to take Astronomy instead.

While they were in the conversation, I glanced over the back of the room. I casually swept my eyes over him. But wait... I swept over him again. Did, did our eyes just... meet?

No, no, no. That's not right. I'm imagining it. I'm desperate. I looked up at Cresslyn and quickly put a smile on my face. Nothing was wrong. I wanted her to know that. After all, I've never told her anything about it. Ever.

Never have. Never will. Not like it matters anyway...
♠ ♠ ♠
Gah, I had this entire chapter written out in my drafts.
I went to submit it and it logged me out and it didn't save!!
So I had to write the entire chapter over again.
You better be happy.

These first few chapters are informational mostly.
DO NOT fret. It WILL get better.