Honey, I'm Your Daddy.


I stared out my window. It was winter, and Christmas was in a week. The happiest time of year. For most people, at least. Christmas always reminded me of family. Yeah, I have a family, but it’s not my real family. See, I’m adopted. My name is Helena. I have blue-black hair. And light grey-blue eyes. My presence is sort of vampire-ish. Which is weird, cause my adoptive family is more of a Barbie catalogue than what I am. My adoptive mother is Barbie, of course, with her too tight shirt, and 80’s styled skirt. And of course the plastic pink heals. My adoptive dad always wears those golfer shorts, and the polo’s. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, in some way (I’m not sure of how yet), but I don’t like them. And I don’t think they understand me. My adoptive mother always is trying to change me out of my clothes, and put some pink makeup on my face. And she makes me call them by their actual names. She says it makes the ‘sound younger’, as if a name could do that. My adoptive mother’s name is Carly, and my adoptive dad’s name is Chris. C and C. Perfect, huh? Well, C and C adopted me in the hospital, right after I was born. I guess they had it all set up. But I want to meet, to know, my real parents. I want to get away from this plastic world. Yeah, I love C and C, and somewhere, they love me too, but they wouldn’t miss me. They probably wouldn’t even notice if I left. I’d call, say bye, and that would be the end. Yeah, I know, it sounds very complex thinking for a damn 13-yearold. But I had to grow up fast. I’ll lend you a hint: the reason my parents wont notice I’m gone is cause they are constantly drunk, or on drugs. It causes some memory loss, usually. And I’m always the one taking care of them. Maybe that’s why I love them, cause I know if I leave, they’ll be nothing without me. I don’t know. But they are all I got right now, and it’s not much.

I sat up from my desk, and stopped looking at the snowfall. I hadn’t gotten C and C a Christmas gift yet, cause chances are, they already forgot about Christmas, from the last night party session they had. I grabbed a hoodie and pulled it over my head. I pulled my vans on. I went down the hall; check on Carly knocked out on the couch, wrote a quick letter saying I was going out, and left the house.

It was always cold on the streets at nighttime. But morning was worse. It was like the air was trying to suffocate you. New Jersey is amazing though, even through the murder, rape, whatever. It’s my home. It’s where I was born and raised. It’s everything.
I ran over to the park across my house and sat on the swings. I started swinging back and forth for a while, and turned my iPod on, listening to my music. I turned it on shuffle. First came Nirvana, then My Chemical Romance, then Nine Inch Nails, and so on.

After awhile, I jumped off the swings. I started running down the sidewalk, first slow, then faster, until I had to stop. I walked over to a bench and sat, put my feet up on it, and put my head in my arms, onto of my legs. I sat there for a while. I got up and started walking again, zipping up my hoodie a bit more. I turned a corner, and down the block I could hear music playing. It sounded good.

Just then, a car pulled around the corner, splashing melted snow on me. I was completely soaked from the elbows or so down.

First, I was just cold. Then when the cold air surrounding me started to attack, my body went on lockdown. I was shaking freakishly, and I could barely breath. I looked around. I needed warmth.

My face turned towards the house with the music coming from it. I quickly hurried to it. Before my mind could register what I was about to do (if it could register anything at this moment), I rang the doorbell. In less than 5 seconds, the door flung open. Then my mind started working again. I went working fast. And I felt my heart beating again.

In front of me was Mikey Way, bass guitar player of My Chemical Romance, my favorite band. My hero’s.

I started blinking, a lot, to see if I was even awake, then Mikey asked, “Are you okay?”. I guess he was referring to me being soaked, and blinking like a freaking idiot.

“I—I’m cuhh—cold” I managed to say. He grabbed me softly by the arm and led me into the house. He motioned for me to keep following him. He led me down a hallway, to a laundry room.

“If you want you can throw you clothes in the dryer, and towels are up in the cabinet. Just quickly change, you must be freezing. I’ll be down the hall, in the living room; just go there when you’re done, okay?” he said. I nodded my head.

As soon as he left, I pulled my clothes off. It was warmer not wearing them than wearing them. I threw them into the dryer. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet, and wrapped it around my pale body. It was really soft, and pretty big. Perfect. I set the knobs on the dryer and started it. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, using the hair tie I had around my wrist.

I opened up the laundry room door, and started walking down the hallway. Before I entered the living room, I took a deep breath. Then I entered. Sitting around a couch or two, was all the members of My Chemical Romance, and what I’m guessing, their girlfriends/wives/fiancée’s. Except for Gerard, he was alone.

Mikey looked up at me and said, “Everyone, this is” but stopped; remembering he didn’t know my name. “Helena” I said, and at this Gerard looked up. His green eyes looked surprised. They looked just like mine.

It’s funny; all my friends said I looked like him. I never really noticed until now. My eyes looked almost exactly like his.

Mikey looked over at Gerard, surprised. They exchanged glances at each other, as if they were using their ‘brotherly powers’ to communicate. Gerard moved over a bit on his couch, and patted down on the empty space next to him, motioning for me to sit down there. So I did. I mean, it’s not everyday you meet the band that saved your life, let alone sit down next to them at one of their house’s.