Broken Glass and Bleeding Hearts

Chapter One

It was an unusually cloudy day in Huntington Beach as Star and I walked through the parking lot towards the school. The weather actually matched my mood for once. This hadn’t happened often, but I liked the way it felt. It was comforting in a scary way.

Nothing had been right since the first of August, right after his 16th birthday. At first I didn’t think anything about how Matt distanced himself from Star and I. But now I could see that he had changed. But why he had was a mystery to me.

It was at that time when I spotted someone else walking across the parking lot, not too far from us. He was one of my other former friends, Zack Baker. But unlike the others when no one else of his group is around he will still talk to us. Good old reliable Zack. “Zack!” I yelled at him.

He looked around, obviously knowing my voice, looking for us. When he found us he smiled, waved, and like always headed over to where we were to talk for a second. “Hey ladies.” He said as he walked up to us. We just rolled our eyes.

“I see the ring leader isn’t around.” Star commented, needless to say she was just as pissed at Matt as I was.

“Not yet anyway.” I added in.

“I’m sorry but I can’t do anything about. If I could I would. Trust me.” Zack apologized again. He knew he didn’t need to, we understood. Trying to talk Matt out of something he had made up his mind for was like trying to talk a brick wall into moving itself. Impossible.

“I just don’t understand what happened.” I looked down, trying to hide the emotion that threatened to reveal itself.

“It’s complicated. I can’t explain.” His cell phone rang and he looked at it before looking up at us again. “I’m sorry guys, I gotta go.”

I watched as he ran off to go meet up with the rest of them and sighed. Star looked over and already knew what was wrong with me. “Matt is just an asshole.” She told me.

“He never used to be.”

“People changed.” We walked to our lockers in silence from there. I had hoped that Matt would not be at his, but he was. And he would be in my homeroom class. In the desk next to me. Last year that would have been awesome, this year it was a nightmare.

The rest of them had went on to their lockers by now, leaving him standing at his alone. I couldn’t help but notice how much he had changed over the summer, even when we had still been best friends, Star included.

I guess when you see someone everyday when you are hanging out you don’t realize how much that person changes in appearances. But now with our friendship obviously not in tact I took notice in the way he looked.

Matt had never been a bad looking guy, he had always been good-looking. I had noticed that when I first started taking notice in the way guys looked. But he had been one of my best friends back then, so I had looked at him differently. Now I saw how good-looking he really was.

The bell sounded which told us all to head to class and snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to Star who was closing her locker and told her that I’d see her after class, before heading to homeroom.

When I got there I took my seat and noticed that Matt was already in his. I looked at him through the corner of my eyes, and wished with everything I had that things weren’t this way between us. I wanted to turn to him and say so many things, but three simple words would do it; I miss you. But I knew it was pointless.

I’d tried ever since I hadn’t heard from him the day after his birthday. I’d called him and he didn’t answer. I’d e-mail him and he didn’t reply. I went over, but he was gone. And finally I went over one day determined to talk to him. His mom had answered the door and told me that he had told her that he didn’t want to see me. The words still stung, and I could remember the look on his mom’s face (which was sad) as she told me.

Since that day I’d given up on it. I still saw his parents when they’d come over to talk to my mom now and then since they’d all been friends since high school and they were as warm and friendly to me as they had been since I was born. But it was Matt that I wanted to see. I wanted my best friend back (not that I didn’t have Star. But they were both my best friend). And it was every day that the whole in me grew bigger.

Apparently I hadn’t known how much I cared about him. I didn’t know how much our friendship meant to me until it was gone. And now the only thing in the world I wanted was for things to go back to normal. But somewhere deep down inside I knew that things would never be normal. And this was how things would be between Matt and I.

Most likely forever.