Make A Wish

Chapter Three - Disappointment

When you can no longer weep

When you find no sanctuary in sleep

You know you’ve gone off the deep end

Believe in the futility

It will mock you for eternity

Life’s like that

Weeping won’t help

Sleeping does no good

All you can do is fall further down

It’s a nightmare of cruelty

The demon thrives on superficiality

Living is complicated difficulty

Believe in the futility

It will mock you for eternity

Life is about complicated difficulty

It’s use to absorbed cruelty

The demon thrives on superficiality

The end of week, he would see Gerard Way face to face. It was the end of the week. He was going to see Gerard Way in a few minutes. God, he was nervous. Anxious. Anxiety-ridden. What if he made a fool of himself? He didn’t want to drool, but he just might. His wet dreams were stuffed in every possible crevice with Gerard’s sexiness. True, the man might not appeal to all but he definitely appealed to him. That was what mattered.

He drummed his fingers nervously on his thigh. He hadn’t really needed to fly down Edinburgh to London, he could have driven but there’d been a plane ticket with his name on it already. So what the hell? He took the flight. It was fast; it made him wish that he’d taken a car instead. Time was moving too swiftly, and all too soon it’d be over. He wanted the minutes to creep by; he wanted to savour this time.

“Please fasten your seat belt,” the flight attendant said over the loud speaker. “We are beginning our descent to Heathrow airport. If you are out of your seats, please return to your assigned seats. Thank you.”

Here goes nothing. He slid his seat belt on and waited the fifteen or so minutes it would take before the plane landed firmly on the ground. Butterflies were swirling around in his stomach like mad crazy things. If the plane lurched, he didn’t know what would happen. He almost wished that his parents were here. Then again, he didn’t. His mother most likely would launch into a full blown lecture about proper care that he needed and bore the musical prodigy to tears.

No, it was better that his parents weren’t here. It wasn’t like anything was going to happen to him. His mother wouldn’t have let him out of her sight if she didn’t trust Lucy Mooreman unequivocally. Since his parents knew Toro, the mastermind behind the Make A Wish Foundation, his personal assistant was going to chaperone him. For the job, she had been required by his mother to spend the afternoon before they left, training on how to take care of him.

He sighed. He knew how to take care of himself. He had to. It wasn’t like he didn’t know which pill he needed to take when, even if it was a handful of them. But Lucy had complied, and had actually shown quite a bit of interest. As it turned out, Lucy really wanted to do her job well especially considering Frank Iero was a particular interest to her boss. While she was a bit rigid, once she loosened up he found she wasn’t too bad.

“Are you ready to meet your favourite musician?” Lucy asked him cheekily, her eyes peering over her gold rimmed glasses like the observant feline she was. “I’ve heard he’s quite reticent.”

That was an exaggerated understatement. He was the epitome of elusiveness and antisocial tendencies. It made him all the more mysterious and alluring. Actually, it wasn’t unlike the way that Frank was himself. He understood the need to be utterly alone with the music. It was only in complete solitude that one was really able to compose. No disturbance, just the harmony.

The landing was smooth. Compliments to the pilot. Not that it did anything to calm the nerves that were building up incredible pressure inside of him. Things were going too perfectly and from his past experiences, when things went too well, everything ended up being flipped upside down. His luck always seemed to end up rotten. Maybe this time would be different. Big maybes.

“Welcome to London’s Heathrow Airport,” announced the pilot in greeting, “we hope you have enjoyed your flight aboard Britain Airways and that you fly with us sometime soon.” With having said that, the pilot signed off and the head flight attendant took over to give the passengers instructions in departing from the plane properly.

Same old nonsense. All that was given was practical advice every logical person should know, like how to unfasten their seat belt. Cynicism, hardly becoming in someone his age his mother often told him. Not that it was going to go away, not when he was subjected to flights like this too frequently for his own comfort. His next transatlantic flight was scheduled for next weekend, some new experimental gene therapy that Bob wanted him to try. Too bad it was in America instead of Switzerland.

Lucy rested her hand gently on his arm, careful not to startle the young man. “Time to go, Frank.” He nodded and let her guide him to the aisle, careful not to let anyone jar him since all the medication they were giving him made him continuously light headed. He almost smiled at how often she checked to make sure she had his medicine bag with her.

It was when he stepped onto the terminal that his knees began to shake. What had Lucy told him on the short flight? That Gerard Way was going to meet him at the airport. Relief then disappointed flooded him. Gerard Way wasn’t there because there were no fans going crazy at the unexpected presence.

Despite his hermit tendencies or because of that, Gerard Way was exceedingly popular with the fans and highly respected by the music community. It was an odd mix, usually artists didn’t receive the esteem of both. Then again, Gerard way was special. Riots only gave further evidence of that. No crowd riots, meant no Gerard.

“He’s not here,” Frank said dully, his eyes surveying the crowd one more time carefully but already knowing that he’d missed nothing in his first sweep. It’d be hard to miss the tall, angular and always dressed in black rock star. No, he had not missed anything. Gerard simply wasn’t there.

Lucy’s brown eyes narrowed and with keen perceptiveness scanned the crowd in a mixture of disbelief and anger. Good luck she’d taken this case, she thought furiously. No singer, no matter how famous, was going to hurt one of her boys! Especially not one of Ray’ s boys! “Let’s go!” she exclaimed fiercely. “I’ve got some complaining to do to his agent who arranged this! No wish I help arrange goes unfulfilled!”

She was all ready to charge through the crowd when a slender and beautiful young blond man stepped in front of them with a blinding smile on his confident face. “Are you Mr. Frank Iero and Ms. Lucy Mooreman?” Both of them nodded since they couldn’t find the voice to speak. Frank was struck by the sexy aura exuding from the platinum blond; Lucy was still shaking from her rage at Gerard Way! “I’m Matt McCraggen,” he introduced sophisticatedly. “I’m here to escort you to where Mr. Way is waiting your arrival.”

“Where is he?” Lucy demanded. “He was suppose to meet Frank at the airport! Do you understand how much Frank was been looking forward to this?!”

Admirable. Quite admirable how Matt was taking Lucy’s menacing fury. It was even more admirable how Matt tilted his head to Lucy in an apologetic manner.

“I do apologize for the misunderstanding; however, we thought it best for Mr. Iero to meet Mr. Way in a more controlled environment. His fans tend to get unruly.”

Another understatement. Frank sensed Lucy wasn’t done ranting, and he understood the chaos that was being averted because of this wise decision. Besides, it gave him more time to prepare and let his nerves stop flip-flopping in his stomach.

“We understand,” Frank stated firmly, offering Matt a warm smile. “Will you please escort us, Mr. McCraggen?”

Matt grinned. “Call me Matt. My father’s the one that’s called Mr. McCraggen.”

“Matt,” Frank repeated, holding his hand out, “it’s nice to meet you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Frank.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol, third one... =]