Our Love Was Like a Song

One And Only.

Its been a year, a whole year. Which adds up to many long months since she ran her fingers through those luscious brown curly locks. Months since she kissed those perfect lips. Months since she got to see him smile at her. Months since they said that a simple break was all they needed.

The blue eyed girl wiped the few tears that fell from her eyes, and sniffled as she put down the picture of her ex boyfriend, Nicholas Jonas. The girl felt like he had forgotten everything they were, for two years they dated. Two years. And it seemed as if, Nick forgot the days that they were on the road together. The times they sang together. The hugs, the kisses, the dancing with no music, all of it.

All of that, romantic, first love, amazing, knock you off your feet kisses and take your breath away hugs. Somehow none of that was enough anymore. It all just ended, too soon for the brown haired girl to think about.

She didn't like not being with him, she didn't like the fact that their whole relationship was forgotten by him, and his brothers. It wasn't right of them to completely turn against her, the couple agreed that taking a break from their relationship was best, but they didn't agree on completely hating on another. She never in a million years thought it would come to this. Now Nick, he was with another girl, another teen queen, the new girl, she was no Hannah Montana, she was more of a wizard. A wizard that the blue eyed girl wasn't very fond of.

Miley still felt those kisses, the ones he gave her. Ones before the show, to give her luck, and ones after to tell her how amazing she did. The ones in between outfit changes, and the one in the privacy of her own bus. All the kisses were just as amazing as the last. Not once did Miley, or Nick, feel that fire burn out of the kisses, and make their heart not skip a beat.

Nick and Miley were once the power couple. Everywhere you looked, Nick Jonas this, Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana that. It was always something both the teens didn't mind. Sure, they hated not getting so much privacy, but at the end of the day it was okay, cos they had each other, and each other is all they needed.

The blue eyed girl, Miley, would be the last person on the face of the earth to sit around and mope about just one guy. Let alone one she didn't have anymore. But every now and then their song would come on and she would cry. Cry and then look at old pictures of the two. It would eventually get to be too much and she would shut off the radio or ipod, and rip the picture in half.

Sometimes Miley thinks too much, and wonders if it was all just a big lie. If everything he's ever told her was a big fat lie. She wonders if when he told her he loved her, if he was just kidding. Or if when he told her that he would always love her, and be with her, if he was just telling her what she wanted to hear.

Then again, was it all the truth, and did she drive him away from her? Was it her fault? Was she the one who made him fall out of love, if in fact he did fall out of love with her? This was the point where Miley was so confused she just wanted to scream. She recalled the day they decided to let go, to forget the whole thing. Let go of two years of relationship.

"Miley! I cant handle this! All you ever do is tell me what I am doing wrong! This is just, so frustrating! I try as hard as I can to spend every moment of my free time with you, baby, you know that." Nick said walking a little closer to her and touching her cheek softly with his hand.

"Nick, I know. Thats not what I'm mad about, I-I'm not even mad, I just miss you. I miss us being able to be us. This is just happening so fast and I'm trying hard, I am! Nicky, Its just I'm scared of losing you. I'm scared of this ending on bad notes..I want you in my life." She said not letting her voice get too loud. Miley reached up and put her hand on his.

"I just love you, Nick." She said softly.
"I love you too, Miles, but.." Nick sighed softly.
"Babe, all we ever do is fight, and I hate fighting with you, I like loving you. Not fighting. I think we should. Maybe take a break. I know it will be hard..but I think it would be best." Nick said softly as he brushed a piece of her brown hair out of her face.

Miley looked down as a tear fell, Nick quickly wiped it away with his thumb. "Don't cry, baby. Please." He said in almost a whisper. Miley nodded, thinking that this would be a five minute break, but the sound of his voice told her heart that it was going to be a lot longer than that.

Still, Miley nodded her head in agreement, even if she didn't agree with what he said.
"I'll always love you. You're always my first love." He said softly making her look into his deep chocolate eyes, Miley nodded, she had gone mute. Nick leaned in and kissed her lips softly once more.
"I love you too, Nick. Always will." She said in almost a whisper.

"I'll always love you." Miley said out loud, repeating the same words he had spoken to her.

Miley sniffled softly as a tear fell down her cheek, she looked down and ran her finger over the picture she was holding in her hands. It was of her and Nick, with their arms around each other, smiling like they were in love. A day that Miley would give anything to go back to and be a part of, again.

It was almost as if Nick and his brothers had completely forgotten about her. They had moved on to newer girls. Two former co-stars, two best friends. Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez. Of course, none of the Jonas boys were dating Demi, although rumors swirled that Joe and her had a thing, and some believe that in the end Joe and Demi will eventually become 'Jemi' and live happily ever after.

Joe was dating Taylor, who was good enough to be one of Selena's best friends. Because obviously you couldn't unless she choose you. Miley didn't have too big of a problem with her, she just hated the fact that Nick loved Miley, but liked Selena. You love me, you like her.

Miley remembered the relationship between her and Nick, and she remembered how they lost that. She couldn't just not care, it wasn't that easy. Text messages weren't enough to make a relationship last. And then she would remember how the last day between them was awkward and silent, as Nick spit out what he was trying to say. Even if it wasn't what she wanted to hear.

Miley never sat around, moping, not ever. Just occasionally she would have moments that would trigger the thoughts and she would have a minor breakdown. But she wouldn't let people see her like that. She wasn't a weak person, she was very strong, in fact. With people judging and scrutinizing every move she ever made, she still stood strong, and let them say what she wanted. Which is a good thing to be when you're in this business.

Miley was dating Justin, and she was slowly starting to be happy again. She had broken free from her rebellious state, and died her hair back to the normal, caramel brown color it was, and her make-up lightened. She dressed how she wanted, and was finally on the journey to being truly happy. It had been a long road, since her nights and days full of crying herself to sleep, and not eating. And she was feeling so much better.

She was accepting the fact that she may never be with him again. That he wouldn't ever look at, or think about her. She didn't care what he thought anymore. It wasn't important anymore.

She told herself it was all in the past, and the love was lost. Even if somehow she knew deep inside of her heart, it wasn't even a little bit true.


Today was the day of the Kid's Inaugural, and Barack Obama was going to be president that Tuesday. Which was really exciting. Miley loved that fact that she was performing and the fact that she was going to be a part of history. As if she wasn't already.

Miley was looking extra beautiful tonight, to start off in a red dress, then into her comfy rocker look. Shes beautiful in anything she wears, anyways. Not that the clothes make the girl. But the dress on this night helped.

Nick swallowed hard when he saw her in red. Something about her in red always made him crazy. And the fact that he was wearing red that night too, was even more amazing, like this was somehow planned. And he was going crazy watching her. The feelings rushed back through him, faster than lightning.

He passed her as he was running to the stage, and he got a whiff of her sweet perfume, and he nearly went weak in the knees. He and his brothers did their thing on stage, and finished up the show, and as the credits were rolling Nick went down the line of celebrities hugging people, and when he came to Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus, he hugged Demi briefly, then hugged Miley.

"I miss you." He said softly into her ear, Miley smiled slightly, but panicking from what to say. She had missed him too, but she was happy with Justin.
"I still love you, Miley." He said softly before he released her from his tight hug. Truth was, Miley still loved him too. But how was she ever going to get over those words he just spoke. She just nodded.


"Come here, Miley." Nick said softly as he took her into an empty area backstage, after the credits were finished rolling.

"I-I want you back. I've been going crazy trying to get over you, and it's not working out for me. I just can't. Selena isn't enough for me. She wont ever live up to you. She can't ever be the girl that I want. Because the girl I want is standing right here, and I let her go." Nick said softly, looking into her eyes.

"Nick, I-"
"No, don't make up an excuse, I know you've missed me too." He said, keeping his dark chocolate eyes on her baby blue ones.

"Nick, while that may be true. I don-I'm not in love with you anymore. Sure, I'll always have love for you, my prince charming, my night in shining armor, but Nick, it's not the same as when we were fourteen. We're both older, and it wouldn't work now. I'm sorry, it just wont." She said speaking softer after each few words she spoke. And through his chocolate eyes she saw his heart break.

Miley swallowed as a few tears formed in his eyes, making them glassy and red.

"You're joking right, Miley? You've got to be." Nick said, clearly shocked, Miley shook her head no, as she looked down to her feet.

"Nick neither of us know how the futures going to turn out, and maybe one day, I'll wake up, and turn over to see your face smiling back at me. But right now, I know that, being with you, isn't what I want. It wouldn't be fair for either of us." She said, as she looked up just in time to see a tear fall from his porcelain cheek.

"You don't love me anymore." He whispered, as his heart shattered.

"There's always going to be something there, Nick. Always. You were the first boy I ever really truly loved, but that doesn't mean the fire is always going to burn as bright as it did the day we met. For you maybe it does, but for me it doesn't, and who knows, maybe one day we can go back. But right now, the fires smothering, and is flickering as a little flame.." She was starting to get brave again, she wouldn't let him pull her back in, with those tears, sure Nick was truly hurting, but they were also something to his advantage, hoping she'd see and take him back. She wouldn't.

"You thought I'd never get over you, over us. But I did. I did and you can't stand it. It eats at you every night that I'm not crying over you, that I'm not sad that you're with Selena. Who is just as shady as you are. It kills you, and you can't accept the fact that, the fact that, I'm happy without you. You can't and tonight, you thought you make your move, and try and get me back, but it didn't work. And-And I love you, I will always love you. But it's not the same. I'm not naive. I'm not fourteen. I'm not the same girl I was, and you're not the same boy. And we just have to accept that, and move on with our lives, where ever they take us. As of right now, there is no 'Niley'. One day, a long time from now, there may be a 'Niley' again, but right now, no." Miley said, as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"But I-"
"No, don't make up an excuse. I know love me, still." She said looking into his eyes, tears streaming down his now rosy cheeks. Miley swallowed and kissed his cheek softly, before she walked away, leaving him shocked, sad, and alone.

Miley never planned on hurting him, and if this had happened three or four months before, she probably would have taken him back. But at this moment in her life, it wasn't going to happen. She didn't want it. She was happy where she was, who she was with, and with the things she was doing. She was having fun just being Miley. She was living her dream, living a life someone would sell their soul to have, and she wasn't taking that for advantage.

And as for Nick, she did love him once, but that was a year ago. And Nick was a year too late. He was the one who just forgot.

"And at last, all the pictures have been burned, and all the past is just a lesson that we've learned. I won't forget, please don't forget, us. Somewhere we went wrong. Our love is like a song, but you won't sing along, you've forgotten about us."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, its Niley.
But a sad Niley.
Sad panda :[
But thats okay.
Whats the point of stories if they all live happily ever after?
Hope you enjoied!

P.S. Happy birthday Lily!
AND, tomorrow, the 27th is my birthday :]


Love you guys. Comment.