A Tale Of A Mermaid

A Tale Of A Mermaid

name: Ula
meaning: jewel of the sea
age: 18
rank: mermaid
look: you have long brown hair pale white skin, you wear pearl necklace around your neck. you also wear two shell over your breast when your a mermaid and your tail is purple and your eyes are green

name: Dillan
meaning: son of the sea
age: 20
rank: pirate
look: he has pale white skin and white hair, his taller then you. he wear a pirate like suite, his eyes are brown and his handsome.

her story: I know what your thinking that she a mermaid and she beautiful. Well to tell you the true I started out human, that right I'm cursed. You see I come from a poor family that live off of sell and eating our crops. It all started when my father made a deal with a witch, that if she made his crops grow bigger this year he would marry her. She had her eye on my dad scene mom die and this was her chance. She made our crops bigger but, dad refund to marry her, he said to no one can take the place of mom in his heart or me. So, instead of cursing him she cursed me for what he did, say that only true love can break the spell. I was only 16 when I got cursed and every time I touch water my legs turn into a big fin.
Scene I knew everyone in the little town were ether girls or boys take were already married I hand to go out to sea. My father didn't want me to go out there by myself he said “he would rather live with a fish for a daughter then have a dead one.” He was right, I just got this fin I didn't know how to use thing. So I told him I'll wait until I'm 18 to leave.
Two years later here I am out to sea and no I was not using a boat but mine fin's. As the two years went by I made a friend a dolphin named flipper. His traveling with me to break the curse. Little did I who the person who going to break my curse was right behind me on my tail fin.
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