A Tale Of A Mermaid

A Tale Of A Mermaid

The sun was shiny in my eye as I woke up the next day. as I sat up I realized that I was naked. I cover myself with the sheet's and looked around the room. It was both A bedroom and a mapping room, just then the door open and the man called Dillan came in with a dress in his arm's. "oh, your awake" he said looking at me with a smile.
"here I bough you something to wear so you don't have to walk around naked" he said handing me the dress. it was red strapless and it went down to the floor.
"Everyone well be waiting to see you when get dress" he said leavening the room. I looked at dress and then put it on. after I walked out saw that everyone was working, some high, some low. I looked to find Dillan behind the wheel of the ship.
I walk over to him and stood beside him. "nice to see you up and about" he said not taking his eyes off the sea. just then I hear a clicking noise from the side of the ship. I look to see that it was flipping. I ran to the side of the ship to see him closer.
(by the way you can talk to fish.) "Ula what did they do to you" he ask worried? "they didn't do anything to me flipping in fact they been nice to me" I said. "oh, I was so worried that they may have eat you" he said. "no one eat mermaid's" I said.

I looked at Ula as she started to sound like a dolphin. "Hay Dillan why is she talking like that" one of my crew mates ask? “she a mermaid they can talk to fish" I said. I looked over at her and told him to take the wheel for me. I walked over to her and stood beside her.
"Is that one of your friends" I ask? "yes, this is flipper" she said. Flipper jumped up and gave her a high five with his tail and went back in the water. "So tell me, what's a pretty little thing like you doing out here" I ask?

I looked at him and said "I'm on a quest." "What kind of quest are you" he ask? I turned to him and said "that's for me the know and for you to find now". I walked way and looked around on the ship.

I looked at her as she walked. she hiding something and I'm going to found out what it is I though. As I looked up and down her I realize something. she has a nice ass and a great body. Just then she turned around and said “stop looking at my ass.”

~Ula's though~
I can't believe he was looking at my ass lie I was a piece of meat. I may be a mermaid but, I’m still a human being
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thank u