A Tale Of A Mermaid

A Tale Of A Mermaid

~late that night~
I was in the caption's bedroom looking out to sea in the window, as everyone was in to bed. How I miss my father so but, I promise him that I would return with this cursed broking. just then the door open and Dillan walked in. "Ula I just wanted to see that I was sorry for what I said or though early" he said rubbing his head. "It's ok Dillan it's not offend you have a mermaid on your ship" I said with a smile.
" I know but, it's just that with no women on the ship it's hard not to think like that with you on broad" he said blushing. "Well I am beautiful and back home most of the men there ask for me hand in marriage so I forgive you" I said. " you know everyone a sleep and there's no wind so the boat is not moving" he said. "you want to go for a swim " I finish for him? "yeah" he said looking away.
"I would love too" I said walking out the door with him behind me. we got out on deck and I took off the dress I had on. "uh, what are you doing" he ask? "remember I’m a mermaid when I touch the water" I said. "oh yeah but, why are you getting out of your dress" he ask?
"well I don't want to wet the dress" I said standing there naked.

she looked as if she was glowing in the moonlight. so full of life and hope with her hair blowing in the wind. "come on then" she jumping over board. I was so busies looking at her that I didn't get undress. I took off my shirt and shoes and dove right in after her.
when I popped my head out of the water I could see that she already had her fin's. "come on she said diving under water with her tail in the air. I followed after her.

I looked back at Dillan to find his face looked like a blow fish. then I remember that I can talk and breath under water but, he can't. I swam to him and held his face in my hands and looked straight at him then did it. as I kissed him I blow in his mouth(a other power of mine) and then let go. "what was that for" he said shock that now he could talk under water.
"so you and I could talk under water" I said with a smile. "oh thank you" he said blushing. "now follow me I know a great place you have to see" I said swimming with him beside me. I was taking him to a place where there's music, light, dancing and fun under the sea.
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