A Tale Of A Mermaid

A Tale Of A Mermaid

~Ula prov~
we swam for about an hour before we came to it. "here it is" I said showing him it. it was a under sea restaurant where there was music, dancing, and food. the table's and chair's were made from the reef and the dance floor was the sea floor it self. the light's were glow fish and angler fish, there was one glow fish at each table and angler's stood in one place when their light's on.
the waiter's were octopus and so was the cook. 'welcome to Aqua, may I take you to your seat" the waiter said. "yes please, thank you" I said as we followed him.

~Dillan prov~
as we were swimming to our table I could see that some fish were looking at me. "here you are" the waiter said. we sat down and he handed us our menu's. "here you go and I’ll be back to take your order's" he said swimming away. I looked at the menu and saw something, I didn't know what this stuff was.
"you ok Dillan" Ula ask me? "no, it's just that I don't know what I’m going to eat" I said. "well we had dinner on the ship so let's have desert" she said with a smile. "ok but you pick" I said 'waiter we're ready' she said. "yes" said.
"we'll have the sea cake please' she said. "yes ma'am" he said and swam away. 10 min’s later our desert was place on the table before us. it had three lair's of cake, it had blue ices and sea shell on it.

~Ula prov~
I always get the sea cake, it's so good. I picked up my fork and took a bite. I looked over at Dillan as that he wasn't eating. "why are you not eating Dillan it's good" I said. "I don't know, I mean__" he started but I cut him off with a fork full of cake in his mouth.
he ate it and said "this is pretty good." he picked up his fork and ate with me. the cake was and the night was young but there was one more thing I wanted to do with Dillan before leaving. I wanted to dancing with him to night
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mermaid lover i love yu