Gone With The Sin

Gone With The Sin

I love your skin oh so white

I love your touch cold as ice

And I love every single tear you cry

I just love the way you’re losing your life

With one slender finger, Gerard trailed the outlines of Franks face. He pulled away when his lover slowly opened his eyes. They stared at each other in silence, and then Gerard leaned down to press a tender kiss to those red lips.

Franks eyelids fluttered. Tears began to form in his eyes, clung to his dark lashes and made his eyes blink in the dim light of the candles. One tear rolled down his cheek. Gerard gazed at it in wonder, until he wiped it away gently with one finger.

Oh my Baby, how beautiful you are

Oh my darling, completely torn apart

You’re gone with the sin my baby and beautiful you are

So gone with the sin my darling

Curiously, he licked the salty liquid off.

After a moment of silence, he whispered, “How beautiful you are, my Baby.”

Frank drew in a shaky breath and didn’t answer. For a second, Gerard’s calm features faltered.

“Have you considered well? Once gone with the sin, you’ll never return.” He warned.

Frank managed a small smile. “I love you,” he whispered.

Deciding it would be enough of a reassurance, Gerard smiled bitterly. “My precious darling, completely torn apart.” he muttered.

Another tear rolled down Frank’s cheek. “It has already begun” he breathed. “The moment I granted you access to my heart, I was starting to lose my life.” Gerard sighed and kissed him once more.

I adore the despair in your eyes

I worship your lips once red as wine

And I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine

I just love the way you’re running out of life.

He locked his gaze with Frank’s, finding despair in his eyes. The despair he knew he would find, had hoped to find. The despair he would never see again. This human feature he craved to feel, the one he loved to see, the one he adored.

Tearing himself from Franks beautiful eyes, he bent down and kissed the tender skin on his lover’s exposed throat. He inhaled deeply. The scent of Frank’s blood surrounded and intoxicated him. He felt shivers run down his spine and knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself anymore.

He kissed Frank’s neck once more, and then parted his lips, biting down gently. He felt Frank tense up beneath him and rubbed his chest soothingly. Slowly, Frank relaxed. Gerard bit down further, until he drew blood. The warm liquid covered his lips and poured into his mouth. He hummed, relishing in the exquisite taste of it. It tasted salty and metallic, the typical taste for blood. But Frank’s blood held a special aroma to it, a hint of sweetness that nearly drove Gerard insane.

Hungrily, he drank Frank’s life essence, feeling him relax slowly. He wished this moment would never stop, but when Frank’s body fell limp in is arms, he stopped. With all the control he could muster, he pulled away from the wound and sat up. He looked at his lover for a moment, taking in the surreal beauty of him losing his life slowly.

Then he bit down gently on his own wrist and pressed it on the bite marks on Frank’s throat. Fascinated, he watched their blood mingle. With his free hand, he caressed Frank‘s lips, once red and warm were now pale and lifeless. Frank didn’t move. Sighing, Gerard made himself comfortable next to his lover, careful not to move his wrist.

It would be a long time waiting.


Gerard groaned. His neck was starting to ache and in all the four hours he had waited, Frank hadn’t moved once. As he had done many times in this night, he caressed Frank’s lips and his white cheeks.

This time however, Frank did move. His eyelids fluttered, and a pale, cold hand wrapped itself around Gerard’s. He let out a shaky breath and smiled weakly. Slowly, Gerard lowered his wrist and exposed two small red marks on Frank’s throat. He stroked them tenderly, and noticed how much alike their skins were now.

They had contrasted dramatically before, snowy white to a pale olive tone, but now both their skins held that icy shine to it. He smiled and turned to lie on his back. He pulled Frank close, feeling slight remorse when he noticed that Frank was now as cold as he was. Frank snuggled into his lover’s chest.

“Did it hurt much?” Gerard asked.

Frank chuckled. “You were very gentle” he whispered, “thank you.”

“No.” Gerard said softly “thank you.”

He placed a gentle kiss on Frank’s forehead. “I love you” he breathed, impossible for a human to hear.

“I love you, too.” Frank answered.

Gerard smiled and closed his eyes. “Forever.” He said.

“Forever.” Was the soft reply from previously red, pale pink lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Was a one shot, so there'll be no more installments =]
Hope you liked it guys.
Be sure to tell me what you thought.