Why can't we just live our lives?

Chap. 1

Contact between sensei and student was not acceptable. Sure, there was the brief hand touch as they pass by each other, or lifting their elbow slightly when they had a position for a juitsu wrong, but that was it. Now Kakashi sat against a tree, looking over his book wishing that that wasn’t the truth.

Sasuke was trying to master the chidori, and he was obviously exhausted. It was also clear that he was becoming annoyed.

“Why aren’t you watching me?” Sasuke asked Kakashi. Kakashi looked up from his book.

“I showed you how to do it. I told you how, I know you can do it.” He said in a smooth voice. Sasuke sighed in anger.

“You are my sensei! You are supposed to watch me!” he practically yelled.

“Yes. And I know you know what to do. I thought you how to do it.” Kakashi said assuringly. Sasuke scowled and tried again. Kakashi returned to his book, well, pretending to read it anyway. He just couldn’t keep his eye off of Sasuke.

About an hour later, Sasuke was hardly able to stand. Kakashi looked at him. He was covered with dirt and sweat.

“Go take a bath.” Kakashi said, closing his book. “You’re too tired to train anymore, you might as well rest for more training tomorrow.” He said.

Sasuke looked at Kakashi and went to the bath house with out question.