The Only Difference Between Brent Wilson and Jon Walker Is the Name

Chapter 4.

Ryan stared open mouthed at him. “No shitting way, you actually are Brent?”

Jon looked confused. “You didn’t know if I was Brent before you asked?”

Ryan shrugged. “Figured I’d just be fucking embarrassed if you were just Jon. I kind of noticed that you were acting a little differently today, a little more like Brent.” He explained. “I’m surprised that Brendon and Spencer didn’t pick up on it.” He paused. “So, if you’re in Jon’s body, where is Jon, and your body?”

“I am Jon, but I’m Brent too. And… this is my body now, I guess.” Jon said. “I woke up this morning and all I could remember was being Brent, then when I touched this photo it was like I lived out all of my life as Jon Walker. I can still remember everything as Brent Wilson, but from now on, I’m Jon Walker.” Jon explained.

“That’s not going to help us. We need Brent, since he is, you know, our bassist.” Jon’s face lit up.

“I’ll join instead! I mean, we can say that Brent left the band, for whatever reasons, and that I’m replacing him.” Jon said excitedly.

“How exactly are we going to explain this to Spencer and B though?” Ryan asked, looking back down through the bunks where he could see the glow of the TV. “I mean, no offence, but they kind of don’t like you right now.”

“If you’re going to say it Ry, just say it. They hate me.” Jon replied. “And they have done since before this tour started.”


Dude, I’m not Brent anymore. I’m Jon.”

“Right, sorry.” Ryan frowned, obviously trying to remember it in his mind for future reference.
“So, when do you propose we tell them who you are?”

“Uh, never? Seriously, they hate my guts. I think Spence wouldn’t care if I had died or something.”

“Don’t be fucking ridiculous.” Ryan snapped, then sighed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to get snappy at you man.”

“Don’t sweat it.”

“So, you’re both Brent and Jon. So… shit, you’re older than me now!”

Jon grinned. “4 months to legality! In your face, Ross!”

“Fucker.” Ryan smirked. Then he face changed. “I’ve had an idea.” Jon raised an eyebrow at Ryan.

Ryan explained that if they say Brent’s gone home for something they’ll figure out after, then Jon can take over. Then just before they enter the cabin, where they’re heading to work on their next album, they can announce that Brent’s left the band for good and Jon is the new bassist.

Jon nodded while Ryan explained it. “That could work. But why wait? Say I left, didn’t say where I was going and that I’m through with the band.” Jon said. “Brendon and Spencer think I’m an asshole already, this won’t make too much difference.”

“Are you sure?” Ryan asked.

“100%.” Jon told him. “And when we do get round to telling them about me, Spencer will be happy. I can play bass 50 times better as Jon than I did as Brent. And I can play piano, and guitar. And I can sing, man! I don’t sound like a fucking dying cat. I could totally do like, backing now.”

Ryan looked at him, an amused grin on his face. “You’re really excited about this, aren’t you? I mean, it’s weird, it must be weird for you, but you’re really enjoying it.”

“Dude, if you were in my shoes, you’d know exactly how awesome this was.” Jon replied. He was practically bouncing now. He reminded Ryan of when Brendon had way too much red bull. Which was a regular occurrence on the Panic! bus.

“So, how about we wait until they get wasted, pass out, then we can pack up some of your shit and we’ll hide it, then say Brent came back tonight and took it and that he’s quitting the band.” Ryan said, planning it out in his head. “We’ll have to tell them eventually, but for now it’s better if they don’t know.”

So that’s exactly what they did. It only took another hour of drinking before Spencer fell asleep and Brendon decided to curl up with him, the cuddlewhore he was. Then Jon and Ryan grabbed about Brent’s clothes and packed them into bags, hiding them with Ryan’s stuff. Brent hadn’t brought that many clothes, he never did, he didn’t see the point when hardly anyone showered anyway.

“You better grab your cell as well. Although I’m sure you’ve got another one anyway.” Ryan said.

“Yeah, but I’ll take it anyway. I’ll need to text to you guys, so it’s not like I completely dropped off the face of the Earth.” Jon said, pocketing the cell phone. “And I’ll send a text in a few days apologising or some shit.”

“Be prepared to hear a lot of shit from Brendon and Spencer about you.” Ryan told him. “But remember, it’s not you anymore.”

“I know Ry.” Jon smiled at him. “So, feel like finishing these bottles off? Cos you know, my alcohol tolerance as Jon is like, immense.”

“Sure, why not?” Ryan shrugged.
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So, I was a little bored, so I thought I'd give you an update now. I'm also updating two of my other stories, Winning The World At A Carnival and Boys Will Be Boys (But Are Sometimes Girls). Check them out if you haven't already.

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Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo