For my 17th Birthday I got Money, Clothes and Control of an Element. . . seriously!

Two More Arrivals

As soon as I’d said that we were all off. It was amazing. Adrenalin pumped through my veins like I depended on it. I pressed a button and the roof of my new car came off. Now I could also feel the speed of the car, and I loved every minute of it. I looked over at the others and they were having as much fun as I was. Just then Hayley pointed back. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw that there were 2 guys chasing us on motorcycles. My eyes widened. Were they Boshafts or not? Hayley shook her head. “No, it’s Jordan and Leo. They just want to make sure we don’t get into trouble.” Hayley said over the purr of the three cars. Darryl and I nodded.

We started to turn into the country side and the roads started to get a little more bendy, which we weren’t used to. “I think we should stop at the next turning guys.” I suggested. They nodded. I was first to go around the bend. It was pretty tight so I guess we were right to stop here. Hayley was next I expected her to scratch her car or something like that, but she did fine as well. Now it was just Darryl. She was a pretty good driver so there was nothing to worry about, but suddenly there was a goat that walked onto the road.

Darryl’s eyes widened as she saw what we were looking at. There wasn’t enough time to brake, she would hit it indefinitely. So what did Darryl do? She sneezed. I could tell this wasn’t an ordinary sneeze by the way she didn’t screw up her face when she did it. But it was a sneeze nonetheless. We looked into the car and were more alarmed than we had been before. Darryl wasn’t in there.

The car hit the goat and just before any damage could be done to it Hayley had held the car still with her ability. “Go and check the goat, see if it’s worth calling a vet or anything. The guys have gone to look for Darryl. Caminar!”

“This is hardly the time for Spanish!” I shouted while running over to it. The goat looked in pain. I tried to turn it over to see if the damage was bad, but it screamed. It took me by shock and I jumped back. It was in pain. Now I was panicking. What do I do now? I was almost in tears at its pain. All I could remember thinking was that I was hoping it was okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. I chanted over and over in my head. Tears were now falling down my cheeks. I couldn’t bear anything to be in pain, let alone a baby goat. I touched its stomach area and closed my eyes chanting again. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. I heard the goats breathing get more even but still didn’t want to open my eyes in case it wasn’t okay.

I could feel energy flowing out of me. I heard 4 people walk over behind me. It was probably the guys, Hayley and Darryl. Then someone was right in front of me. I had a feeling they’d jumped in front of me which led me to think it was Aero. The person put their hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked up at them. I didn’t notice that there were tears in my eyes until I had to blink continuously to get the tears out of my eyes. “It’s okay.” He barely whispered. I looked at the goat and saw that its eyes were open and it was breathing healthily. I touched its stomach and it didn’t scream again.

It was okay.

I stood up and sniffed trying to compose myself again and turned around. The first thing that happened was that Darryl gave me a huge hug. I hugged her tightly as well. Hayley coughed so Darryl and I turned to her. “I’ve just got one question you guys. What’s going on? I thought I was the only one who had the crazy freaky power and liked it.” I smiled softly and shook my head.”

“You were never the only one that had the ‘other’ power remember. We all do. It’s just this is the first time Darryl and I have used ours or discovered them or whatever.”

“Speaking of which,” She turned to the guys. “To teleport do I have to ‘sneeze’ every time now?” The guys (once again with the exception of Aero who'd gone back to his usual horrid self) laughed and shook their heads.

“Let’s just go home first. I think it’s been a long day and you guys need to have a rest.” Then Jordan pointed to Darryl and I. “Especially you two.” We smiled as Hayley stepped into her car. Leo stepped in the passenger seat with her. Darryl and I were just about to do the same thing when Aero and Jordan stepped in front of us. We folded our arms.

“What’re you guys doing?” Darryl said. I nodded.

“We aren’t letting you guys drive. You need rest.”

“So what, you’re going to drive us?” I asked sarcastically. They nodded. Both our jaws dropped. They were going to drive us.

“So unless you guys want to walk home…which I highly doubt you do.” Jordan said smartly. Darryl and I looked at each other then sighed heavily. I got into the passenger seat of my car and she got into the passenger of hers and the guys got into the cars.

As I looked up I saw Aero. For a second he looked his normal hard self. I was too tired to say anything, but then he sighed and his face softened. He looked like the old Aero, the nice one that didn’t hate me. I wanted to savour this moment but my eyes kept on drooping. He noticed. “Sleep,” He whispered to me. I shook my head.

“No I’ve missed you like this for too long. If I sleep now then I may wake up for it to have been a dream.” I said groggily with my eyes shut. It took me about a minute to actually form the sentences and by the time I’d finished I was already half asleep.

“I’ve missed you too.” I think I heard him whisper before I actually fell asleep, but back up one moment. Aero just said that he’d missed me too.
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I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so (so x100000000000) sorry I didn't update sooner. I will update again since this one is so short, but I felt I owed it to you guys to give you something. Anyways here you go an hope you like it. =) PS: What do you guys thinks going to happen to Aero? Do you think it's an act? Or do you think that he really cares about Tabby?