Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You


It was the summer just after graduation, I was finally out of high school! Yes! The torture is over! After that night in the hospital, my year seemed to go pretty fast. Its like it was on fast forward or something. I went back to school with my cast and black eye and of course, everyone wanted to know what happened. I just told them I tripped. I really didn't want anyone's sympathy or judgements against me.

Joe and me were still going strong, and it was better than ever. He planned this really romantic dinner for me on my birthday. It was the cutest thing ever. He took me up to the beach with this picnic and blankets. And since my birthday is the day before New Years Eve, there were fireworks and everything. We just sat under the stars, listening to the splash of the ocean on the sand and watching the night sky light up with purples, reds, blues, and greens.

Me and Niki have pretty much become best friends. Its so funny the kind of conversations we have and what funny stuff we get into. Lets just say when we're together, bad things have a tendency to happen. I remember one time, we were wicked bored. And when we're bored, we'll do anything to change that. So we went to Walmart to pass the time. We ran around the store causing havoc wherever we could. We set all the alarm clocks to go off every ten minutes, sampled all the perfumes in the Women's department, reenacted a fatal incident involving the automatic doors, draped blankets around our shoulders and ran around screaming "NANANANANANANA BATMAN", played Marco Polo in the electronics, and hid behind clothes racks whispering "PICK ME, PICK ME" whenever someone walked by. That was the best day ever.

The same thing had happened with me and Bill. We were practically inseparable. He and Tom had decided to get a place over here so that they could stay closer to Katelyn. Somehow, Bill had gotten ahold of all my poetry. He read through it all, saying that I could have a career as a successful songwriter. I had never really thought about it, but more I did, the more I realized I wanted a career in music. Not exactly as a rockstar, but more like behind the scenes. Maybe like a manager or something. And songwriter on the side.

Which is what led me to my current situation. I had been invited to go on tour with Tokio Hotel this summer. This way I could get used to life on the road if I was to become a manager, and I could get a real taste of the rockstar life. And the best part, the Jonas Brothers would be going on tour with them as well. They had decided to co-headline. I was so excited. Plus, I wouldn't be the only girlfriend tagging along. It'd be me, Niki, Katelyn, and Manda.

Yeah, thats right, Manda is a girlfriend too now. Her and Kevin got together shortly after that whole scandal with Zac. I guess they had both had secret feelings for each other, but were too afraid to make a move. You know, in case it would affect their friendship. But apparently, one night they had gotten together and started complaining about everyone's relationship issues and it just happened. Ha-ha, I remember when Manda told me they were dating. I freaked out on her I was so happy. Good memories, good memories.
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the sequel is now officially posted!!!
oh, and like always,