Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 11

I was still standing in the doorway for a few minutes after Joe had left to go get changed. I could hear Tom yelling on all the doors to tell people to go down to the pool. From the sounds of it, everyone was going. And I mean everyone. Basically we were taking over the pool. That was okay with me though. Its better than having little kids everywhere or seeing fat hairy shirtless guys. Don't you just hate that? Its so gross.

I saw Tom walking back down the hallway towards me, pulling me from my thoughts. Alright, I can't help it anymore. I stared at his toned stomach, until he got close enough to notice. He looked strange without his baggy clothes and his signature hat and headband. But I liked this new Tom that wore his dreads down, the way they were supposed to be.

"Hey. You want to go down now?" Tom asked me as he stopped in front of me. Sure? Why not? He seemed nervous all of a sudden for he added, "Just cause we're already changed."

"Yeah, sure. Let me pull on some shorts first." I said, turning to grab a pair from my suitcase. I pulled out a pair of black Soffees. I walked back out to where Tom was and made sure that I had a key before I shut the door behind me.

The elevator ride was silent, and I was relieved to make it to the pool. There was some sort of tension between us, and I didn't know what it was. Or rather, I refused to believe what it was. No, there was not any sexual tension between myself and Tom. Period. End of story.

Tom opened the door to the pool for me, and once I was inside I noticed that the hot tub wasn't there. But there was a hot tub at this hotel. I had checked, there was no point in having a pool if you're not going to have a hot tub.

"Where's the hot tub?" I asked, stripping off my shorts and placing them on a beach chair. I looked around at Tom, he looked as bewildered to that question as I was.

"I don't know. Maybe they have it in another room?" He said, walking around for it.

"Maybe." I said, shrugging. I went over to the pool, dipping in my foot. It was luke warm. I made a face. This wasn't a heated pool to me. Heated means like 80 degrees or higher. Not like 70. Yuck. Oh well.

I dived into the pool, shivering inwardly at the temperature. I came up for air, and noticed Tom was still by the chairs. Oh c'mon Tom.

"Are you serious?" I asked, swimming to the side of the pool and resting on it.

"Was?" He asked, looking confused.

"Not gonna come in?" I asked, waving my hand at the water.

"Nein. Pools are too cold. Even if they're "heated"." He said, using finger quotes for the word heated. I sighed, this boy was just like me.

"I know. Heated means like 80, not 60 to 70." I said. He nodded enthusiastically, and I smiled. Him and Bill were more alike than he knew. "Pleaaase Tomi, pleaaaase?"

He rolled his eyes, and walked closer to the pool. He stopped short of it, and I sighed. I was going to have to do all the work. I swam to the ladder and got up out of the pool. He looked at me scared, probably wondering what I was doing. Muahahaha, I feel like being evil.

"Don't worry, I'm not pushing you in. I just got cold." I said to him. He sighed of relief and turned away from me. Bad idea Tomi. I ran over to him, tackling him in a hug. He let out a shout of surprise and I pushed us into the pool.

"Hey! You said you weren't going to do that!" He said once we resurfaced. I laughed evilly.

"I lied." I said, smiling up at him. He looked cute with his dreadlocks all wet. Woah, what did I just think?

He shivered, and looked around the pool. I think he was looking for a thermometer, for he swam over to the ladders. He pulled it up and glanced at it.

"Do you want to find the hot tub?" He asked, his eyes staring into mine. Woah, I thought Bill's eyes were the only ones that could burn like that. Its a good thing this water is holding me up, I think my knees just gave out.

"Sure, sure." I said, getting out of the pool. I ran over to the towel rack and grabbed one, wrapping it tightly around my body. The air was freezing. I tossed Tom one, and we went searching for the hot tub. We found it in a room connected to the pool.

"Yesss. Warmth." I muttered when we found it. I threw my towel to the side and sunk into the hot water. Ahhh, hot tubs are my favorite. I reclined my head back, closing my eyes. This was perfect. I felt Tom turn on the jets and I let it massage my back.

"Comfortable?" Tom said quietly to my left. I opened my eyes and found him sitting right next to me. I didn't hear him get in. I smiled and nodded. Closing my eyes again, I sunk a little further into the warm water.

I felt the water shift around me as Tom moved. I looked at him and our eyes locked. I could tell what was about to happen, and I did nothing to try to stop it. All thoughts of Joe left my mind. Tom moved closer to me and I moved closer to him instinctively.

Then his lips met mine.
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: ]
theres more on the way soon, don't worry.
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