Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 1

"Kristennnn! Wake up!" Bill shouted in my ear. I jolted awake, and glared at him. He was smiling like an idiot, his hair sticking up in every way.

"Billll why did you wake me up?" I mumbled, flopping onto my stomach on the makeshift bed. As a sort of pre-tour celebration I had held a sleepover at my house. Everyone was here, Katelyn, Manda, Niki. And then there was Bill. I think Joe was a little nervous that Bill was going to be there, but the others reassured him that we were just friends. Thank God, too. It had been so much fun.

I looked at the others, all still sleeping peacefully. I wish I was still sleeping. Niki was half on the air mattress, half on the floor. Katelyn was curled up in a ball, almost completely hidden inside her sleeping bag. And as for Manda, she was sprawled out on the pull out, covers slipping off the sides. She had called the bed all for herself, leaving us to deal with the rest of the couch and the floor.

I glanced at Bill and pointed to the upstairs. We might as well try not to wake everyone else up. He nodded and we made our way to the kitchen.

"Do you know what today is?" I asked him excitedly. It was the start of the tour, and I was so excited to be able to travel the country and see what my boyfriend has devoted his life to.

"Tuesday?" He asked, taking a water from my fridge.

"No silly Billy! Its the first day of tour!" I nearly screamed, jumping up and down. He started laughing and imitated me. We must've been making a lot of noise, because the next thing we knew, the others had joined us in the kitchen.

"Oh my God you guys! We're going on tour today!" I screamed, continuing to jump up and down. They started screaming just like me. It must have looked hilarious, four girls and one boy jumping up and down and screaming in a kitchen.

Somehow, I heard the doorbell over the screaming and I ran to get it. Behind it stood Joe, looking a little alarmed.

"JOE!" I screamed, tackling him in a giant hug. "We're going on tour today!" I shouted, feeling like a little girl who just met Cinderella at Disney World. He laughed, hugging me back.

"I take it you're excited, then?" He asked. I nodded, how could he think I wouldn't be excited? "Good, cause I'm excited, too. We get to spend the whole summer together." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Ahem, lovebirds! Save that for later, we have last minute packing to do!" Niki said, walking up to us and trying to pry us apart with an imaginary crow bar. Joe laughed, releasing me. My face immediately fell into a pout.

"Yeah, you guys have packing to do." Joe said, trying to cheer me up. It worked. A smile erupted on my face and I ran up towards my room.

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yay! new chapter for you all
ohmygod! its already at four stars!? thats amazing! its only been up for a day!
thank you!
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