Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 19

*Three weeks later*

So, this tour definitely was not going the way I thought it would. First of all, Taylor Swift was added to the tour. Why? I have no idea. No one likes you Taylor! Second, I was under the impression that Joe and I would still be together. Yeah, that didn't happen. No, he's still with Taylor. Oh and she finally decided to meet everyone. You should've seen her face when she found out I was Kristen, Joe's ex-girlfriend. Ew, I hate the way that sounds.

Oh and for Tom and Kate, everything worked out fine. I'm super jealous too. Why couldn't Joe and I have just made up easy like that? I guess that Tom had done something really romantic for her, and promised it would never happen again, blah blah blah.

Anyways, Niki, Manda, Kate, and I were at Coldstone Creamery. It was one of those days where all the boys had interviews. So we decided to get ice cream. Why not right?

"Kristen?" Katelyn asked me, pulling me from my thoughts. I turned to look at her.


"You were zoning out again." She said, looking at Manda and Niki. Oh great, were they talking about me behind my back again?

"Yeah, KK thats been happening to you alot." Niki said. Yup, thats a yes. They were so talking about me again.

"Yeah. K, we know you're still not over Joe." Manda said. She was always the one to come right out and say what everyone was thinking. I sighed. I knew I wasn't over Joe.

"I know." I said, looking down at my ice cream. There was silence. I looked up at them all. They all looked shocked. What? Did you guys think I would put up more of a fight about it?

"That was easy." Niki said, still slightly shocked. I laughed.

"You guys, there's no point in my denying it." I said, still laughing. "But I probably should try to get over him. There's no way we're getting back together." I added, this time with sadness in my voice.

"KK! You don't know that!" Niki said, Manda and Kate nodding.

"Oh c'mon guys. He will never get back with me again."

"That's not true KK." Manda said. I gave her a funny look. What did she know that I don't?

"What do you know?" I asked, my eyes narrowed.

"Well, just what KevKev told me. He said that from what he could tell, Joe's not as happy with Taylor as he was with you."

"Riight." I said sarcastically. They all rolled their eyes at me. What? I know I'm stubborn. Just then my phone started going off. I reached into my bag and pulled it out. Hm. I don't know that number.

"Do you guys know who this is?" I asked, showing the others my phone. They looked at each other meaningfully. "What?"

"That's Taylor's number." Manda said. What?! Why the hell was she calling me?

I hit send and answered it. There was no one on the other line, just weird sounds. Oh my God. They were making out! I don't want to hear this! My mouth dropped open and I ended the call as fast as I could. I had had just about enough of this bitch.

"THAT BITCH!" I shouted, people giving me looks. What the hell are you looking at? Can't you tell I'm bullshit right now!?

"What!?" They all exclaimed, looking at me with wide eyes.

"They were making out! She called me while they were fucking making out!" I shouted again, getting more and more angry by the second. This bitch had no idea who she was fucking with. She was going to pay for this.

"Uh oh." Niki said. Uh oh is right. I'm fucking pissed right now. I stood up and walked out to the car, yelling at them to come. This bitch didn't know what was coming.
♠ ♠ ♠
UH OH!!!!!
taylor crossed the line!
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