Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 21

I opened the hotel room and dropped my bag on the floor. I looked around. It was just your typical hotel room, but I didn't want to be here right now.

It was after the show, and since tomorrow was a day off from the tour, we were staying in a hotel for the night. Joe had never come to "deal me" as he had put it. I don't care though, I don't want to get into anymore fights.

I plopped down on the bed and fell back onto the pillows. I stared at the ceiling. Who knew that the happy couple we had been a year ago would have fallen apart like this? We were so perfect, everything was great. And now I was still in love with him, and he hated me. I could tell he did. Just the way he looked at me. There was a knock at the door and I groaned.

Whoever you are, are you really going to make me move? They knocked again, this time louder and longer. I sighed, still not moving.

"Kristen! I know you're in there!" I heard someone shout on the other side, knocking more. I groaned, rolling off the bed. I made a huge crash as I hit the floor.

"OW!" I shouted. I hope they were happy, now my back is killing me. I walked to the door, rubbing my back as I went. Opening the door I said, rather annoyed, "What!"

To my surprise, Joe stood on the other side. Why was he here? I looked up at him, squinting from the pain in my back. He didn't look that happy. Great. He stormed past me into the room. I turned around letting the door swing shut.

"What?" I said again. This was weird, it was the first time we were alone together for like a month.

"What the hell were you thinking!" He yelled, turning around to face me. "You can't just go around beating people up for no reason!" No reason? NO REASON?

"NO REASON?" First you make me fall off the bed, and now you're yelling at me. Great. "You should know me better than that! Of course I had a reason!"

"Well then what was it?!"

"She fucking called me when you two were making out! I didn't want to listen to that!" He was silent. Yeah, stick that in your juice box and suck it.

"That's no reason to beat her up." Oh not you too. Great. Here we go, I'm going to explode in 3...2...1....

"I've had enough of that little bitch! She thinks she can just do whatever the fuck she wants and guess what! She fucking can't!" I yelled, breathing heavily. Why is it that all I do these days is fight?

"That's just the way she is! She's not going to change for you." He said, looking me in the eyes. For the first time in a long time I didn't see any hate there.

"You know what should change?"


"Your hair. Bring the Joehawk back." I said, smirking, crossing my arms over my chest. Then he did something I was totally not expecting.

He walked closer to me, cupping my face in his hands as he leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back, having been denied to for nearly a month. He picked me up, so that my legs were able to wrap around his waist. He slowly moved us nearer to the bed, our lips never breaking the kiss. He reclined, until my back hit the mattress. Shirts were removed in the next few minutes, as were pants.

Finally, something I knew I would never regret.
♠ ♠ ♠

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