Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 28

Joe and I were still sitting on the bench outside. Mixed emotions were running through me. I was relieved that Joe was going to support me through this pregnancy. But I was also scared, nervous, as well as a variety of a million other feelings. Basically, I didn't know what to feel. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact I was going to be a mom. Especially being so young. And we weren't even like married or anything. This is just too overwhelming for me.

I sighed, and repositioned myself so I was leaning my head on Joe's shoulder, trying to just clear my head. Why couldn't I just think for a second without this whole pregnancy thing popping into my head!? Oh, I'm going to be getting very aggrivated over the next nine months.

I heard a bird singing in a tree adjacent to where we were sitting. I looked up at the tree and smiled as I saw the momma bird and the little baby bird. That would be me in less than a year. Well, not in birdy-form, or in a nest, and hopefully I wouldn't be covered in feathers. But you get the point.

"We're going to be parents." I heard Joe whisper quietly. I heard awe in his voice.

"Crazy, isn't it?" I answered, turning my face towards the sky when I felt a raindrop on my forehead. I would have to go wake up Manda if the rain got heavier. We loved to dance in the rain. Its one of the best things in the world. Sure enough, within the next two minutes it was nearly pouring.

I stood up quickly and grabbed Joe's hand, both of us running to the safety of the girls' bus. I clambered up the bus stairs, Joe on my heels.

"Manda! Manda! Manda!" I screamed, running to her bunk. I could hear her groaning protests at me, but I ignored them as usual. I reached her bunk and started to shake her awake.

"Manda! Its raining! Get up!" I shouted. Her eyes shot open and she scrambled out of bed, not caring that she was still in her pajamas.

We ran past Joe, ignoring his protests, and flew off the bus. We stumbled off the bus, both squeezing out the door at the same time, like we had always done. The rain hit us as soon as we stepped outside.

I loved the feeling of rain in the summer. It was instantly cooling and refreshing. It almost left me a feeling of peace. And the whole dancing and singing with my best friend in it? That makes it like five hundred times better.

"Be careful!" Joe shouted from the bus as me and Manda clasped hands and started spinning, like little kids would. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Of course he was going to be the nervous father-to-be about a baby that hasn't even been alive for a few weeks. Manda slowed a little, and I slowed to match her pace.

"Why did Joe say that? He knows we'll be fine. We always are."

"Um, well, because..." I trailed off. I wanted to tell Manda I was pregnant, but I had wanted to have her find out a little bit differently. But I guess there's no time like the present.

"I'm pregnant." I said, nonchalantly. Her eyes looked like a cartoon by how wide they had opened. I laughed a little, and her mouth just fell open.

"WHAT?!" She screamed, looking at me in shock. I nodded.

"Yep, you are looking at the mother-to-be of Joe Jonas's child." I said, smiling.

"OMIGAWD!" She shouted, a smile forming on her face. "Does Joe know? Does anyone else know? Are you excited? Nervous? Omigawd, what are you gonna name it? Do you want a girl or a boy?" She said in a rush. I laughed.

"Yes, Joe knows. No, only him and you know. And DUH, I'm excited, and really nervous too. And I want a girl, you know that. I've always wanted to have a little girl." I answered, trying to get in all the questions.

"This is so exciting. I'm so happy for you guys!" She said, smiling like a little kid who just entered a candy shop.

And then she had to go and leave me with a question that blindsided me.

"Are you guys gonna get married?"
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i like this chapter =]
so sorry about the delay too, i hate updating like years apart
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