Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 2

We were in my room, and I was freaking out. I had never been on tour before. How was I supposed to know what stuff to pack? How much was I supposed to bring? Niki and Manda already had everything ready and were sitting on my bed along with Bill. Katelyn had left to go finish her own packing. But we all suspected she just wanted to have alone time with Tom, since Bill was here. Joe had left too, which made me a little upset. But he had to finish packing too. I guess we were both procrastinators in that department.

"What about these?" I asked, holding up my black and turquoise checkered skinny jeans.

"Holy shit those are bright, KK." Niki said, taking a sip of a Rockstar.

"I know, aren't they awesome?" I said, throwing them into the suitcase that was propped open on my floor.

"Oooh! I forgot I had these!" I said, throwing more pairs of skinny jeans into the suitcase.

"How many pairs do you own?" Bill asked, astounded. He was looking down at all of them, each a different color.

"Enough to cloth Africa." Manda said. Niki burst out laughing, I guess it was a bad idea to have given her that energy drink. Oh well. Hyper Niki's are more fun than non-hyper Niki's.

"Don't forget to pack like shorts and stuff, K." Manda reminded me. Oh yeah! I had totally forgotten! It is a summer tour. Leave it to me to forget that.

I ran over to my dresser and started pulling out all my pairs of shorts, throwing them over my shoulder. I laughed as they started complaining. I guess they were hitting them. Ha-ha. Oops. I turned around and grabbed all of my shorts, dumping them in my suitcase.

"How much more time do I have?" I asked, looking at the clock. Joe had told me we were leaving soon, and that he had a surprise waiting for us. I liked surprises. Well, most of them anyways. I think I would like this one.

"Um, like another half hour." Manda said, looking at the others for confirmation. They nodded and my eyes went wide.

"Ah! Thats like only thirty minutes!" I said, running back to my closet. I started pulling out my shirts and I paused looking at my sweatshirts.

"Do you think I'll need sweatshirts?" I asked over my shoulder, looking at them.

"Just a few. In case there's a cold night or its raining or something." Niki said. She started playing with Bill's hair because he was sitting in front of her. I laughed, she looked so intrigued by it. And since she was being sneaky and quiet, Bill didn't even notice.

I went back to my packing and soon I had everything I thought I would need. From pajamas and sundresses to bathing suits and pants. But I still felt like I was missing stuff. True, I haven't packed my cosmetics or bathroom stuff yet, but that wasn't it.

"Guys, what am I missing?" I asked frustrated, staring at my suitcase. They looked over at all my stuff. Niki started laughing and Bill and Manda just looked exasperated. Bill even put his palm to his forehead and started shaking his head back and forth slightly.

"What?!" I asked, getting even more annoyed. Why wouldn't they just tell me what I was missing?

"Underwear!" Niki almost shouted, rolling back and forth on my bed from her laughter.

"Ohhh." I murmured, looking down at my suitcase. Only me, only me. I got up and went over to my dresser yet again, and opened the second drawer on the right. Just like before, I started grabbing stuff and throwing it behind me. It must look funny, me throwing my underwear and bras over my shoulder onto three of my best friends.

"AHHHHH!" I heard Bill shout and I turned around. He hadn't known I was going to be throwing stuff again, and he was the only on left on the bed. Manda and Niki had been smart and gotten off of it. All of my underwear and bras were on top of him and I instantly broke out into laughter. It was the funniest thing to see.

"AH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! SHEISSE!" Bill yelled, swatting at it all like it was flies. That only made me laugh harder and I had to hold onto my dresser to stand up straight.

"Guys, help!" He said, looking at all of us with desperation in his eyes. I nodded and started picking it all off of him, still giggling. Manda and Niki helped, and within a matter of seconds, Bill was free. I put everything in my suitcase, and then went to pack all my cosmetics and bathroom stuff.

"Okie dokes guys! I'm all ready!" I said, coming back into my room.

"Ready set go, its time to run!" Manda shouted, causing us to all start laughing.

If the tour hasn't even started yet and I'm already having fun, I can't wait to see what's ahead.
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i had so much fun writing this chapter.
can we get to 25 comments before the next update?
we're already at 17.