Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 31

I shuffled through the racks of dresses, not really even looking at any of them. All I wanted to do was tell Niki I was going to be a mom. But she was always busy talking with Kate or Manda. I don't know why I was even looking at the dresses, I had no idea what kind of thing you wear to the VMA's. Yeah, its probably not that hard to figure out, but its like my head is in China and my body is here.

I sighed and sat down on one of the wooden benches outside the dressing rooms. I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. I sat there for a few moments, just taking in the silence. Then I felt someone sit next to me. Turning my head to the right slightly and opening my eyes I saw Niki sitting there. Well what do you know?

"Are you okay?" Niki asked me. Was I? I wasn't really sure how to answer that. I mean, I guess I'm okay. Maybe a little bit in shock still.

"I'm pregnant." I said, looking over at her. Her face was blank for a second as her brain processed the information, then she just laughed.

"KK, I told you not to eat that much or you're going to get food babies." She said, not realizing I was being completely serious.

"No, Niki, I'm being completely serious right now. Its not just a food baby. I. Am. Pregnant." Her mouth dropped slightly when she figured out I was telling the truth.

"What!? How!?" Niki said loudly, earning a few stares from fellow shoppers.

"Well, Joe and I-"

"No, no, I know that! I'm not stupid, K! I just meant how could you let this happen!" I just shrugged, I asked myself that when I first found out.

"Oh my God." She said quietly. I nodded, what else are you really supposed to say in this situation?

"KK! NIKI!" Manda shouted, running over to us. She skidded to a halt in front of us and nearly tipped over in the process.

"What?" I asked, looking up at her. She looked really excited about something.

"I found the perfect dresses for you guys!" Niki and I got up to go see theses perfect dresses.

I tuned out Manda's chatter as I focused on my thoughts.

An unexpected pregnancy and the VMA's in one week. Wow.
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again you guys, i am terribly sorry that this update took so long to be posted and that it is again a sucky filler. but i promise i am going to be writing more and the next few chapters are going to be very eventful. please stick with me on this.
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