Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 34

After stepping out of that limo, I thought I was going to go blind. All the flashing from the cameras, how do the boys do it?!

Joe took my hand and squeezed it slightly saying, "Don't worry, you'll get used to it," into my ear. Once all of us were onto the red carpet, we started making our way down it. I could hear Manda and Niki talking about the brightness of the lights and was very relieved when we stopped at a reporter from E! News.

"Hello viewers at home, we are joined by the Jonas Brothers and some very lovely ladies." The reporter said facing the camera. She turned and greeted us all with an obviously fake smile. We all returned it.

"So boys, can you tell us who these beautiful girls are?" She asked, pointing the microphone at Nick.

"These are actually all of our girlfriends; Nicole, Kristen, and Manda." He said politely, pointing out each of us to the viewers at home. From the look on her face, I could tell the reporter lady didn't expect all of the boys to be taken. We all smiled, trying to win over the people watching.

The boys answered a few generic questions before she moved onto Tokio Hotel, who were right behind us. As we walked away I sighed happily. That was torture for me. She was about as fake as her blonde hair.

"Oh c'mon, you didn't like her?" Nick said, teasing me. I stuck my tongue out at him. How Niki could date him I have no idea. I think I'd shoot him within the first 10 minutes.

"" I responded, just as we rounded the corner and were met with a crowd of fans behind a barricade. Oh, wonderful. There were screams of "NICK", "KEVIN" and "JOE" as we all walked past. There wasn't enough time for the boys to stop for autographs or pictures, and to be honest, I was pretty grateful for that. Then Joe stopped unexpectedly as he heard another scream of "JOE". Why he stopped, I don't know. We didn't have any time for them to sign stuff, he knew that. Then he turned, kind of taking me with him, since our arms were locked.

We were met with a girl a little ways down the carpet. She was kind of short, maybe an inch shorter than me. And I'm not the tallest person in the world. She was a brunette, and her hair had an auburn-y tone to it. She was smiling at Joe, almost as if they already knew each other. But they couldn't, she must just be a fan that somehow got around the barricade.

"Amelia!?" Joe shouted back, smiling back at her. Okay...

Who the hell is Amelia?
♠ ♠ ♠
dun dun dun.
who is she do you think?
stuff is going to start to happen pretty fast now.
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