Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 35

Joe ran over to Amelia where he engulfed her in a bear-hug. Alright, seriously, who the hell is Amelia!?

Joe brought this "Amelia" back to where our group was waiting. She looked perfectly nice...but I had a weird feeling about it anyways.

No, Kristen, don't go there. You aren't going to be one of those clingy, jealous girlfriends. You can relax when Joe hugs a random stranger. If he can handle you hanging out with guys, you can handle him hanging out with girls.

"Amelia, you know my brothers and Niki, this is Kevin's girlfriend Manda, and this is my girlfriend, Kristen." Joe said, introducing us to Amelia. "Guys, this is Amelia, an old friend from when we lived in New Jersey."

I nodded and smiled, trying to play nice. She smiled back and shook my hand. Oh my gosh, her nails were awesome.

"I love your nails! Where did you get them done?" I exclaimed, staring at them. She laughed.

"My cousin did them for me. She owns her own shop in downtown L.A."

"Oh, I'm so jealous!" This Amelia seemed super cool, why did I not like her at first?

"Girls, if you wouldn't mind stopping your talk about your nails, we have to go get our seats." Joe said. I just rolled my eyes. He won't ever understand the importance of nail polish.


"KK! We have to go get changed for the after party!" Manda shouted to me from down the aisle. The award show had just ended with the final award: Video of the Year. The Jonas Brothers had won for their video Lovebug. I had promised Joe that if they won, I would run down to the stage and make a big scene of congratulating them. So of course, when they won, I ran down the aisle screaming like a freak. What else is new?

"I'm so happy for you guys!" I said loudly, embracing them all in a hug. They were all beaming. It was awards like these, the ones voted on by fans, that they cherished most.

"KK!" I heard Manda scream again. I sighed.

"Okay, I gotta go get changed. See you soon so we can party!" We exchanged goodbyes and I ran up to where Manda, Niki, and Katelyn were waiting for me.

"Lets go get changed! I want to celebrate!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my God you guys!
I feel terrible for not updating in so long! Please forgive me!
Anyways, I am seriously going to try to update this more frequently, pinky promise.
This is Amelia, by the way. :D
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