Status: Inspiration and ideas are present, hopefully chapters are fast and frequent. :D

Thinking of You

Chapter 8

The first concert of the tour was over, and oh my God it was amazing. And I'm not just saying that because every person is a friend of mine. I missed some of Tokio Hotel's set, but I'm not worried about it. I can see plenty of other ones. And the Jonas Brothers, don't even get me started. They were one of my favorite bands before I met Joe, and they still are. But it was way more fun than just watching as a fan. The fans can't see them between sets and wardrobe changes, they can't see them beaming with happiness during those times. Its so funny, the entire time they're offstage, they're all raving about how awesome the crowd is.

Right now, it was about three in the morning. Everyone else was asleep on our bus, but I'm a night owl. I'll stay up until like three or four in the morning and then sleep til noon or one. We were driving to the next city and I was just hanging out in the back lounge. I had my notebook with me, just incase inspiration hit while I was listening to my iPod.

So far, nothing. It was so irritating, you have no idea. I could write paragraphs at a time sometimes, other times, not even a sentence. I don't know why I wrote so easily earlier and couldn't write anything now. I sighed angrily and moved to lay down right as the bus jerked to a stop. I rolled right off the couch and fell onto the floor. I groaned. Just my freaking luck.

I think we had stopped at a gas station or something, cause the bus didn't move for a while. I still laid on the floor, too lazy to get back on the couch. I heard someone moving in the front of the bus, but I just figured it was the driver. I could tell they were walking around, and it sounded like they were moving towards the back lounge.

"Kristen? Why are you on the floor?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked around and saw Tom.

"Oh, hey. Um, I fell off the couch." I said, motioning to the couch. He nodded and then looked at something near my legs.

"I can see up your shorts." He said nonchalantly, like he did that everyday. I instantly moved my hands to cover myself, trying to pull my shorts down.

"Perv." I muttered, getting up. He shrugged, walking over and sitting down. He patted the spot next to him.

"Why are you over here?" I asked, sitting next to him.

"I thought I left a hat over here." He said, looking around. Hmm, as far as I knew, this was the first time he had even been over here. How would one of his hats get here? That's not a very good excuse Tomi. But, I won't push it.

"So you decide to get it at three in the morning?" I asked, yawning slightly. I looked at him, he seemed to be at a loss for words. Ha-ha, thats what you get for lying.

"Uh...yes...?" He said uncertainly. I just laughed, laying my head against the back of the couch. To my surprise, Tom put his arm around me, pulling me to him and letting me rest my head on his shoulder. I was taken aback by this. Is this cheating? I don't want to be cheating. Not at all. I decided it wasn't, I mean its not like we were doing anything. Just, hanging out. Right?

"So..." Tom started, his sentence trailing off. I could tell I was drifting off to sleep, so I just nodded my head to let him know I was listening. His cologne was putting me to sleep.

", nevermind." He mumbled, tripping over his words. I was half-asleep by now, so I just nodded.

"Goodnight Tomi." I mumbled, smiling slightly.

"Goodnight Kristen." I heard him whisper.

That was the first night I fell asleep in someone else's arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
dun dun DUN


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