Oh So Genuine


"You're leaving?" I shouted.

"Yeah but..." he started to say but I cut him off. I was furious. He wasn't supposed to leave me behind. This was supposed to be our summer together.

"How can you just leave me here? We were supposed to got to London and rent a flat. What changed?" I was pacing while he sat on the end of my bed.

"Well the guys are going on tour and they wanted US to go with them." He stated sheepishly.

"So you are just going to ditch your only sister for four of you friends! I mean come on that... wait did you say us?" I stopped pacing and spun toward him. He had a smirk on his face.

"Yes. They told me to ask you and Adin if you wanted to do merch. I mean if you don't want to I'm sure they will understand but they wanted to keep everything among friends. If they didn't get you guys to do it they were gong to get stuck with 2 people they didn't know." He said. He was guilt tripping me and we both knew it was working. Him being my twin me not being able to say no to him wasn't helping either.

"Well I guess I'll call Adin and tell her to start packing," I smiled.

"Wait does that mean you'll do it?" He asked a hopeful look on his face. I nodded and not even 3 seconds later I was being crushed in a hug by him.

I was laughing and pushed him away. "Chris if you really want me to do merch that bad you have to try and not kill me before tour starts."

"Right!" He said making a mental note of what I had just said. "Well go start packing and call Adin we leave in the morning. 8:30 sharp." He yelled back as he ran from the room.

I picked up a pillow and chucked it at the door. "Christopher!" I yelled at him. Leave it to him to tell me at the last minute. I grabbed my phone and called Adin.

"Hello. Skylar's whore house. This is Adin, How may I help you?" I heard Adin say lazily into the phone.

"When are you going to stop answering your phone like that?" I asked laughing.

"Umm...never! So what did I do to deserve a phone call from the glorious Spencer?" She said in a formal tone.

"Well I have some really exciting news. You should come over!" I said, hopping onto the end of my bed.

"I'll be there in 5!" She exclaimed and hung up.

I placed my phone on my nightstand and grabbed my suitcase. I flung it on my bed and opened my closet. I was bent over looking for the match to a pair of heels when I felt someone slap my ass. I winced and straightened up. I spun around to see who it was immediately thinking that it was Adin. When I was fully turned around I looked at the person only to be met with the sly smirk of Danny Jones.

"What was that for?" I asked holding the cheek he hit.

"Aw I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. You are so fit" He said laughing.

I ran and jumped on him. I must have caught him off guard cause he toppled over onto my floor.

"So are you excited?" He asked my while we just laid on the floor in my room.

"you have no idea. Thank you for asking Me and Adin to come along." I told him kissing his cheek and hopping up, then extending my hand to help him up.

"It's really not a problem. We knew you and Chris were planning on going to London and renting a flat but when the label asked us if we wanted to do a summer tour how could we refuse. And we kind of need Chris there. So the guys and I brainstormed and came up with the idea of you and Adin coming too." He said chuckling.

"Well thank you again, and as much as I love you and hate to do this I have to kick you out because Adin is coming over so I can tell her the good news and I need to pack." I told him pushing him toward the door.

"Ok I'll leave. I can see when I'm not welcome." He said putting his hand over his heart and faking a hurt expression.

"You're right your not wanted here!" I said pretending to be serious.

He scoffed an walked away. He passed Adin on the way and smacked her on the butt as she walked by. She in turn smacked his right back. The funny thing was he didn't know hers was more than just playful. Adin had had the biggest crush on Danny since we had started hanging out with them. She had never done anything about it because she said he had never done anything to make her think he liked her that way, but what she doesn't know is that he looks at her like a puppy in love when she's not looking. It is actually really cute, but sometimes we just wish they would get together already.

"hey chica. What's up?" She asked as walked into the room. She noted the half full suitcase laying on my bed. "OMG you're running away!"

"How in the world did you some up with that explanation? And even if I was its not a secret anymore I think people in the US heard you." I said laughing at her logic.

"I really don't know. My mind works in very mysterious ways." She shrugged her shoulders and sat in my computer chair. "But seriously what with the bag?"

"Well the boys are going on tour, and they kind of wanted us to do merch for them." I told her dragging my sentence out just to annoy her.

"Sweet!!!!" She jumped up and started to dance around.

"Yeah maybe you will finally get the guts to make a move on Danny." I said as I stuffed more clothes into my bag.

She stopped dancing and glared at me. "Highly unlikely, but keep thinking that. Oh and when do we leave?" She asked as she stared at her phone intensely.

"8:30 tomorrow morning." I said trying to brush it off like it was no big deal because I knew she was going to flip.

"Tomorrow morning!? Jesus I need to go pack." She said slipping her shoes back on and heading for my door.

I was flabbergasted. She was always one to get mad about stupid things and yet we was very calm about this. It just made no sense to me, but I was not going to complain.

"Bye." I yelled at her. I heard a muffled ';see you'. I turned back to my closet. I still had to find the other heel that I was looking for before Danny interrupted me.

When I was all done packing it was time to head to bed. I got ready and laid down in my comfortable bed. It was the last time I would sleep in it for a while so I wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. I started to think about the upcoming tour. I had always thought that waking up in a new city every morning would be really cool. I loved to travel and traveling all summer was one of the best things I could ask for. I was scared to think about what was going to happen living in a bus for 3 months with five guys. I was picturing a messy tour bus that smelled like farts. I was hoping that it would turn out to be the summer of a lifetime. What was in store was a mystery but I knew I was spending the summer with the six people that were closest to me. I fell asleep thinking about all the possible ways this tour could turn out.
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Ok this is a new story I have been planning. I'm not entirely sure where it is going yet. I hope you like it. Please tell me if you do.

Mcfly isn't a band I would normally listen to but I love them for some reason.