Oh So Genuine

We Need To Talk

~Dougie’s POV~

The door slammed and a wave of regret, and guilt washed over me. I honestly couldn’t believe that I had just screwed up the best thing that has ever happened to me. I knew what I did was wrong but I couldn’t believe that she had kept that from me. I didn’t know if she was keeping anything else from me.

I sat don and put my head in my hands. I knew I had a really slim chance of getting Spencer to forgive me. At this moment I was willing to so anything to get her back. I looked up when I saw a pair of shoes in front of me.

Harry was standing there, his eyes held anger and hurt. The next thing he did surprised me because he was normally trying to keep the peace between all of us. He retracted his arm and landed it right on my right eye.

“We told you something in private and this is how you repay us. As of right now Spencer deserves better than you.” With that Harry walked off of the bus, probably going to find Spencer.

He was right she did deserve better than me, but I didn’t want her to be with anyone but me. It sounded selfish of me but it was the honest truth. I wanted nothing more than to take back the last 30 minutes.

If we didn’t make up the next 2 weeks would be extremely awkward.

My eye was starting to swell and it hurt like no other. My mom walked over to me and lifted my chin up with her fingers.

“Let’s go get this cleaned up.” She said.

“Why? I deserve it. You might as well but leave it be.” I told her as I pulled my face out of her hand.

“You’re right you did deserve to get punched, but you’re my son and I won’t allow you to let it get infected.” She said and pointed to the bathroom.

I stood up and walked into the small room. I looked into the mirror and saw that my eye was almost swollen shut and I had a pretty nasty cut just below my eyebrow. My mom fallowed me in and instructed me to sit down. I knew she wanted to talk about what and just happened.

“Dougie, what happened between you and Spencer in the back room?” She asked as she dabbed at the drying blood running down my cheek.

“I don’t even really know. I know she’s been stressing about what is going to happen after tour and about meeting you and Jazzie. She was so scared that you weren’t going to like her. I told her not to worry about the college thing and me being upset about it and she was like ‘You have every right to be mad.’ She stormed off and that when I came after her.” I spilled. I know my mom wouldn’t judge until she heard the whole story.

“What was that about Spencer sleeping with Harry?” She questioned.

I looked at my feet. I had not only screwed up with Spencer I had screwed up with Harry too. Not only did I out their secret, I did it in front of my mom, my sister and Chris. I rubbed my hands over my face before looking up at my mom.

“About a year and a-half ago, Harry and Spencer had sex. It was Spencer’s first time. She didn’t want it to be with just anybody and her and Harry are really close. They told me and said that I couldn’t tell anyone especially Chris, her brother. I f Chris knew the slept together he would flip, Chris is a little protective of Spencer. I don’t even want to know what is going tot happen when Harry gets back” I explained to her.

She nodded her head in understandment, her eyes only held confusion.

“What would make you betray their trust so easily? I know I raised you better than that.” She scolded. She gently presses a cotton ball, with hydrogen peroxide on it, to the small cut on my eye.

I flinched, but didn’t really feel much. I was so absorbed in thinking how I could fix what I had just done.

“I guess I was just afraid that is she could tell you about going to college, but she couldn’t even tell me, that she felt like she couldn’t trust me. But I now know that she just didn’t want to screw things up between us. So instead I was the one to screw everything up.” I said. I felt like a complete jackass.

~Spencer’s POV~

I sat on the cold ground. I hadn’t gotten that far, so Harry found me easily. I was sobbing into his shoulder. We had been sitting here for about an hour. I felt like an idiot, I mean I was just sitting here crying my eyes out on Harry’s shoulder. How pathetic does that seem?

“Shh babe, you know I didn’t mean to say it.” Harry cooed. I knew he was just trying to calm me down but it was making me even more upset.

“I just don’t get it Harry. He Knew that Chris could never fid out and what does he do, he tells everyone.” I said.

“You and I both know that he was angry and you don’t really have control over what you do or say when you are mad.” Harry reasoned.

“I can only imagine how much of a slut his mom and sister think I am.” I said covering my face with my hands.

“Sam and Jazzie don’t judge people that quickly. Do you think she would have let Dougie move in with us if she did?” He said.

“No, but he made me seem like a whore. How am I supposed to face them now?” I asked.

“Easy. You will get up, wipe those eyes and walk back onto that bus with your head held high.” He said as he stood and held a hand out to me.

“Harry, wait.” I said. I pulled him back toward me. “What am I going to do about Dougie? We kind of… I think we broke up back there.”

“That my love, you are going to have to work out with him on your own. It seems like you guys have some things to work out other than the fight.” He explained.

“You’re right. Thank you Harry.” I said to him. I kissed him on the cheek, grabbed his hand, and started to walk back to the bus.

I knew I needed to talk to Dougie, but I wish I could keep Harry with me for moral support. He opened the door for and I climbed up the steps.

Everyone was sitting on the couches and when I walked in all eyes were on me. I searched the room for those sparkling blue eyes that I loved so much, they were missing.

“He’s in the back room.” Jazzie said.

“How did you know I was looking for him?” I asked her.

“It’s written all over your face Spencer. Now go make up with my brother before I have to make you.” She joked.

I walked to the back room and opened the door. I stepped in and slowly shut the door behind me. I looked at the boy who had won my heart so easily. He looked up at me, his face was red and his eyes were all watery. He stood up and took a step toward me.

“Dougie, we need to talk.” I said. I sat down and he sat next to me. “Why did you do it?”

“I didn’t mean to say it. It just slipped out and I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t fix anything, but I want you to know that I will do anything to show you that I didn’t mean it.” He said.

“I know you didn’t mean to say it. It just hurt so badly when you accused me of sleeping with Danny and Tom. I would have never thought that you would accuse me of that. I would never do that, let alone keep that from you. They are like brothers to me.” I told him.

“I can never tell you how sorry I am for what I did.” He said once again. A single tear slid down my cheek, I closed my eyes when I felt his calloused fingers run across my cheek.

“Dougie stop.” I felt his hand pull away. “I can’t do this. I can’t just forget that you did that. You lost all the trust I had in you. Now I’m not saying that we won’t get back together, ‘cause that is really what I want, but I am saying that I know it won’t be right now, right this second. I need to know that I can trust you again. I need to know that if I ever confide in you, that you won’t betray that and tell everyone again.” With that I stood up and started to walk away. I only turned around to look at him one last time.

He had his head in his hands; I could tell he was beating himself up.

I turned around and walked out the door and off the bus without a word to anyone. There was a show tonight and I need to set up the merch. I need something to take my mind off Dougie.
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I can't wait to post the next chapter!!!

Plaease NO silent readers!!!