Oh So Genuine

Coffee and Plane Rides

"Wake Up!" I heard someone scream into my ear, what felt like 20 minutes after I went to sleep.

"No, go away. 10 more minutes." I groaned and buried my face further into my mattress.

"Come on Spencer. We are leaving in an hour. You need to get up." The voice said.

"Fine I'm up!" I opened my sleepy eyes . I looked up to where the voice was coming from. Harry was sitting on the edge of my bed with a smile on his face.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." He said kissing my forehead.

"Morning." I mumbled as I sat up and swung my legs off the side of my bed. I stood Slowly trying to not get light headed. "Is there coffee?"

"Yes there is. Tom was up at 5. I don't know how he gets up that early. I only got up 20 minutes ago." He said laughing.

"Jeez. So am I the last one up?" I asked. I slipped my shirt off over my head. Having Harry sitting in the room didn't bother me. I was really close to him and I didn't think of him that way at all.

"Nope. Dougie is trying to get Danny up as we speak." He told me as he sat back on my bed.

"Yeah that won't happen." I giggled and picked up the outfit I had picked out for today. It was a simple pink tank top and a pair of white skinny jeans with a pair of cute black pumps. I was pulling my pants up when Chris walked through the door. "Thanks for knocking."

"Sorry. Are you almost ready? We have to get to the airport." He asked looking around my room for my suitcase. His eyes landed on Harry. "What are you doing in here? I thought you were getting Danny up?"

"Ha ha nope Doug lost our game of rock, paper, scissors. So he had to get Danny up and I was just talking to Spencer." Harry said as he hopped up off my bed and walked out the door.

"Yeah I'm ready. I just have to brush my teeth. My suitcase is right there." I told him and pointed to my pink & black bag that was at the foot of my bed.

"Ok just please hurry. With Danny running late we need all the extra time we can get." He said picking up my suitcase and exiting my room.

I walked to my bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush. I quickly brushed my teeth and stuck my toothbrush into my carry on. I put on some simple make-up consisting of eyeliner and some eye shadow. I was walking into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee when I spotted Danny leaning into the fridge looking for something to eat. I took this as an opportunity to get him back.

I silently walked up behind him and raised my arm. I brought my hand down straight on target. The smack echoed through the kitchen along with the yelp that accompanied it. As soon as I heard the sound I knew it wasn't Danny standing there. There standing in front of me was a very confused Dougie.

"Oh my god Dougie I'm so sorry. I thought you were Danny. I was paying him back for yesterday. Are you wearing Danny's jeans?" I quickly explained and asked when I looked at his pants. I found it really odd that I could tell their jeans apart, but it just shows you how much time I spend with these four boys. I could have sworn it was Danny bending over not Dougie.

"Yeah they are Danny's. Mine are either dirty or already packed so I just stole a pair of his. Gosh woman you slap hard." He said rubbing his butt and walking to one of the cabinets. He got out a mug then turned towards me. "You want a cup of coffee?"

I nodded my head. It took him a couple of minutes to fix the coffee just right, but he placed one of the cups in front of me not to long after. "Thanks. I was actually going to get some before I smacked you." I told him taking a sip. It was like heaven in a cup. It was perfect.

"Oh well you're welcome. You excited or horrified to find out what is going to happen this summer?" He asked putting his cup on the table in front of himself.

"Kind of both actually. I am excited because I love to travel and I get to hang with you guys and I get to watch you guys play every night. But I am horrified to see if this tour is going to turn into a nightmare."

"Well we are just happy you guys agreed to come." Dougie said as he stood up and started walking to the door. "You better hurry up, Chris will have a hissy fit if we are late."

I nodded my head and he left. I got up after sitting there for a few more minutes knowing damn well Chris would have a fit. I walked over to the sink putting my and Dougie's empty mugs in the sink. I washed them quickly so they wouldn't be disgusting when we returned. I did the same with the coffee pot and walked out front to see if my brother was out there.

The taxis were here and my brother and Tom were putting the luggage into their trunks. Harry walked out of the door a few seconds after I did. He slung his arm around my neck and hugged me to his chest.

"I am so happy you are coming." He said to me as I wrapped my arms around his middle. "I won't be surrounded by complete idiots now!"

"Hey, watch yourself Judd!" Danny yelled as he walked toward the cabs.

"Jones you are the main person I am talking about." Harry replied. "You have no idea how stupid some of the things that comes out of his mouth are." He whispered in my ear. His warm breath gave me the shivers.

"I can only imagine." I laughed.

"Ok lovebirds. Break it up." Tom yelled from the front seat of the first cab.

"Tom do you want to go on the tour?" I asked sweetly. He nodded his head enthusiastically. "Then keep you mouth shut." I told him my face suddenly serious.

His eyes grew and he shrunk down. He knew I would live up to my threats.

"Come on. Let's get going." Harry said. We walked to the second taxi to see that Dougie was already sitting in the backseat. Harry opened the door for me and I slid in. He shut the door after me and then got into the front seat.

Danny, Tom, and Chris were in the other taxi. We had to stop and pick Adin up.

I stretched out and laid my head in Dougie's Lap. He started to play with my hair and softly sing 'Silence is a Scary Sound' to me. Shh don't tell Tom and Danny but it was actually my favorite Mcfly song. Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.

~ 30 minutes later~

"Spence I heard someone say softly. I groaned and opened my eyes. "We are at the airport. Come on"

"Ok I'm Coming." I said to Dougie seeing as he was the one that woke me up. It was probably because I was laying on him and he couldn't move.

The airport was busy, as always. Business men and women walking quickly to catch their flights with their phones pressed to their ears. Families with loud children hustling to their gates to go on vacation. I realized standing there that this tour was going to be amazing.

I wouldn't have to get a job that I would end up hating. Which meant I didn't have to deal with either types of these people. If I would have stayed home I would have gotten a job as a waitress and I didn't deal with kids or business people well.

I sat down at our gate and got out my Ipod. I changed it to The Used and laid my head back watching my tour mates with fascination.

Tom and Chris we talking to each other while Dougie and Harry bickered about something. Probably which bunk they would be staying in, and Danny and Adin were sitting close talking with a gleam in both of their eye.

I knew the tour was what they needed to get together. Being stuck in a bus with them for 3 months was going to be annoying if it didn't happen soon.

Our plane was called to start boarding and we stood up gave out tickets to the lady and walked onto the plane. It didn't take that long to get ready to take off. I was trying to stay calm. We were getting ready to take off and flying wasn't exactly my favorite thing in the world to do. I squeezed Harry's hand as we took off and didn't let go until the seat belt light went off. I was soon looking out the window at the ground wishing that's where I was. Back on solid ground.
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hope you guys like it so far I hope to have the 3rd chapter out soon maybe tonight but if not deffingetly by the end of the week.