Oh So Genuine

Dinner Plans and Secrets About Sex!

It felt like an eternity before we landed in Manchester. It was now almost 6 and the guys were starving.

"How about this, we go to the bus and get settled and then go out and eat to celebrate the start of tour? I said wheeling my beg behind me.

"Spencer you are a genius! No wonder you are my sister." Chris said.

"Why? To come up with dinner plans, so you boys don't starve to death?" I asked sarcastically.

"Of course!" He retorted.

"It's ok Spence at least the boys and I love you for other reasons." Harry said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"What is with you two today? You're awfully touchy." Chris asked.

"We got married. Didn't you know? Harry I thought I told you to tell them." I smacked his chest and all of the boys besides my brother chuckled. My brother's jaw dropped.

"Sorry love, I guess I was waiting for the right time. But I guess it doesn't matter now cause everyone knows." Harry said to me playing along.

"Judd, hands off the sister." Chris said . Breaking us apart when we acted like we were going to kiss.

"Chris chill out! We're just joking around." I told him laughing. His eyes narrowed when I said that. My brother was a little protective over me. He didn't like guys messing with me. I guess he would flip if he found out I wasn't a virgin anymore. And I think he would flip even more if he found out that my first time was with Harry.

It was about a year and a half ago. I knew I was ready and I didn't want my first time to be with just anybody. I mean it was special to me and I didn't want a boyfriend of the moment to have something that linked me to him forever. So I asked Harry. He was shocked when I first asked him and flat-out said no. a few weeks later I brought it up again and told him to let me explain why I was asking him. He said that he understood, but that he really needed to think about it.

Three weeks later he sat me down while the other guys were at a pub. He told me and I quote ‘Spencer I will do it but only cause I know things won't get weird between us if we do. I get how you feel. Nobody wants their first time to be with someone that they don't really, truly care about.' I was shocked that he even agreed to do it.

That night was one of the best nights of my life. I wouldn't change one single thing. Well maybe it could have been a little less painful but other than that not one single thing. I was never romantically attracted to Harry which made things so much easier. It was never awkward between us after that night and nobody but us knew why we were so close after it happened either. We also wanted to keep it quiet so we each told one person. Mine obviously was Adin and Harry told Tom. They were sworn to secrecy and it had stayed that way since.

"Spen-cer" Dougie said in a sing-song voice that broke me out of my thought about that night.

"Doug-ie" I sang back in a mocking tone.

"Will you be my roomie tonight?" He asked with a puppy dog pout." We don't have to leave on the bus until tomorrow, so we are getting a few rooms at a hotel."

"I would to Dougie, but only as long as Adin can come too." I told him acting stern.

"Aye aye captain." He saluted and then hugged me.

Dougie was one only people that was just as random as me and I loved him to pieces for it too.

"Oh guess what Dougie!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"OMG what Spencer?" He said in a wanna-be Valley girl voice.

"I am thinking about getting a new tattoo while on tour!" I said ecstatically.

"Really? Sweet! What? And where?" He asked just as excited. Dougie loved tattoos just as much as I did.

"It is a chest piece. It's a skull with banners and stuff. It looks really cool. I drew it myself." I told him matter-of-factly.

"Coolness. I can't wait to see it. Maybe I will go with you and finally get mine finished." He stated.

"Yay! I was hoping you would come with me" I hugged him.

He started to giggle and I stepped away from and looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Think about what you just said." He told me giggling a little bit more. I thought about it and hit him in the arm.

"Dougie Lee Poynter! There is no reason for your mind to be in the gutter." I scolded him.

"Yeah but things are so much more fun when it is." He laughed. His smile was lopsided and it made my heart flutter. It was a new feeling. I wasn't sure what it meant and I wasn't really paying attention to it.

"I love hotel beds." Dougie said but it was muffled because he was now laying on one of the beds in out room and his face was pressed into the mattress.

"Why? All I can think about is what people do on them and it creeps me out." I said putting my bag down and jumping onto the bed next to him. I looked at him as he turned on his side and looked at me. "What?"

"Nothing." He said quickly.

"No. Seriously what?" I asked kind of annoyed he wouldn't tell me.

"I was just thinking. You know how you brother is really protective of you?" I rolled my eyes and nodded. "I was just wondering how he hasn't figured out you're not a virgin anymore."

My face fell. How did he know? I swear to go if Harry told him I am going to kill him.

"How do you know I'm not?" I asked with a challenging edge to my voice.

"It really isn't that hard to figure out. I mean you don't get all shy when the subject of sex comes up. You don't really have that vriginesc (A/n: I know its not a word but I didn't know how else to say it. Lol) thing about you." He made it seem so casual for me not to be a virgin. " So tell me all about it!" He had adopted his valley girl voice again.

I wasn't sure if I could tell him. I mean I could always lie about who it was but then I would feel bad about lying. But if I told him without asking Harry, I would break our agreement.

"Give me a sec and I'll tell you about it." I said getting up and grabbing my phone. I walked to the door and opened it. I walked out and into the hall shutting the door behind me.

I already had my phone pressed to my ear by the time the door shut all the way.

"Ello?" His voice said through the speaker.

"Dougie knows." I said hoping he knew what I was talking about.

"What does he know?" He was completely clueless. This was so not the time for him to be clueless.

"He Knows" I stressed hoping he would get the hint. "Well he knows about me. He doesn't know it was with you. But he wants to know all about it. What do I do? What do I tell him?"

"Give me a minute and I will be right there." He said and hung up.

I walked back and forth in front of the door impatiently. And true to his word a minute later Harry was standing there with me.

"Do you want to tell him?" He asked me.

"I don't want my brother to find out but I would feel bad lying to him." I said. "But if he swears not to say anything I don't see why we can't."

"Okay then let's do this." Harry took my hand and opened the door.

"So what was it …oh hey Harry." Dougie was clearly disappointed that we had gotten interrupted when things were getting so interesting.

"It was amazing Dougie." I said with a smile on my face.

"Wait Harry knows your not a Virgin?" Dougie was clearly confused.

"Well he was kind of the person than made me not a virgin." I said. Not really knowing how to say it.

"You mean you and Harry had sex!" Dougie screamed.

"Yes that's what she means now shut up before he brother hears. We don't really want him to find out. You would probably have to find a new drummer if he did." Harry said to Dougie.

"Why would the band need to find a new drummer?" A confused voice asked from behind us.

My heart stopped. I was so scared that my brother was going to do something rash. I heard footsteps walk up behind me. I was dreading turning around to see who was standing there.
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ok I had to add some drama so I hope you enjoy.

please comment and tell me if you like it!