Oh So Genuine

Almost Kissed

"Tom, you already know why you would need to find a new drummer if her brother found out about a certain fact." Harry was facing the person that was standing behind us.

My whole body began to relax. I was so afraid that it was Chris that was behind me.

"Ah yes, yes I do." Tom said sitting on one of the beds.

"Wait Tom knows too?" Dougie asked looking back and fourth between all three of us.

"Yeah he was one of the only people that we told." I told him placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Am I the last to find out?" He questioned. A hurt expression plaguing his handsome features. "Besides Chris I mean."

"No Danny still doesn't know. And expect it to stay that way. He kind of has a big mouth. I think we all know that it wouldn't stay a secret that long if Danny knew." Harry explained chuckling.

"Well Chris is ready, so lets go before he comes looking for us." Tom said getting up off the bed and changing the subject.

"Wait, where is Adin?" I asked. I hadn't seen her since she dropped her bag off and made a quick exit out of the room.

"I don't know but lets go get Danny and Chris. Maybe she is hanging with one of them." Tom replied.

We walked out of my, Dougie's, and Adin's room and down the hall 3 doors down. We knocked and a few seconds later Chris opened the door. He and Tom were sharing a room because they were the ‘adults' of the group. My ass Chris was just as immature as I was at times.

Harry lead the way to his and Danny's room that was a little further down the hall. The stupid receptionist couldn't get us 3 rooms right next to each other. He slid his card in and opened the door. We all stood there in shock at the scene in front of us.

Danny and Adin were tangled up in a heated make-out session. Adin was sitting on one of the small tables in the room with her legs wrapped around Danny's waist and Danny's shirt was laying on the lamp between the two beds.

"God tour hasn't even started yet and you two are already hooking up?" Dougie blurted out.

"I believe you owe me some money Poynter." Harry said. Dougie reached into his pocket and pulled out the amount of money he owed Harry.

By this time the two had split apart and were looking at us. Adin's cheeks were a very rosy red from embarrassment and Danny had a smirk on his face. I felt bad that we all had to catch them making-out but it was funny because I don't think half of us expected them to hook up so fast.

"Ok lover boy, put your shirt on so we can to dinner." Chris said laughing slightly.

I held my hand out for Adin's and she quickly hopped of the table and grabbed my hand. We walked out of the room and stayed in front of everybody else. Her cheeks had returned to their dull red now.

"So…is he a good kisser?" I asked her.

"You have no idea. It was like I had died and gone to heaven." She gushed.

"well I knew it was only a matter of time before you guys hooked up but I honestly didn't think it would be before we actually started the tour." I told her.

"wait, you knew he liked me and you didn't tell he?" She sounded hurt.

"It wasn't like he told me he did it was just a well observed hunch." I told her. "And I was totally right"

"Yeah, yeah. shut up." she bumped me with her shoulder.

"Oh me and Harry told Dougie." I said getting serious.

"You did?" She was flabbergasted.

"yeah he took it a lot better than what I what I he would." I explained. " He knew I wasn't a virgin and then he asked me about my first time and I felt bad about lying to him. So I called Harry and he came to the room and we told him."

"Wow. Let's just hope he doesn't spill the beans." She said.

We walked into a small restaurant not to far from the hotel.

"Good evening ladies. How may I help you?" A very attractive waiter asked us.

"We need a table for seven." I told him.

"Seven? But there is only…" he started to say but was interrupted by the boys walking through the door. Danny walked up behind Adin and wrapped his arms around her waist. He placed his head on her shoulder after placing a kiss on her neck. I really wanted something like that but I hadn't met anyone that made me feel all fuzzy Inside.

"Yes seven." Adin confirmed.

"Alright. Right this way." He said and grabbed 7 menus and led us to a fairly large table. "I am Oliver. I will be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?" He asked with a flirtatious smile that was sent my way.

I smile back feeling uncomfortable. "I'll have a coke." I said looking down at the able and then at Dougie who was sitting next to e. I was trying to send him ‘help me' signals with my eyes without being to obvious. I mean don't get me wrong Oliver was attractive but I didn't know him and I would probably never see him again.

Dougie looked at me and smile. He cause my hints and I could see the wheels turning in his head. He was trying to figure out a way to get me out of a very awkward situation. While the others gave Oliver their drink order I sat with my head down looking at my thumbs that I was twiddling in my lap.

As soon as Oliver left Danny had to open his big mouth. And he wonders why we never tell him anything.

"Ohh. I think Oliver thinks Spencer is pretty." He said with a smirk.

"Daniel shut up please." I begged as I saw Oliver walking back to the table carrying a tray covered in drinks. I looked at Dougie again and he noticed Oliver also. He scooted he chair closer to mine and put his arm around me. The funny feeling from earlier came back and I tried to ignore it.

Oliver began to set the drinks down in front of us. When he got to Dougie's he noticed that his arm was now placed around me. His face fell. I kind of felt bad for him. When he placed my drink in front of me I smiled and mumbled a soft ‘thanks'.

"Are you guys ready to order?" He asked trying to be nice.

Dinner after that was pretty uneventful. We all chatted about what may happen on tour and what we didn't want to happen on this tour. The whole dinner Dougie's arm stayed securely around my shoulder and only once did he remove it. And that was when Chris yelled at him for it. He let it go when we explained why it was there.

I wasn't going to complain. There was something about having his arm around me that I liked. I felt protected, I felt like as long as his arm was there I would never get hurt. It was very comforting.

We paid for our meal and began to walk back to the hotel. I was expecting Dougie to remove his arm as soon as we were out of the restaurant but to my surprise it stayed securely around my shoulders. I smiled to myself at this.

"Thank you Dougie." I said and placed a small kiss to his cheek. He smiled and looked down at me.

"Not a problem love." He said tightening his grip on my shoulders.

We had be lagging behind the rest of the group just watching the goof around. Danny had Adin on his back and was running down the street singing ‘I miss you' at the top of his lungs. Harry was walking with Chris and Tom. They were looking at the girls who walked passed. Many of them seemed to know who they were but didn't stop them for autographs. It was a change because most of the time they were being stopped every 5 second.

"So did you and Harry really sleep together?" Dougie asked quietly looking at Harry.

"Yeah, why? Are you jealous?" I asked joking around.

"What? No!" He answered rather quickly.

"Uh huh. I totally believe you." I said sliding out from underneath his arm and got out of the elevator that we had rode in silence. I was just about to slid the key into the lock when I was spun around and pressed up against the door. Dougie was standing in front of me with a devilish look on his face. He leaned down so his lips were barley an inch away from min. I could feel his warm, moist against my face. I closed my eyes expecting him to close the gap between us.

As quickly as he had pressed me up against the door he was gone. He stepped away and I opened my eyes. HE was staring at the floor like it had suddenly became the most interesting thing in the world. I rolled my eyes and turned around. I slid the key through the lock and opened the door.

"Tease!" I said over my shoulder and grabbed me bag and walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
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This chapter is for Syndey because she keeps giving my feedback and I love her for it!!!

Syd if you keep giving me feedback I will keep writing!