Oh So Genuine

I love Being Serenaded

Today was the first day of actual tour. I was really excites. I woke up at 8 and was happy until I remembered what happened between me and Dougie last night. It put a damper on my good mood.

I just didn't get it. He tried to kiss me and then chickens out. But when I get up enough nerve to kiss him he pulls away and tells me that he can't because he is scared of what Chris will do if he finds out. I get that part but does that mean he likes me or that he doesn't? Boys are so confusing.

I turned on my side. I looked at him sleeping, he looked so peaceful. I lightly took my finger and traced his tattoo. I loved the space theme it had. I saw him smile slightly in his sleep. I kissed it softly and got up slowly hoping I wouldn't wake him up.

I quietly got dressed and packed all of my stuff so I would be ready to go when we left. I walked into the bathroom and did my hair and make-up. I grabbed my phone and texted Harry
`are you awake?'.

I sat down and waited for him to text me back. My phone vibrated a few minutes later.

The text said `Yeah, what's up?'.

I quickly texted him back and said

`I need to talk to you. Meet me outside in 10? We can go grab coffee'

I got up and grabbed my room key and my purse before exiting my room. I walked down the hall and leaned against the wall opposite of his door. About 3 minutes later the door cracked open the slightest bit. It slowly opened further until Harry could slip through the gap. He shut the door quietly.

He looked at me and smiled. We walked to the elevator in silence and waited for the elevator to arrive before we said anything to each other.

"What did you want to talk about?" Harry asked as the elevator doors closed and we began to descend to the lobby.

"I kissed Dougie." I told him sheepishly.

"When!?" He asked in shock. I hadn't told him that I was having funny feelings toward Dougie for the past few weeks now.

"Really early this morning." I said.

"And?" He asked. H was fishing for details and then based on that he would try to help me. I had been in situations like this before and he was always the one I turned to.

"I really likes it. I got butterflies!" I explained.

"No you didn't!" He was even more shocked by that, than by the fact that I kissed Dougie.

Let me tell you a secret, I have never gotten butterflies because of a guy before. Sure I had those tightened stomach kisses. You know the ones, where you are so happy you feel like you just might burst. Yeah I've had those but Dougie was the first guys that ever gave me a butterflies in the stomach kiss.

"Yeah, he totally did." I said. "What am I going to do. He pulled away and said he couldn't do this cause he was afraid of what Chris would de if he found out."

"well I say you do something that shows him you don't care what you brother thinks." He said.

I knew why I always went to Harry for advice. He always knew exactly what to say. By that time we had arrived at the coffee shop and we standing in line. We stood there, waiting in line to get to the counter, in silence looking at the menu.

When I got to the counter I ordered a caramel mocha iced coffee and Harry ordered a hazelnut iced coffee. I protested when he offered to pay, but he handed the cashier a ten dollar bill before I could say another word.

"Thank you." I said.

"You are very welcome." He replied waiting for the change and our drinks.

"Gosh I really hope it doesn't get awkward between Dougie and I now." I said dreading that possibility.

"Don't let it get awkward. We have never let the fact that we slept together get in the way of our friendship." He stated mater-of-factly.

"yeah but there is one thing that is different between that situation and this one." I said.

"Yeah, what's that?" He questioned.

"Umm I kind of think I like him. I was never really romantically interested in you." I stated.

"So you just liked me for my body?" He faked being hurt as he said this.

"Yes, I only used you so you would have sex with me." I joked laughing.

"Eh, I an deal with that." He chuckled. "So what are you going to do?"

"I think I have a plan but I am going to need your help." I said pulling him back to the hotel so I could tell him my plans.

~At The Concert~

It was 7:30 and the boys were about to go on. I was really excited to see them play. Although I was stuck at the booth until they started and got into full swing. It ad been about 6 months since I had seen them last play.

I looked at one of the girls that was standing at the table waiting to be helped. She was really pretty and had amazing green eyes.

"What can I help you with?" I asked politely.

"Umm, can I get the purple shirt in a small." She asked timidly.

"Of course." I said happily, walking over to one of the boxes and grabbed her shirt. I handed it to her and she handed me the money. "Here you go." I said trying to hand her back the change.

"Keep it!" She said and walked away.

I stuffed the money into my pocket and helped the next customer. The light began to dim , warning the people to get to their seats. The show started not to long after. Soon the boys were rushing onstage and the building was filled with screams.

"How are you guys doing tonight?" Danny yelled into the microphone.

The screams got , if possible, even louder. I laughed to myself and turned to Adin and smiled secretly at her. She knew I was smiling because a lot of the girls thought Danny was cute, and he was all hers. We giggled a little more and began to pack up so we could go watch.

"This song is called 'Five Colors'" Tome shouted and began playing the opening chords.

The song ended and they went straight into 'I've got you'. As the song played we packed up bouncing and singing along. By time the song was over we had packed everything up. We pushed the stuff to the back of the area and walked to where our seats were.

I caught Dougie's eye and smiled, not quite sure how to react to him after last night. He winked in return, which made me feel better about the situation.

"Ok next we are going to slow it down a little bit. Dougie why don't you tell them about it." Danny said smiling at Dougie.

"Ok, last night I really screwed with a certain girl. I know she is here watching so I wanted to take the chance to apologize to her. Listen I know I messed up and just saying that doesn't change what happened. So I am going to sing you a song. So if you would, would you come up here" He was looking directly at me. I didn't know what to do. I felt Adin push me toward the stage.

Danny and Tom grabbed my hands and pulled me up onto the stage. I thanked them and walked over to the stool next to Dougie and sat on it. He took off his bass and traded it for the acoustic guitar one of the tech people was handing him.

"I know I don't sing much so excuse me if I don't sound all that great." He joked. The crowd laughed with him.

Some people laugh,
And some people cry,
And some people live,
And some people die,
And some people run,
Right into the fire,
And some people hide,
Their every desire

But we are the lovers,
If you don't believe me,
Then just look into my eyes,
Cause the heart never lies

And some people fight,
And some people fall,
Others pretend,
They don't care at all,
If you wanna fight,
I'll stand right beside you,
The day that you fall,
I'll be right behind you,
To pick up the pieces,
If you don't believe me,
Then just look into my eyes,
Cause the heart never lies


Another year over,
And we're still together,
It's not always easy,
But I'm here forever,

Yeah, we are the lovers,
I know you believe me,
When you look into my eyes,
Cause the heart never lies,
Cause the heart never lies, yeah,
Cause the heart never lies

When he was done I stood up and walked toward him, never breaking the eye contact we had keep throughout the entire song. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed his lips gently. The crowd 'Awed' pulling me out of the bubble I had been in. I had forgotten all about them being there. I laughed as my cheeks heated up from embarrassment.

"We will talk later." I told him walking to the front of the stage before jumping down and walking back to where Adin was standing.

I was even more confused than ever. I thought he was scared of what Chris would do. Now he brings me onstage in front of thousands of fans and serenades me. Did he think that Chris wasn't going to find out? Or did he just not care? This boy was the most confusing person I had ever met.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I know it has been a little while since I updated last and I apoligise. I have been really busy doing the spring musical at my school.

This wasn't one of my favorite chapters but I liked it.

Please let me know if you like this story!! I am dying for some feedback.