Oh So Genuine

I'm Going Crazy

~Dougie's POV~

I knew she was going to be confused by my actions, but I had t do something to show her that I hadn't meant what I had done the night before. I needed her to know that I didn't care what Chris thought. When I told him earlier he kind of flipped. Not as much as I thought, I thought it would be way worse. My lip still hurt from where he punched me. He didn't bust my lip, and I don't think I would have cared even if he had.

Once I clamed him down and talked to him about the whole situation, he understood why I hadn't said anything. He was still upset that I had kissed Spencer. And why I hadn't told him about me liking her until now.

We were on the bus heading toward the next city. I hadn't talked to Spencer yet, but I had heard her and Chris yelling at each earlier and I knew they were fighting because of me. It made me feel like crap knowing it too. I tried not to let it bother me cause if things were meant to be they would work themselves out.

I sat in the living room area just listening to music and thinking. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and popped my ear buds out when I saw it was Chris.

"What's up?" I asked hoping he wasn't going to start yelling at me again.

"Don't worry I'm not here to yell at you." He said as if reading my mind. "I am actually here to apologize for punching you earlier. It was uncalled for and I overreacted."

"It's ok. I know I should have told you about me liking her earlier, but I was afraid that you would hate me for it. I couldn't have that happening because of the band you know?" I explained to him.

"Yeah I do. I get why you didn't tell me. I get a bit protective of Spencer at times." He told me. "I mean I know she is tough enough to take care of herself, it's just that I don't want to see her get hurt."

"And I swear , if we start dating or something , I will try my hardest to make sure that doesn't happen." I said. And it was the truth. I would do everything in my power for my friends and when I set my mind to something I go through with it.

"Just give her some time. She is really confused at the moment. Not that I entirely blame her though. You are one confusing boy." He chuckled.

"I don't blame her either. I just hope she doesn't take too long. I might go crazy trying to figure her out." I said seriously.

"She'll come around. Don't worry so much Doug." After he said this he walked away leaving me to my thoughts.

~Fast Forward 3 Days~

It had been 3 days and I still hadn't talked to Spencer. I was about to go nuts. No joke my thoughts about her were slowly driving me crazy. We had yet to talk like she said we would. Instead she talked to everyone but me. I'm not going to lie it hurt.

I wasn't sure if I had done something wrong. I mean other than the night when she kissed me. We had about 2 hours before our next show and we were just hanging out in the dressing room. Danny and Adin were dosing in one of the chairs and Tom was strumming on one of his guitars we had lying around. It wasn't hi normal one but that one seemed to be missing. I was softly humming along with the song that Tom was playing when Harry walked into the room.

He and Spencer had disappeared about and hour ago. Probably off to have sex again. I thought bitterly. I mentally scolded myself for thinking that. I knew neither of them would do that to me.

"Earth to Dougie!" Harry shouted into my ear.

"Huh…oh sorry. What?" I said confused. Apparently he had been trying to get my attention . By this time Tom was watching and Danny and Adin had woken up at the commotion.

"Stand up please." Harry commanded.

I shot him a confused look but stood up nonetheless.

"Turn around." He ordered once again.

The last thing I saw was Tom smirking at me before looking back at the guitar. I could tell by that smirk that he knew why I was being blindfolded. I heard Danny chuckle as Harry led me out of the room.

I had no clue where he was leading me and I knew it was pointless to ask because he wasn't going to tell me. I was blindly walking down the hallway with my arms out felling for some indication of where I was. I tripped and fell flat on my face.

I heard Harry chuckling from somewhere near me. I felt him grab my arm and help me up. As soon as I was upright we started moving again. I could tell we had entered a new room. It was slightly cooler and smelled faintly of French vanilla.

The blindfold was loosened and I pulled it the rest of the way off only to find Harry was gone and I was facing the seats of the stadium we were playing at that night. I was utterly confused. I turned around to face the stage and what laid there gave me butterflies.

Spencer was sitting on a stool with the glow of around 50 candles lighting her gorgeous face. The candles were placed all around the stage and were the only light in the room. I could make out the shape of a guitar on her lap and could tell it was Tom's missing one.

I began to walk forward until I was 5 feet from the front of the stage. She raised her hand and I stopped in my tracks.

"I know not talking has been driving you crazy and I want to apologize for that. I know I should have talked to you right after the concert the other night, but I really needed to get my head straight before I could do that." She said softly.

"It's my fault for screwing with your head so badly." I told her.

"Dougie please don't apologize. You had every right to do what you did. I want to play you a song and hopefully it will show you my decision about you and me." She said and started to strum the guitar.

I don't know how to make lots of money
I got debts that I'm trying to pay
I can't buy you nice things, like big diamond rings
But that don't mean much anyway
I can't give you the house you've been dreaming
If I could I would build it alone
I'd be out there all day, just hammering away
Make us a place of our own

She was continually surprising me. I didn't know she could play the guitar and I definitely didn't know she could sing.

I will write you a song
That's how you'll know that my love is still strong
I will write you a song
And you'll know from this song that I just can't go on without you

I don't know that I'd make a good soldier
I don't believe in being violent and cruel
I don't know how to fight, but I'll draw blood tonight
If somebody tries hurting you

The song was perfect. I knew by the end of the chorus what her answer to our problem was.

I will write you a song
That's how you'll know that my love is still strong
I will write you a song
And you'll know from this song that I just can't go on without you

Now that it's out on the table (it's out on the table)
Both of us knew all along (knew all along)
I've got your loving and you've got my song

I don't know how to make lots of money
I don't know all the right things to do
I can't say where we'll go, but the one thing I know
Is how to be a good woman to you
Until I die that's what I'll do

As she played I looked at her. Her hair was spilling over her shoulder. her eyebrows were scrunched together in concentration, and her tongue was slightly sticking out the side of her mouth. She made the cutest faces.

I will write you a song
That's how you'll know that my love is still strong
I will write you a song
And you'll know from this song that I just can't go on without
I will write you a song (I will write you a song)
That's how you'll know that my love is still strong (love is still strong)
I will write you a song
And you know from this song that I just can't go on without you

The song came to an end and she looked up from the guitar and looked at me. We continues to look at each other for a few more seconds seeing who was going to make the first move. I didn't move at first, I was still awestruck by what she had just done.

I was removed from my thoughts when she stood up from the stool with her head down and started to put the guitar away. I ran and hopped onstage. It wasn't that high so I made the jump with ease. I put my hand on the neck of the guitar. Startled, her head snapped toward me. I placed the guitar on the stool.

She looked up at me with a smile in her eye. I placed one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist pulling her toward me. I leaned down and gently pressed my lips to hers. I felt little electric shocks go through my lips.

There was a sudden burst of applause and Spencer and I broke apart. We looked over to the seats and there sitting in the very last row was Danny, Harry, Tom, Adin, and Chris. My cheeks began to burn from embarrassment.

The cheers and whoops continued for a minute longer and the abruptly stopped and you could see Adin pushing all the guys out of the main room. I mentally told myself to thank her later.

I looked at Spencer. She was looking up at me with a small smile playing on her lips. I dipped down and kissed her again, this time not as gently as the first. I pulled away.

"So you have to answer one question." I said to her.

"Yeah, and what's that?" She questioned.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked trying to be cute.

"Do you honestly think I am going to say no?" she questioned and pulled me to her and we kissed once more. I smiled into the kiss taking it as a yes. I was happy to know that this girl was finally mine and no one else's.
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Ok I really like this chapter. I hope you do too.

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