Oh So Genuine


Dougie asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. I mean I would have to be crazy to say no to him. It had been a week since I sang to him and the guys have not stopped bugging me about singing with them on a few songs at one of the shows. I told them to let me think about it.

I hadn't seen much of Adin since we started tour. She had been spending a lot of time with Danny, and I had spending a fair amount of time with Dougie. Don't get me wrong I loved spending time with him but I needed some girl time.

I was currently sitting on the bus watching a movie with Tom, Harry and Dougie, when I decided it was time to hang with Adin. I jumped up and began to walk out of the room.

"Hey where do you think you are going?" Dougie asked pulling me down into his lap.

"Well as much as I like hanging out with you guys, I need some Adin and I time." I stated mater-of-factly as I kissed his cheek and got up once more.

I had a feeling about where I would find Adin at. I walked to the bunks and quickly pulled the curtain to Danny's bunk open, flooding it with light. Just as I had suspected she was there laying down, using Danny's chest as a pillow. They were sleeping.

I grabbed Adin's phone and snapped a cute picture of them and set it as her background. I also knew she would have done the same thing it id was Dougie and I. I left them be and laid down in my own bunk.

I started to think about the past week. I was so afraid that this tour was going to be a nightmare and it was actually turning out to be really fun. I got Dougie out of the deal also so that was a good thing and I wasn't going to complain.

"A penny for your thoughts." I heard Doug say. I looked up at him, he was leaning non-chalantly against the doorway looking back at me.

"Just thinking about the past week." I said simply. He crossed the small hall and climbed into my bunk with me. We arranged ourselves till we were comfortable.

"Yeah, it has been a crazy week." He agreed quietly.

"Yeah. Did you ever think that it would be on tour where you finally told me how you felt?" I questioned.

"Not entirely. Actually saw a cute picnic and watching the stars while we talked." He said shyly.

" You can be such a romantic at times, Dougie." I said kissing his cheek.

"Only when it's just us. I have to keep up an image for the other guys. They think I am some horn dog." He joked.

I laughed and closed my eyes. I hadn't been tired a little bit ago, but I was felling suddenly drowsy.

"Are you falling asleep on me?" I heard him ask. It sounded funny cause I heard it vibrate throughout his chest.

"Well if we stop talking, then yes. If we keep talking, then no." I said to him.

"Ok then we need to keep you talking." He said. "Hmm... what to talk about. Oh me mum and Jazzie are coming to see one of the shows next week. I can't wait for you to meet them."

I was suddenly wide awake. We hadn't even been dating for 2 days and he already wanted me to meet his mum and sister. I was freaking out on the inside, but I put on a calm face and smiled at him.

"Oh cool. I can't wait to meet them either." I fibbed. It wasn't that I didn't want to meet them. It was more that I was nervous they would think I wasn't good enough for Dougie.

"Please don't worry about it. I am sure they will love you." He said rubbing my back softly. His cool fingers felt good on my warm skin.

"I just don't want them to think I'm not good enough for you." I told him truthfully.

"You are by far too good for me." He said seriously.

I looked up and kissed him softly. I curl my hands into his hair as the kiss intensified. I had just put my les on each side of his waist when he pulled away. He smiled at me and re-connected our lips. I kissed along his jaw making my way to his throat. He made a soft noise. I could tell he was trying not to be loud.

"Oh god." I heard. At first I thought it was Dougie, but soon I realized when he tensed up that it wasn't him.

I looked up and saw that he was looking at someone that was standing in the doorway. I turned around and saw Tom. His hand was over his eyes and he was looking at the floor. I giggled and he looked up.

"Sorry Tom." I said sitting back onto the bunk.

"It's ok. Just give us some warning next time. Anyway I was just coming to tell you that we are at the venue. You guys hungry?" He asked.

I nodded my head. I didn't even need to look to see if Dougie was nodding his head, he was always hungry.

"Cool. Pizza, Italian, or Chinese?" He questioned.

"Italian." Dougie and I said at the same time. We stared laughing.

"You two really are perfect for each other." Tom laughed and walked away.

Adin rolled over and feel out of the bunk. I didn't see how she could share a tiny bunk with Danny, but couldn't share a huge bed with me. She groaned and rolled onto her back. I stared to laugh at her.

"Are we there yet?" She asked sitting up.

"As a matter of fact we are ducky." I said hopping down and helping her up. "And now that you are up we are going to talk before the food gets here."

I drug her into the building and we found some seats in the house.

"So how have you been? She asked putting her feet up on the seat in front of her.

"Not bad. I feel like it's been forever since I had a heart to heart with you though." I said sadly.

"I know. We both finally have boyfriends. It seems like we don't have time for each other now. We should make it so one night a week we hang out and talk." She explained.

"I totally agree!" I exclaimed. " And so it starts ' Official Adin & Spencer Time'"

"So how have you and Dougie been?" She asked giddily.

"Really good. But um... he kind of wants me to meet his mum and sister next week." I told her.

"Already. He must really like you." She said.

"Yeah I guess. I am really nervous though. What if they don't like me?" I asked turning my body toward her.

"Relax. You will be fine I am sure they will love you." She told me.

"That's what Dougie said too." I smiled at the thought of him.

"You have it bad girl." Adin teased.

"Me! What about you, Ms. Hook-up-before-tour-even-starts?" I teased her right back.

"Ok nothing even happened. All we did was kiss. We haven't had sex yet. So stop it." She said. Her cheeks were turning bright red from embarrassment. " I mean I'm not complaining. I like that we are taking it kind of slow. It lets me get to know him before we rush into things. What about you? You and Dougie done the deed yet?"

"Ok first never refer to it as that again. And second, no for your information we haven't." I said defensively.

"Doesn't mean you don't want to." She said teasing me once again.

"And your point?" I asked. " He is kind of my boyfriend so it wouldn't really matter if we did or not."

"I give it two months tops." She laughed.

"Here's the deal. If I sleep with Dougie before the two month mark I will take you to go see 30 Seconds to Mars, but if you sleep with Danny in less than that you have to take me to see The Used." I told her and stuck out my hand.

She took it and shook.

"You have a deal sweetheart. I can already heard Jared Leto singing though a packed stadium." She gloated.

"Whatever." I said.

"Girls foods here!" I heard Harry yell from once of the exits.

Let's see who cracks first!
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Sorry it has taken me soooooooo long to update I have been swamped with school work and rehearsal for my school spring musical!! I only have a few more days of intense rehearsals until we open and then I have 3 days off so I hopefully will update on my days off!

Comment me and let me know what you thought of this chapter. Kinda a filler chapter. Please no silent readers!!