Oh So Genuine

Another Secret Revealed!

It had been 2 and a-half weeks since I made the deal with Adin. I was still going strong. On the other hand Adin wasn't doing as well. I could tell that it was going to be a long 2 months for her and Danny. We had an unspoken agreement about not telling Danny or Dougie about our deal.

Not telling them made it that much harder because we both knew that they wanted it. They had to go 2 months without it, and we knew it was going to drive them crazy.

"We have about an hour before we get to the venue. What to watch a movie?" Dougie asked as we sat in the back of the bus.

I was eager to do anything that was going to take my mind off meeting his mum and sister. They didn't get to come and see the boys because of an emergency, I was relieved at first then the nerves came back when he told me that they were coming today. I guess it has been better this time because I haven't had a week to worry about it since he just told me yesterday.

""Yeah, you can pick." I said and snuggled down further into the seat. He popped in a movie and sat back down. I leaned my head on his chest. I laced our fingers together and he brought our entwined hand to his mouth. He kissed the back of my hand softly. I smiled at his simple yet sweet action.

The movie menu popped up on screen and I saw that it was 'Save the Last Dance.' I smiled even more and looked at him.

"You hate this movie. Why did you pick it?" I asked him.

"Because I know you love it." He said thoughtfully. I kissed his lips and settled back down to watch the movie that was starting.

I was so engrossed in the movie I jumped when the door opened and Danny ran in. He noticed us sitting on the couch cuddling.

"You guys are boring. And what's with the chick flick?" He asked Dougie.

"It happens to be one of Spencer's favorite movies. And I'm being unselfish; maybe you should try it once in a while." Dougie said defensively.

"Whatever. I wanted to let you know that we just got here and that your mum and sister are in the front." He said happily.

"Really? Awesome. Come on!" He said excitedly. He pulled me up and paused the movie. He walked out of the door, me tailing slowly behind him.

"Mum!" Dougie shouted. The woman he engulfed in a hug was about 5 or 6 inches shorter than him. She was very pretty. He released her and hugged yet another very pretty girl. This one I am guessing was his sister.

They stepped away from each other and Dougie turned to me and wrapped his am around my shoulders.

"Mum, Jazzie this is Spencer." He said proudly. I waved awkwardly.

"Oh sweetie, get over here." His mum said. She opened her arms and pulled me away from Dougie and into a hug. "Doug can't stop talking about you. It's always Spencer this or Spencer that. I am so glad I finally get to meet the girl who is making my son happy."

We pulled away from each other and I looked at Dougie. His cheeks were bright red and Jazzie was laughing at him. I could tell we were going to become friends fast.

"Well I am glad to be that girl 'cause he makes me pretty happy too." I said walking back to Dougie and wrapping my arm around his waist.

"So do you guys want to get something to eat so you guys can get to know one another better?" Dougie asked his mum.

"I think that is a splendid idea Dougie." His mum commented.


"So what are you doing after tour is ever dear?" Ms. Poynter asked me.

“I am planning on going to a local college and either majoring in singing or music production. Maybe both." I told her. I felt bad because I hadn't even told Dougie about this yet.

Adin and I had been planning this since before we had even been asked to go on tour. Dougie looked at me and I looked down. I knew that going to college wasn't going to be the best thing for out relationship, but I needed to do something with my life. I couldn't just tag around with them for the rest of my life.

"That's great dear." His mum said. I finally looked up and saw Dougie still looking at me. I mouthed 'Not now' to him and continued eating.

We finished eating and headed back to the bus. We walked up the steps to find chaos.

The cushions were off the couch and there was flour and water everywhere. I couldn't believe that this had happened in the small amount of time we had been out. It was as if a small bomb full of the ingredients to make pancakes had gone off.

"Adin!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I knew it wasn't the best impression on Dougie's family, but coming back to this pissed me off to no end.

The back door opened and slowly Adin, Danny, Harry, Chris, and Tom walked through it. I glared at all of them in turn.

"Would you like to explain what happened here?" I asked calmly.

"Well Danny wanted pancakes and so I started to make him some and then Harry, Chris, and Tom said they wanted some too. I accidentally flung some at Danny with the mixing spoon. He tackled me and got me back. The then others joined in and things just escalated from there." Adin said with an ashamed look on her face. I knew I couldn't stay mad at any of them for to long, but at the moment they were going to have to deal with one angry Spencer.

I didn't say anything as I walked over to the closet and pulled out a few washrags. I then walked over to the sink and filled it with warm water. I stuck the rags in the water and pulled one back out to begin cleaning.

I had straightened all the cushions when I noticed all of them were just watching me. I felt bad that Jazzie and Sam had to see me like this on our first meeting.

"Sweetie you go calm down we will clean this up. Won't we?" She said not really caring if someone was going to object. "Dougie, take Spencer to the back and help her get calmed down."

I could tell that she knew my blood was boiling beneath the surface. I felt Dougie grab my hand and I felt a little bit calmer already. I walked to the backroom behind Doug and as soon as the door closed behind us, he wrapped me in his arms.

"I know that what they did was really unnecessary and they are cleaning it up so please calm down." Dougie said soothingly into my ear.

"I should have told you about my and Adin's plans earlier, but I just didn't want us to get into a fight right after we got together." I said switching the subject entirely.

"I am a little mad about that but that not important right now." He said.

"I just didn't need that on top of the stress to meet you family and tour. And it is important. You have every right to be mad." I said pulling away and walked out the font, he followed me out the door.

"Your right I do have every right to be mad that you kept you and Adin going off to college a secret. God knows what else you are hiding. I mean you keep it a secret for over a year that you slept with Harry! What's next are you going to tell me you slept with Danny and Tom too?" He yelled at me.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when those words fell from his lips. Four of those were shocked at that piece of information. Chris turned from shocked to angry, but instead of punching Harry he stepped toward Dougie. I put my hand up motioning for him to stop, he obeyed.

I stepped toward Dougie and raised my hand. I slapped him as hard as I could. The sound echoed through the silent room. His cheek was bright red within seconds.

"I trusted you and you just throw it away with one sentence? I guess that shows how much you really care about me. You want to know another reason I didn't want tot tell you about Adin and I were planning on going to college?" I asked. I didn't wait for an answer before I continued. " I didn't tell you because I knew it would end up like. Whether it 2 days, 2 months, or when I finally got ready to leave. I was hoping that by the time you found out it wouldn't have been that big of a deal cause we could get through it no matter what."

I walked off the bus and got as far as the sidewalk before I broke down and started crying. I had thought that Dougie's and I relationship was stronger that this. I guess people are full of surprises.
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OK I really hope you guys like this chapter. I know you guys are probably not going to like what happens in it but I promise it will get better and it is all just part of the story I am planning out!

please NO silent readers!! I love to hear what you guys have to say!