Status: This story is complete.

I Must Be Dreaming.


Two young girls walked past a medium sized stage and various different restaurants to get to their destination. Before entering through the large glass doors, each said goodbye to their parents, reminding them of the pick up time and where to meet them at said time. As each parent left, the girls entered and went to the far right corner, standing next to a large cardboard cut out of a sinister character with a piercing look.

"So, which one should we see?" The smaller girl, whose name was Rosie asked, questioning which movie to see while the older girl Ainsley just gave a shrug of her shoulders before directing her gaze to the doors to see two boys of the same age walk in and smile at the pair.

"Hey Rosie, your lover is here," Ainsley whispered before snickering to herself as the boys came to stand beside them. Rosie elbowed her in response before smiling at the boy, whose name was Ryan, having to look up as he was a bit taller than her.

The tallest of the group, a boy named Danny smiled at the pair before standing beside Ainsley. Instantly, Ainsley directed her eyes down towards the carpeted floor before a small, light pink shade rose up onto her cheeks. Rosie, who had been watching the pair, cocked her right eyebrow at Rosie as if to say Told you!

"So, which movie are we seeing?" Danny asked the trio, awaiting an answer for a good minute.

"I've already seen Seven Pounds but it seems like it's the only movie we can see without having to wait," Ainsley stated before looking to the others for their answers.

"Well, I want to see the Underworld Rise of the Ly cans one, but it's MA15+ so we can't. I'm fine with seeing Seven Pounds," he spoke before looking to Danny and Rosie for their answers. Rosie gave a shrug of her shoulders and Danny nodded his answer before the four bought their tickets.

They quickly walked over to the usher who ripped their ticket ends off and handed them back their tickets before telling them the cinema number and to keep their tickets with them at all times. Once the usher had turned to the next person, they ran down to the cinema and jumped through the doors before running up the entrance and turning to the seats. They slowed down and headed up to the back row, the cinema emptier than usual.

Each took their seats, Ainsley on the far end and then Danny, Rosie and Ryan. After fifteen minutes of small conversation and listening to music, the lights dimmed slightly and ads began to play on the large white screen in front of them. Ainsley slouched down into her seat slightly and put her feet up on the empty seat in front of her, Ryan and Danny doing the same while Rosie leaned onto Ryan's shoulder.

Half an hour later, the ads had finally stopped and the opening scene of the movie began whilst the lights turned off, leaving only the light from the screen. Rosie and Ryan had begun their usual session, while Danny and Ainsley watched intently. Once the opening scene had finished, Danny began to squirm around in his seat a bit, thoughts confused and mind elsewhere.

Ainsley gave him a questioning look before he spoke, "What happened?" He asked before Ainsley replied, "he just committed suicide, you'll understand it once the film is finished, trust me," she smiled before turning her attention back to the screen. Danny nodded, pursing his lips in thought. It was quiet in the cinema for a good fifteen minutes, with the only noise being that of Rosie and Ryan's lips and tongues dancing together.

Danny tapped Ainsley's shoulder, making her turn around and give him the same questioning look as before, "You trust me, right?" he asked her.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? We've been friends for a while now, you haven't done anything to lose my trust. Why are you asking me this now?" She gave him a skeptical look before he started to ring his hands.

"N-no reason. Just curious," he murmured before she turned back to the screen. As soon as she had done so, he leaned towards her and pecked her cheek before quickly retreating. She immediately tensed up and slowly turned her head towards his.

"Danny, are you sure your feeling okay?" She cocked her right eyebrow at him before he nodded, "then what was that about?" she asked before he looked to the ratty laces on his left shoe.

"What was what about?" he spoke silently, almost in a whisper before she answered.

"Danny, now is not the time to act like this," she spoke to him before singing to herself in a whisper, "I must be dreaming," before focusing on the screen again. Danny heard her singing and knew the song. He leaned over to her, keeping his lips only centimeters from her ear, letting his breath fall onto it.

"Tell me that you love me and it'll be alright," he smiled.

"Are you thinking of me? Just come with me tonight," she sung back, leaning onto her right hand and biting her lip.

"You know I need you, just like you need me," he whispered.

"Can't stop," she spoke softly, Ryan and Rosie now broke apart from each other and focused on the two who were incredibly close to each other.

"Won't stop," Danny said, lifting up the arm rest and leaning closer towards her, moving down towards her lips.

"I must be dreaming," she grinned before moving in closer to him and lifting herself up to his ear.

"I thought I told you," she whispered before retreating back to Danny's face and leaning her forehead onto his. He smiled before singing again, this time louder so that people three rows in front of them were now paying attention to them.

"She thinks I'm crazy judging by the faces that she's making, and I think she's pretty but pretty is just a part of the things she does that amaze me," he sung, almost shouting and grinned giddily before leaning in towards her closer, if that was possible before capturing her lips with his. Ainsley moved her arms from her side to his hair, tangling it in and pulling his lips closer to hers. Danny wrapped his arms around her waist, leaving no space between the two.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Young couples never do cute things like that anymore! Hell, they didn't even do it in my day! Congratulations and good luck to the both of you!" an elderly lady shouted to them, jumping up and down with a large smile on her face. Shortly after, people threw popcorn at her to get her to sit down. The small group of four just laughed, before Ainsley made a heart with her hands and placed it onto Danny's chest, smiling before pecking his lips and placing her head onto his chest while he traced patterns onto her back.

"Told you it would happen," Rosie winked at Ainsley.
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