Kindergarten Love

What happens when a Kindergarten teacher gets a very special new student?

Anthony Urie, Mini Urie, or Tony
Miss Milian or Vanessa Milian
Nicky Jones
  1. 001;
    "Oooh, Im vibrating"
  2. 002;
    “My overalls won’t button”
  3. 003;
    “Uncle Ryan!”
  4. 004;
    “It’s like a wolf”
  5. 005;
    “Well, was he hot?”
  6. 006;
    "Nice ass"
  7. 007;
    "I knew I should have followed him"
  8. 008;
    "It's a deal"
  9. 009;
    "Oh no she DID NOT just shush me"
  10. 010;
    “That’s not true!”
  11. 011;
    “Hogar Dulce Hogar”
  12. 012;
  13. 013;
    "Oh and the counter girl nearly attacked me"
  14. 014;
    "Can I see your ID please?"
  15. 015;
    "In your closet?"
  16. 016;
    “What are escargots?”
  17. 017;
    “Aren’t you wearing too much pink?”
  18. 018;
    “Ask him”
  19. 019;
    "And what was that?
  20. 020;
    “Do I look beautiful?”
  21. 021;
    “Nicky isn’t it like 12 over there?”
  22. 022;
    "Oops, sorry"
  23. 023;
    "Pardon me?"
  24. 024;
    "Why are we all matching?"
  25. 025;
  26. 026;
    “Miss. M, look at what Santa gave me”
  27. 027;
    "Go ahead, open it"
  28. 028;
    "The little one, five years, hair"
  29. 029;
    "Hey look daddy it's Miss. M!"
  30. 030;
    "Nicky control yourself!"
  31. 031;
    “Calm down, we aren’t going to die”
  32. 032;
  33. 033;
  34. 034;
    "Let's go"
  35. 035;
    “Vanessa where are you?”
  36. 036;
    "My papi"
  37. 037;
    "I smell food!"
  38. 038;
    "I love you"
  39. 039;
    "How about pancakes?
  40. 040;
    "What'cha looking for?"
  41. 041;
    "Y-Yes ma'am!"
  42. 042;
    "What's so funny?"
  43. 043;
    "So what now?"
  44. 044;
    "But not more than me, right?"
  45. 045;
    "I wanna bang Edward Cullen, no lie!"
  46. 046;
    "You sure cupcake?"
  47. 047;
    "How many Anthony Urie's do we have in today?"
  48. 048;
    "What is wrong with my son?"
  49. 049;
    "Anything wrong doctor?"
  50. 050;
    "Bren I can't go with you"
  51. 051;
    “But now he hates me”
  52. 052;
    "Hello gorgeous"
  53. 053;
  54. 054;
    "The things I'd do to you"
  55. 055;
    "Look Urie,"
  56. 056;
    "What at you trying to say?"
  57. 057;
    "Good night, mommy"
  58. 058;
  59. 059;
  60. 060;
    "Baby! Why haven't you called!?"
  61. 061;
    "Let me explain"
  62. 062;
    "Go away. Please"
  63. 063;
    "So you were with both chicks!?
  64. 064;
    "Where you guys having hot lesbo sex?"
  65. 065;
    "But what about back home?"
  66. 000;