*** Isn't My Case

It’s been two years since Scott killed Aunt Libby, Ashley and himself. Frank, Jen, and I have been going to court cases, jails, etc. for the past 24 months. We’ve been proven guilty, then innocent, then guilty again. Just last month we were proven innocent and let out of jail for the last time. The case has been closed and now everyone knows the truth.

So much has happened and I’m on the way to trying to figure it out.
Gerard is still here to guide me though, but not as much as I wished he was.
Frank’s been hiding something from me, I can just tell.
Frank's also been acting strange.
I will find the answer, and I will not stop until I do.
As Jen would say:
SAW (Secret agent woman) Delilah,
Over and out.

Read the first story:
Angel Don't You Cry