God, You Need A Haircut

Life is really just one big waste of time.
The only thing worth living for, in the end, is love.
So why do we hate in the first place?

People change. They grow. Mentally and physically. When you talk with someone else, you might realize you've both grown in the same ways, at the same times, and you both want to help each grow even more. You look at them and you think "There's something here, something unsaid that both of us can feel but won't mention" There's a name for that. It's called attraction. I don't mean physically. That's different. I mean mentally. When you look at this person that you know so much about and you feel like you're staring right through them, seeing everything there is to see, then you've finally figured out how to use the attraction to it's full power. When you feel them pulling you in, calling your name in their time of need, and you want to go help them, that's love.
This is just one of those love stories.
Except this one's about me.