‹ Prequel: Don't Love Me

Let's End This Before We Fall

Found Her

A very serious looking man was kneeled over a tour plan he had just finished, re-reading and scribbling out words, intent on redoing the entire map of Europe if he found it necessary.

In reality, he wasn't much of a man at all, just turned 19 a couple months ago, but from the expression he constantly wore you'd think he was thirty before noticing the light facial hair growing and lack of wrinkles.

There was a knock on his door and his elder brother stepped in, cautiously looking over the room before letting his eyes land on the young man sitting at his desk.

"Coming for dinner?" the words were simple, but there was sort of a dull sound behind them, as if he knew the answer already and was only asking for the sake of tradition.

His head lifted from his work to briefly asses his brother, while his mind raced to cover all the possibilities of saying yes.

If he did confirm he'd have to go through dinner with the new Frankie, who wasn't quite ready to be a crazy teenager yet but sure did act like one, and he'd have to stay up later to finish his plan and mail it to his company in time.

"No." he said, looking back down.

His brother, surprised at the answer he hadn't heard before, stood silently for a moment before turning and walking back out the door, closing it behind him and hopping down the stairs robotically.

Yet, in his study, the young man couldn't be bothered enough, silently pushing his chair back and pulling out a foreign phone book, wondering where the very last stop on the tour in Europe had to be, wanting it close to Britain but not to far from the outer coast of Canada, where they were to keep doing their tour for 3 more months.

How was he supposed to plan another tour when they had just come home from one four weeks ago?

He started at the back, flipping through the Z's and Y's, skimming over the X's too, not expecting a stage starting with the letter X. His finer stopped suddenly and his eyes burnt a hole into the page, half expecting it to explode and not be true.

He wiped his eyes and whispered, "Guys... " his voice was hoarse and suddenly he yelled, "Guys! Joe! Kevin! I found her! I found her..."

His door burst open immediately and Joe was next to him, hands clawing desperately at the paper, Kevin following behind, leaning over their shoulders to read the phone book.

There she was, clear as day on the fine print.

Blake Weldm.

They found her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this is the begining of the sequel for Don't Love Me.

Sorry, but if you don't know who's going to end up loving Blake, I can't tell. Both Joe and Nick will do special romantic things with Blake though.

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