‹ Prequel: Don't Love Me

Let's End This Before We Fall

Smile, Baby.

Nick was nearly spasming with worry. Joe had dissapeared, Kevin had dissapeared, and by some sly chance, so had his cell phone. He wasn't sure if he had even brought it.

He was sure Joe had found Blake. His darling ex girlfriend was in the hands of that tyrant...

Nick sighed. That was harsh, Joe was a good guy, and Blake would be fine if he had found her.

But Joe wasn't Nick. And Nick wasn't sure who he really trusted with her.

So instead Nick sat near the tunnel of love (his mind claiming that if they went here he would be able to stop them) inspecting a cup full of ice and flavoring. 
He wasn't even that fond of sweets.

But what Nick was was a sentimental guy, and for some strange reason, as he sat on the picnic table and read a small book he had found on his person -occasionally looking around wildly-he was reminded of this girl he felt so much for.

Oh lord how he'd driven himself crazy. The brothers had almost been kicked off their record label for the scandals, Joe's betrayal of her secrets. Nick's betrayal of her heart. And Miley, he never wanted to see her face again.

But of course he did. Quite often, actually.

He took a spoonful of the ice and stuck it in his mouth, sucking the flavor clean off before crunching the ice angrily.

She hadn't regretted doing it, but she truly was a nice girl at heart, and when it showed the damage done she had readily obeyed Nick's request to sever all ties with him.

And then miraculously the fans hadn't been sickened by their blantant disrespect of Blake and stayed with them. Their fans.

He smiled. Poor ignorant girls had really no idea what was going on inside. Nobody ever really bothered to tell them.

He just couldn't fathom what had made him do it. He would never intentionally hurt this beautiful girl. He was a very sensitive person.

While being sensitive made him unlikely to cheat, it also made him most likely to cheat as well. See, when he looked at his ex's, like Miley, he couldn't help but flash to their previous romance. And his feelings rushed back because Nick believed that you never truly fell out of love. Once you give yourself to somebody they'll always have a part of you forever.

And he couldn't help himself. He really couldn't.

Nick didn't notice the figure in front of him till the heavy hand fell on his shoulder. He looks up and shrugged the arm off on instinct, then smiled at Kevin and jumped up. 

"Where  ya' been, man?" his brother said easily, scanning the area as if the rest of their little group was hiding in the shadows nearby.

Nick shrugged, "Got lost. Haven't got my phone on me either. Where's Rob?" they started on a slow walk toward what Nick assumed was the exit, feeling quite happy when the lights began illuminating against the setting sun. The night lights had finally come on. Nick glanced over at Kevin, appreciating how his good looking brother looked like a scene out of a movie with the many twinkling lights and people.

"He's waiting out front. He wanted me to find you guys, but I didn't reckon on you on not having your phone. Joe's already on his way."

Nick's ears perked up, "Did he find her?" he tried to sound casual, but to his dismay his voice cracked at the end. He cleared this throat, embarassed.

"Yeah." Kevin said simply.

Nick felt dazed, almost feeling like this was one of those sappy movies at the part where the ex-boyfriend is in a beautiful scene, realizing he hasn't got a chance. He ran his hand through his hair, it had finally calmed down and become quite flattering. He was good looking, smart and nice. He had more than a fair shot at her.

"Tell me what you think. The truth."

He didn't say anything else and Kevin read his mind. "Don't feel down. I think you both have an equal chance. Just as long as it doesn't get in the way of family and you play fair. I just... You know this is going to end up all wrong for one of you. And I'm scared for that." he sighed. Nick stopped and hugged his brother.

"Thank you," he sighed, letting go, "I just had to know I had a chance. I'm scared too. But there's really no way out now. We're completely stuck in this mess." he didn't know who to be angry at. So he was angry at himself.

He dragged himself behind Kevin, who had decided not to respond, and slid into the car next to Joe, who had been waiting for them.

Joe smiled at him. Nick tried to smile back. Both turned away frowning.
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You guys are so lucky I did this. I updated Fame because it was requested and decided, why not keep going while I'm at it? I've got the free time!

So PLEASE comment so I don't feel like crap!!