‹ Prequel: Don't Love Me

Let's End This Before We Fall

Still Hiding

As the large black SUV stopped, another car pulled up alongside it and 3 large men emerged, grabbing bags from the back of the car at lightning speed. Frankie watched, his face pressed up against the glass while his three brothers sat quietly looking at anything but each other.

Time had split their once close relationship into a big pile of nothing.

"You kids want anything from your bags before your parents check you guys in and we leave?" Big Rob's friendly face peered over the driver's seat, only to be met with two "No"'s and two head shakes. He stared at the pathetic bunch of kids before relaying the answer to Kevin Senior and Denise.

"Well then, "Big Rob climbed into the driver's seat and looked expectantly at the boys through the rear view mirror, "We're off."

Frankie moved his head away from the window, Joe crossed his arms, Nick blinked, Kevin leaned back against his headrest.

Satisfied with the minimal answer, the car pulled off the main road.


The Weldm family house overlooked a lake with no name, almost built over the water on long wooden holds. The house was a flaky, peeling white with light blue shutters and 50 acres of land surrounding it, a garden teeming with flowers and wildlife and - though it was hard to tell from the front door, a beautiful balcony in the back, overlooking the lake and garden. It looked gorgeous.

And to the four boy's dismay, abandoned.

They hopped out of their car and marveled, this was where Blake had been hiding for the last almost four years. They stared at the view, not noticing the quiet pounding until Big Rob pointed it out.

"There's a... beat. Hear that?" All the boys turned to him and listened, straining their ears to hear the distant pounding.

"There's a rhythm." Nick pointed out.

"It's music!" Kevin exclaimed.

There was the sound of an engine and the boys looked up to see Big Rob beckoning them to the car.

"It's not on this property. Let's go."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is REALLY short, but now you guys know what Blake's house looks like, this is where MANY scenes are going to take place.

NEXT CHAPTER: The four Jonas boys will finally see Blake again, but she's picked up the worst habit.